I first noticed this past October some vague feelings of stress and anxiety creeping up on me. After ignoring them for a few days, the feelings gained strength to the point where I could no longer deny them. After years of strong faith and peace, to be facing my old nemesis again was an uncomfortable […]
3 Steps to a Peaceful Heart
Being one of those people with a “sensitive nature,” (read that as touchy and taking myself too seriously), I spent many years of my life in inner turmoil of some kind. If I received what I thought was a wrong look, harsh comment, or short response, I stewed on it forever, analyzing and reanalyzing what […]
Bible Study: May She Rest in Peace by Mary Kane
Over the past few months desperation has caused me to seek the heart of God concerning rest and peace and I believe that He has revealed to me three crucial factors pertaining to His rest and peace. When we incorporate these three things into our lives we will indeed experience the peace of Christ, which […]