Faith & Fit: Week 7, Lesson 2

W7, L2





We are so glad you have joined us for Week 7, Lesson 2, Fresh Food, the last day of our journey to greater spiritual and physical health. These past seven weeks have flown by, and we trust that God has blessed you through this study. Listed below is your Faith & Fit work for today. Please click on the links or the play buttons to access each resource. Remember to leave a comment about your experience at the Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of the page. In Christ, we can grow stronger. Let’s do it!


Everyday Faith Teaching Video:



Everyday Faith Bible Study

Please click on the link below for the Bible Study!

                        Week 7, Lesson 2 Bible Study



Everyday Fit Physical Challenge:


Week 7, Lesson 2

Nordic Pole Walking

This summer I became interested in Nordic pole walking and I bought a set of poles to learn how to do this. I LOVE it! Nordic walking adds an upper body workout dimension to a walk and increases the aerobic workout. I purchased my poles at an outfitters. If you can’t find them locally, they are readily available online. My poles cost about $100. Here’s a video that shows you how to correctly use the poles:


Basic Walking Guidelines

Begin your walk with a warm up. This basically means start walking slowly for a few minutes, giving your body time to warm up. Save any stretching for the end of your walk, as you should not stretch cold muscles. If you have body parts that are very tense and need to be stretched before your main walk, do your warm-up first and then stretch them. You should also still follow your walk with a stretch at the end.

The Walking Site has some wonderful stretches for walkers, and here is a link to their stretching page.
As you are walking, walk tall, pull in your stomach and tighten your bottom.
When you have finished your exercise for the day, be sure to let the Faith and Fit group know by posting on our Facebook page. Great job!

Beginner Level Exercise:

For the rest of this week, we are going to set the goal of walking 2 miles or the rough equivalent of 4000 steps. If you wear a pedometer all day long, this is in addition to the total that is already showing on your pedometer. So, when it is time to log your walk, check your pedometer and note how many steps/miles you have already walked that day. Add 4000 steps or 2 miles to that total and begin walking. When you get to that total you may stop. How have you done for the past two weeks? I’d like to encourage you to keep you your walking. You’ve had a great start, now keep going!

For those of you who would like to take this to the next level, have you considered walking a 5K? I (Jane) haven’t done this yet, but I would like to.  The even better news is that with the 2 weeks of work we have done on Faith & Fit, you’re probably ready to start at Week 3 of this program! Post on our Facebook page if you are interested in doing this so that we can encourage each other!

Experienced Level: Today make it your goal to jog for three miles today. Jog at a pace you are comfortable with and that your are able to carry on a conversation. By the end of your walk you should be sweaty and tired but not exhausted. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge. You can do it!

Last Day with Coach Dan!


Rainy Day? Too hot? No worries! click on the link below for a great indoor workout with Leslie Sansone!


Five Fast Miles!



Everyday Fit Food Challenge:


Fresh Food

To finish off our week, let’s make an effort to eat fresh food. As we move into fall and winter, it becomes harder to find fresh local produce, but you can find it at Whole Foods, The Fresh Market, Trader Joe’s and other health food stores.

Here are a few links to help you take advantage of the fresh produce:

 Healthy Farmers’ Market Recipes

Salads to Go This looks like fun! For those who are on the go or working, this is a FREE Kindle book that shows you how to make salads in a Mason jar to take with you.

 Free Paleo cookbook– It doesn’t matter if you eat paleo or not, this cookbook looks like it has lots of delicious recipes. It looks like it plugs some other products, but the recipes sound wonderful!



Extra Faith:

Need a little extra spiritual challenge added to your day? Take advantage of the following resources!

Meditating on God’s word with Dick Eastman:  Session 11 Step 10 Meditation

I use Dick Eastman’s book The Hour That Changes the World frequently in my prayer time.  The above link is his podcast teaching on Biblical meditation. He has several downloadable resources, all free.


Extra Fit

Need an extra challenge? Get your abs in shape with Team Beachbody Coach and Founder of Team Let’s Go Fitness at Dan Vukmirovich. Dan’s videos are short, effective and productive! Let’s go!

