As Mary and I are preparing to kick off our first ever online Bible study offered by Only By Prayer called The Simple Life, I’ve naturally been doing some reflection on what I think the simple life looks like. I’ve come to the conclusion that I definitely know what the simple life doesn’t look like based on past and current experience. I can tell you that it doesn’t look like any of the following things, all of which I’ve done at some point in my life.
- It doesn’t look like working until 9:30 p.m. every weeknight grading students’ English papers.
- It doesn’t look like staying up until 10:30 p.m. or 11 p.m. every night writing an e-book.
- It doesn’t look like doing household chores all day Sunday to try and prepare for the next week.
- It doesn’t look like skipping my devotion time repeatedly because I’m too tired to get up in the morning.
- It doesn’t look like watching the whole summer pass by with the realization that I’ve only sat down twice in the evening on my deck to relax and read a book.
- It doesn’t look like my children and I only seeing my husband every other weekend for the duration of six months while he works across the country.
- It doesn’t look like wading through a house filled with too much junk!
I’m pretty good at knowing what the simple life isn’t; it’s what it is that I need to figure out.
Now, I know that life has its seasons, and some seasons just have to be endured, but when you realize it’s gone from a life season to a life pattern, then it’s time for a life change!
So far, in my early prestudy ruminations, I’m beginning to see that simply doesn’t necessarily mean easily. Here is what I think I want the simple life to look like: To me, the simple life means 1) sitting at the feet of Jesus 2) undergirding everything with prayer 3) being intentional with my time and resources, and 4) pursuing and listening for God’s next thing for me.
Now I just need to learn how to do all that! How about you? What do you think the simple life looks life for you?
Would you like to join us in exploring The Simple Life ? There’s till time for you to sign up.
So when did you take up spying on me? Ha Ha! What a great post! Excellent observations! I stand convicted.
Just things from my own life! We are too much alike I’d say!