I was with my hubby and oldest son on vacay in northern Michigan. We were kayaking the Victoria River. It’s such a twisty-turny kind of river, a surprise at every bend (we won’t even mention the horse flies). However, one of the male members of our little crew began complaining about the constant turns and […]
walking with Jesus
Short & Sweet: Road Trip
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i hear: Ur or Or
Short and Sweet: Cross-walk by Mary Kane
Walking with God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Twelve by Mary Kane
In order to have a meaningful life, people often seek after purpose, fame, or fortune. What are you seeking? God’s Word teaches us that we need to seek only one thing: Him. To do today’s study, please click on the link: Walking with God: Day Twelve Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net