4 Steps to Starting Something New

It was one of those days. I hit the start button on my blender and watched as the contents of my smoothie 349px-Glace_ala_fraise_02 propelled out of the too-loose lid, up to the ceiling, back down on me, and all over the counter.

As I began cleaning up the colossal mess, I realized that my spirit was feeling about as stirred up as my shake currently was. Lately, God was whirring up something new in me, and I wasn’t quite sure what to do about it.

Something New in You?

Do you ever feel that way? God lays something new on your heart and you think about it, and think about it some more. If you try to ignore it, you may feel as if you’re about to explode with pent-up emotions.

This very thing happened to two men in the Bible, Zerubbabel and Joshua. Haggai 1:14 tells us that the Lord stirred up their spirits because he had a job for them to do — to head up the committee to put God’s temple back in order. It was a big job, but God was with them. They got moving and got it done.

As I was reading this tiny book in the Bible, it made me realize that when God stirs up our spirits, it’s for a reason, and how we handle those feelings is important. I’ve identified a few steps to help you get moving.

Step #1: Pray and Ask

While this may seem like an obvious step, it’s surprising how often we overlook it. First we need to discern that these stirrings are part of God’s plan. Too often I have charged ahead with my own plans or buried my head in the sand because I wasn’t thrilled about being the point person.

Taking the time to be certain of God’s leading on something new is important because

I love this quote from Mark Batterson’s book Draw the Circle regarding praying. “Our responsibility is to simply discern what God wants, and then humbly yet boldly to ask Him for it.” So don’t be shy. Be specific in your prayers.

Once you feel confident in His leading (and this may take a while), move on to step  #2.

Step #2: Take a Step of Faith

stepThis step will look different for each one of us, depending on what we’re being called to. It will most likely involve the following:

  • Research. Whether you’re starting a business or leading a Bible study, you don’t want to blindly blunder in. Make sure you take the time to explore options, determine costs (both time and money), find needed resources, and line up any help you may need.
  • Prepare. Perhaps you need to learn a skill, get a certification, take a refresher course or otherwise prepare for what is next. Seek wise counsel from someone you trust.
  • Establish a timeline. When do you want to start? Have a goal in mind otherwise preparing will stretch on indefinitly.

Step #3 Experiment

Do you need to create a product or offer a service? Spend the time you need to create, test, and refine. Where you can, learn from what others have done/are doing so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel on everything. Continue to pray through.

Step #4 Launch Your Something New

There comes a time when you have to hit the Go button! Will you ever feel fully ready? No. Will you struggle with thinking that someone else could be doing this better? Probably. Will you make some mistakes? Most definitely. But what God told the people in the book of Haggai as they responded to the stirring in their hearts is true for us too:

Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ says the Lord; ‘and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land,’ says the Lord, ‘and work; for I am with you,’ says the Lord of hosts.  According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!’ Haggai 2:4-5

I’d love to hear what God is stirring up in your heart lately. Leave a comment below about your “something new” so we can pray for you!

Resources: Note that Mary and I are affiliates for CBD. We only recommend titles that we use and like.

327127: Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge
By Mark Batterson / Zondervan
333029: The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears
By Mark Batterson / Zondervan

photo credit: “HK Causeway Bay Hysan Place Eslite Bookstore inside restaurant kitchen Electric blender Aug-2012” by Elite S MoramelsOwn work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

photo credit: Stepping out in Chucks via photopin (license)

i pray: believing


i pray

short podcasts to bring the sacred into your everyday

Do you only have a few minutes for prayer today? You’re in the right place! Try one of our new i pray podcasts. A few minutes is all you need to pray God’s word into any situation by interceding for friends, family, and yourself. 

Today we’re praying about believing God. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing what to believe God for in my life. But I’ve found when I spend time praying and listening for His will and priorities for this season of my life, I better understand how to stand on His promises. Join Only By Prayer below for a short prayer.


i pray: relationships


i pray

short podcasts to bring the sacred into your everyday

Do you only have a few minutes for prayer today? You’re in the right place! Try one of our new i pray podcasts. A few minutes is all you need to pray God’s word into any situation by interceding for friends, family, and yourself. 

Today we’re praying for relationships. In His word, God makes it clear how important it is to maintain unity when possible. With so many fractured family relationships, let’s take the offensive and start praying for God to restore and heal relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, siblings, friends, and the workplace.


3 Steps to a Peaceful Heart

3 steps to heart copy smallBeing one of those people with a “sensitive nature,” (read that as touchy and taking myself too seriously), I spent many years of my life in inner turmoil of some kind. If I received what I thought was a wrong look, harsh comment, or short response, I stewed on it forever, analyzing and reanalyzing what I did wrong, why  that person didn’t like me, how could they be so mean … you get the picture. I could worry myself into a frenzy.

