Day 7
To Do-ers List: Trust God
Whom do you trust?
In the game of life, God calls us to trust Him.
Trust God with all your heart.
Read today’s verse again … with all your heart. Not part, but all. How well would you function with part of your heart, say only the right ventricle? Yet so many people try to. I know I have. I can trust God with my job, but my children?
Trusting God with part of your heart will leave you with a heart condition. Not healthy. You may sustain life, but you will never be able to run, soar, and live the abundant life with part of your heart. You will limp along in the shadows, living a half-hearted life. Trust God with all of it. He wants it all, every corner of your heart: relationships, career, school, friends, children, family, love, hate, hurt, blessing. He says fall and you let go. He’ll ask you to trust Him with more of your heart, bit by bit, until you finally trust God with all of your heart. Trust God.
A little warning.
Trusting God will not always make sense. Some people will think you’re crazy. Others will TELL you you’re crazy. You may lose friends over it. I have experienced all three. Trust God anyway. My greatest victories have come when I have listened to God and trusted Him, despite the voices of others.
Remember, God will never call you to do any thing which contradicts His Word.
For Today:
Take a moment and pray. Ask God to show you what areas or situations of your life you need to entrust to Him. Don’t hold back. If He wants you to speak, do it with all your heart. If He wants you to pray, do it with all your heart. If He wants you to reach out in a new way, trust God and do it with all your heart.
Use the To-Doers List Study Guide or a journaling app to plan and journal your day.
Note: the To Do-ers List Study Guide will greatly enhance your time with God.
- To Do-ers List Journal Study Guide PDF
- Days Lite: My Wonderful Life App free app from App Store.
For ideas on how to trust God, please check the resources below.
- How Trusting God Can Transform Your Life by Joyce Meyer
Please take a moment to pray and ask God for His strength to do good to everyone you meet today (and the people you live with). Don’t forget to leave a comment in the comment section below. Have a blessed day!
To Do-ers List, Day 1: Love God
To Do-ers List, Day 2: Love Others
To Do-ers List, Day 3: Pray ’bout Everything
To Do-ers List: Day 4: Walk by Faith
To Do-ers List: Day 5: Word in Me
To Do-ers List: Day 6: Always Do Good
by Mary Kane
Copyright 2015
all rights reserved
Today I have learned if I am trusting God, I will be at peace. Peace is the hallmark of trust.
I have learned some hard lessons in the area of trust. My youngest son was doing some things that nearly done me in. He would drink and then drive. Long story short I had to simply trust God with his life and leave him there. That was a great lesson in trust. I learned that taking things to God, you must have the trust in Him to leave things with Him and not pick it back up. We want to pick our troubles back up and carry them because we don’t really have that trust. The verse today is my favorite.
Jellene, I think we all have stories about our kids. I agree with you, if we are stressed we aren’t trustung God. Thank you for posting!
Trusting God is the only thing that has gotten me through the trials I have faced in my life over the last five years. The footprints in the sand weren’t mine but his.
I love that parable, Renea. I think I have known you for those 5 years and you have really grown to trust our Savior!