Prayer Across America

My husband, Mark, and I are on a journey.

Well, we all are, aren’t we? But we are on a traveling journey that is a bucket list item for him. He has always wanted to ride his bike across the country. It’s a family kind of thing.

Mark going on a training ride.

Mark’s brother Steve rode his bike from Indiana to San Diego when he was 19. Our son Jesse walked across America by himself (I know, lots of grey hair for me) when he was 19. And Mark is getting ready to ride his bike from coast to coast. It’s been in the works for several years, but now it’s happening. I’m going along with him to be his support. I’ll be pulling a 14.5 foot travel trailer that will be our home for the next several months as Mark bikes from Florida to Portland, Oregon. If you’re interested, you can follow our blog at Kick Up Some Dust and our Facebook page.

We’ve been in Florida training for the last four weeks, but that is drawing to a close.  We leave Monday, April 10, 2017, our first day on the road.

What’s My Part in This?

As I was praying about this trip and what God had in mind for me, the phrase “prayer across America” popped into my mind. Over the next several days as I mulled this over, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to focus on two areas:

  1. to pray geographically as we travel across the country, and
  2. to watch for any “God appointments” as we travel.

Prayer Support

I would love for you to join me in praying through each geographic area as we travel across the country. A couple of times a week, I’ll post about where Mark and I are currently along with a prayer for that area. I hope that people will then add their prayers in the comment section at the bottom of the post. If you live in that area, by all means, please list any requests that are pertinent to that general area.

Here’s my inspiration for Prayer Across America, a wonderful Bible verse that Mary felt led to:

Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7

Let’s join together in praying for our wonderful nation. I can’t do it by myself. Will you join me? Starting next Monday, April 10, I will put up the first geographic prayer post. Let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like to join me in interceding for our nation by leaving a comment below.

You can find a link to each week’s prayers below.

Week 1 Prayer Across America

Week 2 Prayer Across America

Week 3 Prayer Across America

Week 4 Prayer Across America

Week 5 Prayer Across America


Pray on!

Lent Day 5, Follow Me

ID-10080988Welcome to Lent Day 5, Follow Me! Today we start our first full week of study, focusing on the theme of self-denial. I know–it’s not always a popular topic, but a much needed lesson for us as we journey towards Easter.

Just click on the link below to read today’s  Lent devotional.

Lent Day 5 Follow Me

Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/

May God bless your reading.


Lent Day 1 From Dust

Welcome to Day 1 of our Lenten Devotional!

Mary and I are ready to start preparing our hearts for Easter. Thank you for joining us!

If you’d like, you can purchase a 3-ring binder to store the devotionals in if you decide to print them off. You could also add blank paper to record any thoughts and prayers as you progress through the devotional.

Please click on the following link to read the devotional.

May God richly bless you as you begin this journey.

Lent Day 1