Below is a list of verses to help you conquer your stress. Each day read, meditate, journal, and pray a verse into your life. Write a verse from each day’s reading on to a note card and meditate on it as often as needed. Watch God transform your heart with truth. His Word never comes back to Him empty!
Day 1: Psalm 23
Day 2: John 14:25-31
Day 3: Romans 5:1-5
Day 4: Matthew 5:2-12
Day 5: Isaiah 53:4-6
Day 6: 2 Thessalonians 3:13-16
Day 7: Matthew 11:28-30
Day 8: Isaiah 26:1-6
Day 9: Matt 6:25-34
Day 10: Psalm 34
Day 11: John 16:33
Day 12: Colossians 2:17
Day 13: Psalm 119:162-168
Day 14: Philippians 4:6-13
Day 15: Psalm 4
Day 16: Proverbs 16:6-9
Day 17: Romans 15:11-13
Day 18: Isaiah 9:6-7
Day 19: Mark 6:30-32
Day 20: Exodus 20:8-10
Day 21: Jeremiah 6:16
Day 22: Psalm 46
Day 23: Isaiah 40:28-31
Day 24: Acts 3:20-21
Day 25: Genesis 2:1-3
Day 26:Isaiah 30:12-15
Day 27: Psalm 56
Day 28: Proverbs 3:1-8
Day 29: Joshua 1:6-9
Day 30: Psalm 9:1-10
I love the Isaiah 26:3 verse from Day 8. This says that I have perfect peace when the plans and purposes formed in my mind rest on and are supported by The Lord.