Thank you so much for your participation in Faith & Fit! It has been our pleasure to serve you. May God continue to bless each one of you. To continue growing with the Lord, please take advantage of the many free resources offered on our website


Nature Up Close: Transformation

DSC_2841As I was working in my garden tonight, I was delighted to see five caterpillars (I think they’re monarchs) on my dill plant! What a treat to get such a close-up view of them doing what they do best–eating. I love observing the small, often unseen creatures in nature. As you may or may not know, the tag line to Only By Prayer says “where the sacred and everyday meet.” When I take time to stop and intently look at the little things in life, that is one way I am ushering the sacred into the everyday.

I ran into the house to get my camera to capture these fascinating critters. Take a look below. I was able to capture it in mid-bite!


The life cycle of the caterpillar and its metamorphosis into a butterfly (or moth) is a wonderful analogy to our lives with Christ. When we give Him control of our lives, He is able to transform our lives into a thing of beauty — to a degree that we would never be able to attain on our own. It does take some work on our part, though. Just like the caterpillars are muching away gluttonously to fuel their transformation, we also need to be taking in God’s word and participating in spiritual disciplines to grow. God has put the food in front of us, but if we don’t eat it, we’ll never realize the potential that He has given to each one of us.

Let’s munch away today!


Parenting Chronically Ill Children with Kimberly Ehlers

Do you or someone you know parent a chronically ill child? If so, you’ll want to listen to this encouraging Only By Prayer podcast with Kimberly Ehlers and Jane VanOsdol. Kimberly’s 13-year old son was diagnosed with a serious illness shortly after birth. Listen as Kimberly offers hope and suggestions to parents of chronically ill children. This is also a must-have for anyone who is a friend of family member of a person with a chronically ill child, as Kimberly shares way you can support the parents and family.

Kimberly has been happily married to her best friend, Randy, for over 15 years. Together, they homeschool their son, Seth. Kimberly received her bachelor’s degree in Mental Disabilities: Moderate, Severe and Profound from the University of Northern Iowa, and taught special education for four years before becoming a stay-at-home mom – her absolute favorite “job” ever! Kimberly is also a Christian writer and speaker whose heart is to encourage moms like her with children who have serious illnesses.
Nurturing Hope.  Growing Faith.  Trusting God With Your Child’s Health.

Just click on the sideways triangle below to listen, or find us on iTunes.

Lent Day 17, Yom Kippur Fast

Welcome to Day 17 of our Lenten devotional! The time is already flying by. I trust these devotionals have been encouraging you in your preparation for Easter. We’re nearing the end of our week’s study on fasting, and today we take a look at the Yom Kippur fast. Join us by clicking on the link below.

Lent Day 17, Yom Kippur Fast

Lent Day 10, Care for Your Body

Welcome to Lent Day 10, Care for Your Body. Today we will look at self-denial and how that relates to caring for your body. As much as we can, we should strive to take care of our physical bodies as well as our spiritual selves. Chronic illness can make that very difficult. Sometimes we have to accept what we can’t change and work on what we can. Click below to read today’s devotion.

Lent Day 10, Caring for Your Body

Image: luigi diamanti /

Addictions and Codependency with Laurie Hartman

Laurie Hartman

Do you or someone you love struggle with an addiction? If so, you don’t want to miss this podcast. Join Jane VanOsdol and guest Laurie Hartman, director of Care Ministries at Grace Community Church in Noblesville, Indiana, as they discuss addictive personalities and codependency. Here’s just a few of the topics they’ll be discussing.

  • Signs and symptoms a person with an addiction will exhibit
  • Signs that you’re enabling a person with an addiction
  • Suggestions on how to pray if you’re in this situation
  • Resources to turn to for help

Just click on the sideways triangle below to listen or download from iTunes.


Resource List

180 Exchange

Alcoholics Anonymous

Cocaine Anonymous

Sex Addicts Anonymous

Covenant Eyes

Laurie Hartman’s email address:

Grace Community Church

5504 East 146 Street, Noblesville, IN 46062 317-848-2722