Where I live in the Midwest, March is a time of change. The days are often filled with gusty winds ushering in the latest warm front or cold front. I’m never quite sure what the weather will bring from one day to the next. One day I may be outside luxuriating in a sunny, beautiful 65 degree-day, but 24 hours later I may be scuttling back inside with snow flurries dusting my hair.
Maybe you’re at a time in your life right now that is matching the March weather. Perhaps you feel like you’re being buffeted about by opposing forces that you can not control. Whether it’s your job, your health or a relationship that’s causing the upheaval, it’s an unsettling, even scary feeling. Well, fortunately, God does not leave us alone to weather these changes. He has given us a comforter who is, interestingly enough, compared to the wind. Acts 2 introduces the Holy Spirit in this way: “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting” (v. 2).
The Holy Spirit filled each believer and changed his or her life completely. It was through the Spirit’s power and guidance that the disciples were able to preach and heal and minister to others. And it is through the Spirit’s power that God also wants each one of us to live out our lives as well. If we let God’s Spirit guide us through the “winds of change” seasons in our lives, we can be assured that God will bring us through and grow us through every situation in our lives.
What’s God changing in your life right now? Let’s commit to praying about these changes and seeing how God wants to use them to change us. We’ll talk about this some more in the next post. Until then, pray on!
god is changing my life by making the right discisions
GOD Changed My Life By Reading The BIBLE!
God has changed my life by making me pray more and read my Bible more
God has changed my life by me helping out my parents with things, reading my Bible, me praying more for others in need of help, and me donatting things to HATI,Chili and all the places in need of other’s help.
God has changed my life by making me want to do good things like giving things people need or praying for people when I pray.LiVe 4 GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
God has changed my life by giving me strength at school
god has changed me by helping others
me praying more
teach others
Praying more for others!
i might go to a different school next year. i will make new friends but not forget my old ones. i will let God make that decision!
by going to a christain school
I have joined a Bible Study to learn more about Him. It’s got me loving to spend time with Him.
I’ve joined a Christian basketball league and in the middle of practice we have a devotion time.That has gotten me closer God.
God changed me when I asked him to be my savior! I use to make fun of people alot when I was in second grade, And bossed them around,but God changed me by making me first pray more,then read the bible more,and I stopped making fun of people and bossing them around!! Thats how I was changed and I want everyone to want Jesus as their savior because without Him we are lost!!!!!!!!
God changed me by not making fun of people as much as in kindergarden and first grade. and read the Bible more
God has made me a lot nicer
when i started to go to church he changed me
he has changed me by my knowledge
my heart by being saved and helping