It was one of those days. I hit the start button on my blender and watched as the contents of my smoothie propelled out of the too-loose lid, up to the ceiling, back down on me, and all over the counter.
i pray: believing
i pray short podcasts to bring the sacred into your everyday Do you only have a few minutes for prayer today? You’re in the right place! Try one of our new i pray podcasts. A few minutes is all you need to pray God’s word into any situation by interceding for friends, family, and yourself. Today we’re praying about believing God. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing […]
i pray: relationships
i pray short podcasts to bring the sacred into your everyday Do you only have a few minutes for prayer today? You’re in the right place! Try one of our new i pray podcasts. A few minutes is all you need to pray God’s word into any situation by interceding for friends, family, and yourself. Today we’re praying for relationships. In His word, God makes it clear […]
3 Steps to a Peaceful Heart
Being one of those people with a “sensitive nature,” (read that as touchy and taking myself too seriously), I spent many years of my life in inner turmoil of some kind. If I received what I thought was a wrong look, harsh comment, or short response, I stewed on it forever, analyzing and reanalyzing what […]