Welcome to Day One of One-Week Workout! One-Week Workout! is a one-week daily Bible study designed to challenge you spiritually and physically. To do One-Week Work Out! you need a Bible, pen and notebook. Each day you do the provided Bible study work and a workout on the post page, or an exercise routine of […]
Bible study
Free One-Week Workout! by Mary Kane
Don’t have time for a nine-week Bible study this summer? Join us for One-Week Workout! a free seven-day Bible study and fitness activities designed to challenge you spiritually and physically! Starting July 19th, log on to Only by Prayer , click on the One-Week Workout! post, do the provided Bible study work and a workout […]
Scripture Prescriptions: Usefulness by Mary Kane
At times do you struggle with feeling useful? Do you wonder if your life really matters? What you need is a good dose of truth from God’s Word! To alleviate the symptoms of uselessness, discouragement and fear please click on the link! Scripture Prescription: Usefulness Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Unlikely Heroes: Gideon
Superman … Batman … Wonder Woman. How would you describe your favorite super hero? Would you choose the words weak, fearful or least? Probably not! Yet these words are used to describe one of the great heroes of the Bible. Gideon is a hero–a very unlikely hero. To do the study Unlikely Heroes: Gideon, please […]