Feast or Famine?
Read Isaiah 55:1-2 again.
God offers an alternative, manna from heaven.
His Word.
I had a similar experience recently.
Tension. Fear. Suspicion.
- Free nutritious organic food fresh from the garden, or
- Expensive fake processed food straight from the factory.
And they chose Door Number 2. Quick. Convenient. Familiar. I wonder how often God feels the same way, baffled by our choice to bypass the feast for the snack.
It’s time to put an end to drive-thru Christianity. Let’s carve some time out of our busy schedules and join God in the feast He has prepared for us. Spending time with God isn’t always quick, convenient or familiar, but it will satisfy and nourish your mind body and spirit. Are you hungry? It’s time to feast.
Action Points:
- Identify the junk food in your life: sketchy TV shows, controversial music, dicey movies, etc. What needs to go to make room for a good helping of God’s Word?
- Examine your calendar. What can you cut to make time for God’s Word? If nothing can go, you’re probably too busy. Or maybe you honestly have your schedule pared down to absolute necessities. Ask God to multiply your time, walk by faith and spend time with God anyway. He will bless you for your sacrifice.
- Find ways to put more of God’s Word into your day. Listen to His word on your iPod. Download an audio version of the Bible to your Kindle and listen while you do chores or fall to sleep at night.
Life is sweet. Come to the feast.
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