Worries Everywhere

I’d also worry about any perceived threats: storms, accidents, bad grades, and so on. My mom was always telling me to quit being a worry wart! Maybe you can identify with that struggle. Goodness knows, there’s plenty of things to be anxious about in the world today.

Over time, however, I realized that worry is actually a bad habit, a sin, that God tells us not to do.

As I’ve grown in my faith, I’ve thankfully gotten over myself, although I will always have to keep a check on this area.

Now don’t mistake peace for sweeping things under the carpet. If an issue needs to be addressed, address it. What I’m talking about is the daily drip of worry and anxiety that drains the life out of you and robs you of peace and joy. If your first waking thought is a rehash of all your current worries and problems as you readjust the load into your mental backpack for the day’s hike, then it’s time to break this cycle.

3 Steps To Ditch Worry and Get Peace

We’re going to take our steps from Philippians 4:6-7 NIV:

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Step 1, Pray

This step is pretty straightforward. God tells us to pray. The thing to note here are the words every situation. Nothing is too small or too big for God to handle. Skinned knees, injured animals, and hurt feelings should all be taken to God. So should accidents, job loss, sickness, and death. Everything falls Doubtunder His jurisdiction.

Step 2, Petition

At first, I didn’t see much difference between this and prayer. But when I looked at the Greek meanings, the subtleties became clear. in the Greek, one definition of petition is “prayer for particular benefits.” God wants us to be very specific in our prayers. Dig in. Rather than praying general prayers of “Help John feel better,” we can pray targeted prayers. “Help John acknowledge this addiction and seek healing for it.”

We can pray a verse of scripture for added power “Lord, we thank you that you sent your word to heal John and deliver him from his destruction,” (Psalm 107:20). If you have a particularly difficult situation and just don’t now how to pray, a prayer strategy may be helpful.

Step 3, Thanksgiving

The third step to peace is that we are to have a heart of thanksgiving. In the Greek, the word is eucharistia, and it means “actively grateful language (to God as an act of worship).” So as we are praying, we salt and pepper our prayers with thanks for what God has already done and is in the process of doing.

In Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts, she discovers how offering thanks in every circumstance is necessary to us finding the miracle of a joy-filled life. Notice I did not say offering thanks for the circumstance, but in every circumstance. For example, When a spouse loses a job, we can say “Thank you, God, for the meal the neighbor sent over. Thank you that you are providing for our needs and are working to lead us to a new job.”

Sweet Peace

As we make a practice and habit of continually praying our worries and fears and thanking God for what He’s doing, something happens: the peace of God guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We exchange worry for peace through the power of the Holy Spirit. Does that mean that everything in our lives is perfect? No, it means that we can choose peace no matter the circumstance.


I know worry is a hard habit to break. But we now have the key to breaking this vicious cycle. Let’s make 2016 the year we embrace the peace that only Christ can give.

To make it personal:

  1. Step one: Write down a worry.
  2. Step two: Write down a specific prayer concerning this worry, incorporating a verse of scripture into the prayer
  3. Step three: Write down something you are thankful for.

Repeat your prayer as much as needed, especially when you feel yourself taking the worry back and becoming anxious. With practice you’ll soon be a reformed worry wart, known for your peaceful spirit.

What have you learned over the years about handling worry? Please share any strategies you use to cultivate a peaceful heart in times of stress.

Pray on!


132018: The Armor of God, Bible Study Book The Armor of God, Bible Study Book
By Pricilla Shirer / LifewayAll day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. A cunning, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you – your emotions, your mind, your family, your future. But…when the enemy meets a woman dressed for the occasion, he fails miserably. Join Priscilla Shirer in a 7-session Bible study that will challenge you to suit up, stand firm, and secure victory in your life. This study guide is designed to be used in conjunction with the DVD sessions and includes 5 days of study per session, leader tips, and prayers strategies. In the back are perforated prayer cards for you to craft your own prayers.
321910: One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
By Ann Voskamp / ZondervanIn One Thousand Gifts, author and blogger Ann Voskamp invites you into her own moments of grace, gently teaching you how to biblically lament loss, turning pain into poetry and intentionally embracing a lifestyle of radical gratitude.Discover a way of seeing that opens your eyes to everyday amazing grace, a way of living that is fully alive, and a way of experiencing the constant presence of God that will bring you deep and lasting joy. There is purity in simplicity and a breathtaking beauty that can be found even in life’s slightest details and heartbreaking moments. Ann Voskamp welcomes you in to explore her grace-bathed life of farming, parenting, and writing, and encourages you to live a life filled with gratitude, no matter where you are.Not a book merely to read, One Thousand Gifts begs to be embraced as a dynamic, interactive primer inviting you to engage with truths that will serve up the depths of God’s joy and transform your life forever. Hardcover.

