Simple Thanks: Session One Attitude of Gratitude


“Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it all of you. For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Matthew 26:27
SImple Thanks gratutudeJane and I welcome you to Week One of Simple Thanks! We are very excited to be with you during this journey into the simple thankfulness. In the weeks leading up to this study, we have been praying for you. Thank you for answering God’s  call; it is not an accident that you have joined this study. God is calling us to live fully in the moment. Life is a gift–rejoice and give thanks.
Introductory Video for Week One
Here is our short video with our Bible verse to introduce Week 1.


Here is our TalkShoe Webinar from week 1 if you missed the live call-in:

Weekly Homework

Each week we will add your assignments to a password-protected post. Look for the password every Tuesday evening in your email. Below you will find homework for each level of study. Feel free to change from Level 1, Level 2, SImple Thanks Gratitudeor Level 3  as your schedule allows! Remember, there is no pressure to complete every activity. These are just options for your growth. They can be accessed at any time, even after the study ends.

Level 1, Study: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 1, watch  SESSION 1:Attitude of Gratitude, Ann’s video.
  • Take time to notice and thank God for His simple gifts.
  • Complete the study guide  and Between Sessions homework PDFs.
  • Start your 1000 Gifts List in a separate journal.
  • Feel free to do any of the other activities from Levels 2 and 3 as your time allows.

Level 2, Community: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 1 watch  SESSION 1:Attitude of Gratitude.
  • Take time to notice and thank God for His simple gifts.
  • Complete the study guide  and between sessions homework PDFs.
  • Start your 1000 Gifts List in a separate journal.
  • Answer the question on the Speak Your Mind comment section at the bottom of this post.
  • Join the Community Call, Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. EST on Talk Shoe (Information on TalkShoe is in your weekly email.)
  • Read Thankfulness, the Way of Jesus from the Soul Shepherding website.

 Level 3, Opportunity: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 1, watch  SESSION 1:Attitude of Gratitude.
  • Take time to notice and thank God for His simple gifts.
  • Complete the study guide  and between sessions homework PDFs.
  • Answer the question on the Speak Your Mind comment section at the bottom of this post, join the Community Call on Wednesday night on TalkShoe, and listen to the Podcast at the link provided up above.
  • Don’t forget to check out our private Facebook page. Leave your comments about this week’s study, post your prayer requests, or share any insights/questions you may have. Only members of our Bible study group will see these posts.
  • Start your 1000 Gifts List in a separate journal.
  • In the evening, do devotions 1-5 in the one thousand gifts devotional journal.
  • Read chapters 1-3 in One Thousand Gifts trade book by Ann Voskamp.
  • Take advantage of the Extra Simple resources by clicking on the links below:

  From Grumbling to Gratitude


Please take a few moments to worship and express your gratitude to God through music for His many blessing and gifts.

Questions of the Week (Please respond in the Speak Your Mind section at the very bottom of this page).

What simple gift are you most thankful for this week?

Walking with God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Fifteen by Mary Kane

Ruth picEvery young girl dreams of her wedding day, but can you imagine a wedding without a bride, or a ceremony without a kiss? Ruth is no ordinary girl and this is no ordinary wedding! To do day fifteen of the study, please click on the link: Walking with God: Day Fifteen


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/