Problems and troubles are a part of life. From time to time we all need encouragement and a helping hand. God often answers the prayers of His children through other believers. He is always waiting to redeem us because our God is might to save! To do Day Eight, please click on the link: Walking […]
women's Bible study
Walking With God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Seven by Mary Kane
Walking with God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Six by Mary Kane
Walking With God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Five by Mary Kane
Walking With God: A Study in the Book of Ruth, Day Four by Mary Kane
Abigail, Amanda, Angela, Anna. Names are very important. Parents spend days searching for and debating over the perfect name for a new addition to the family. Names were also very important to the people of the Bible. As a matter of fact names were thought to be an indication of character. In Day Four, we […]