*Just a note, Mary and I are affiliates for CBD bookstore. If you buy any resources from them using our link, we will receive a small donation from them. We only recommend resources we ourselves use and benefit from. Thank you!

Christmas To Do-ers List, Day 5: Seek Him

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Christmas To Do-ers List

Day 5: Seek Him

“Behold, I send My messenger,  and he will prepare the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple,
Even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming,”
Says the LORD of hosts. Malachi 3:1
O come, O come, Emmanuel.
Come Emmanuel, to our homes, to our workplaces, and to our churches. Come Emmanuel to our prisons, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, slums, street corners, and to our hearts. God promises when we seek Him,  He will come.



To seek. In the Ancient Hebrew, baqash, means “to seek, require, desire, exact, request.” Do we seek God in everything we do, every place we go, in every decision we make?  Do we require His presence in order to do life or do we trudge along without Him?

Seek Him.

Baqash also means “to search for as by touching.”  When do we search by touch? When we can’t see. Tripping through the darkness with hands outstretched to protect ourselves and find our way.  Stumbling because we are blinded by the darkness of our own sin and frailty. Grappling in the shadow of our guilt, hands reaching through the blackness until we grasp the One we seek, the One we long for.  Jesus. Our Emmanuel.

Seek the face of God.Seek Day 5 jpeg

As traditions states, the Wise Men sought His face, wet with sweat and blood at the manger. We seek His face, wet with sweat and blood at the foot of the cross. So begins our journey with God, a lifetime of searching, seeking and finding as Jesus reveals Himself to those who seek Him.

Seek the face of God this Christmas.

Most significantly, baqash translates “to seek specifically in worship or prayer.”  The keys to finding Jesus this Christmas: prayer and worship.  In the midst of the merry making, the caroling, the tree and the stockings, remember the reason we’re celebrating: Jesus
Seek His word, His will, His wisdom, His presence,  seek Him through prayer and worship.
Seek Him.

Action Points:

  1. In order to seek Jesus, we must think of places where He may be found. List a few places or activities in which you can meet with Jesus. Pick one to do today.
  2. Jesus can always be found when we seek Him in His Word. Play the beautiful Christmas music embedded below, get your Bible and read Luke 2. Write down what God speaks to your heart as your seek Him.
  3. Seek Jesus while enjoying His creation. Unplug. Leave the phone at home and just listen to Him.

How will you seek Jesus today? Please comment below.

Be a doer of the word!


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All rights reserved

Short & Sweet: Wait a Minute

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Wait on the LORD; be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!
Psalm 27:14

I must admit it.

I never thought it would happen to me, but it has. I have become one of those impatient people who, in a moment of delay, pulls out her phone to check in, check out or check up on the latest current social media events. Waiting is a lost skill — a discipline of a bygone era. As I recently heard Pete Wilson state in What Keeps You Up At Night, nothing in our society today trains us to wait. Microwaves, instant credit, overnight deliveries, one-click shopping hone our waiting muscles. I need to learn to wait a minute.

I remember the days of lay-away shopping.

My mother would take my sisters and me school clothes shopping in August (back then the first day of school was in September, not early August). We’d pick out a few new outfits and place them on lay away. Then each week my mom would make a payment. Finally in September, after weeks of waiting, we’d bring home our new clothes.

Green stamps and bubble gum wrappers.

S&H Green Stamps premiums, Bazooka Bubble Gum wrapper toys, and cereal proof of purchase box top prizes also required the discipline of waiting. For months we’d gather and save stamps, wrappers and proofs of purchase in order to earn prizes. Most of the fun of earning one of these gizmos was the anticipation of what it would be like when IT finally arrived. Perseverance, delayed gratification, earning something by the sweat of the brow. Lessons well learned.

The benefits of waiting.

The Bible teaches about the benefits of waiting. The verse above lists one benefit — strength. Who doesn’t want or need a stronger heart?

Other benefits of waiting

  1. It strengthens our faith. John 11:15
  2. It helps us gain courage. Psalm 27:14
  3. It brings blessings. Isaiah 30:18
  4. It helps us receive direction and guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6

I also believe waiting helps to establish an attitude of thankfulness and humility in our heart. It helps us to live in the moment instead of wishing our lives away. To live simple. To rejoice when we have. To rejoice when we have not. Learning to wait a minute.

Action Points:

  1. What are you trying to push through that you need to wait on God for?
  2. Are you a habitual rusher? Do your kids constantly ask are we in a hurry again? When was the last time you actually savored something? …a kiss … a piece of chocolate … a good movie … a cozy time with a toddler and a book?
  3. Take a half hour and linger with God in silence today. You won’t believe how He will refresh your soul and strengthen your heart.

Life is sweet when you wait a minute.


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