First Sunday of Advent

December 1 marks the first Sunday of Advent for 2013.More Than A Baby coverKindle

Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas. It is the start of the new calendar year for the Christian calendar. Traditionally, the season of Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and continues through December 24, while the Christmas season starts on December 25 and goes until the Epiphany on January the 8th.

It seems that we often skip the season of Advent and jump right into Christmas. I wonder if Christmas would hold more meaning for us if we took the time to prepare our hearts to receive our Savior. That is the whole purpose of Advent. And that is the purpose of this devotional. It’s my prayer that by taking the time to read through these devotions during Advent that Christ will become even more special to you during the holiday season—and through the rest of the year too!

The word advent from the Latin adventus (Greek parousia), means “coming” or “arrival.” The season of Advent is focused on the coming of Jesus as Messiah (Christ or King). Our worship, scripture readings, and prayers not only prepare us spiritually for Christmas (His first coming), but also for His eventual Second Coming.

This is why the scripture readings during Advent include both Old Testament passages about the expected Messiah, and New Testament passages about Jesus’ Second Coming. We also read passages about John the Baptist, whom God sent ahead of Jesus to prepare the hearts of the people for Him.

Enjoy this Advent season, and may God bless you and your family.

Please click on the link below to download today’s devotional!

First Sunday of Advent

Christmas and Advent Roundup

Christmas, one of the most meaningful times of the year, is only a few weeks away. I’m scurrying around trying to get the house ready for one of my favorite seasons. It’s always a good reminder to me that as I bask in the twinkling lights, glistening tree, and stockings hung by the fireplace and smell the fresh fragrant pine and freshly baked goodies of Christmas to remember my spiritual preparation as well.

I’ve looked back over Christmases past and rounded up several Only By Prayer Christmas resources that will help you prepare for Christmas during this season of Advent.

God With Us—This is one of Mary Kane’s free Bible studies that will help you put your focus on our Savior this Christmas.

Something to Celebrate—This is a blog post I, Jane, wrote about adjusting my vision and focus at Christmas.

Advent 2011 Podcast—Mary and I recorded this podcast and filled it with suggestions on how to make Advent a special time in your life and in the life of your family.

Christmas Story: God Uses Every Day People Podcast. In this podcast, Mary and I discuss many of the people in the Christmas story and look at how God uses everyday people (like you and me!) to bring about His plans and purposes in the world.

You may also want to check out my More Than a Baby: An Advent Devotional. I wrote this e-book a few years ago, so the dates won’t line up exactly, but I’ve packed this devotional with scripture, photos/artwork, music, a daily focus, and prayer.

Mary and I hope these resources bless you as you prepare for Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Advent Podcast

Happy Advent! Mary and I would love to have you join us as we discuss Advent and how you can get ready for Christmas during this time of preparation.

We’ll be discussing the background of Advent, ways you can celebrate it with your family, and the meaning of Isaiah 7:14. Don’t let the busyness of the season prevent you from truly celebrating Christ’s birth.

To listen to the podcast, simply click the arrow below. You may also subscribe to us on Apple podcasts.

Podcast Notes

Isaiah 7:14

Nathan: to give, to entrust, to bestow
Sign: owth: a distinguishing mark, a miracle, proof, a remembrance, a warning
 Son: Ben: banah: to build, rebuild, establish, make permanent, to be built up
 Name: Shem: name, reputation, fame, glory
 Emmanuel: el Emanuel: God, God with us


Also, here’s a link to last year’s Christmas podcast on Christmas Story: God Uses Everyday People

More Than A Baby devotional:

Sample of Advent Devotional

It’s hard to believe it, but the holiday season is quickly approaching. This year, Advent begins on Sunday, November 27. I’ve been busy updating my Advent devotional, More Than A Baby. Each day’s devotion features the following:

  1. A daily scripture to read and meditate upon.
  2. A picture to reflect upon.
  3. An Advent song to listen to.
  4. A focus thought for the day.
  5. An application for you to incorporate into your life.
  6. A prayer.

You can click here to see a sample page of the 2011 More Than A Baby devotional.

If you’d like to make the Christmas season more meaningful, my devotional will help you prepare your heart for this joyous season.

The updated version will be available for sale on our Web site on November 15. Here is the link to take you to the page. More Than a Baby. (If you click before November 15, you’ll be taken to the sales page for last year’s version).

Let’s approach this Christmas with a heart that’s ready to receive the our Savior by taking a few minutes each morning to study and worship the Lord!

Pray on!


Anna’s Place in the Christmas Story


“Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.” Luke 2:36-38

Focus: Hope

These short three verses in the Bible hold out much hope for us. Here is a woman who was married for only seven years when her husband died. Rather than living in misery and despondency, Anna chose instead to live a life to glorify God. She walked so closely with God that when Mary and Joseph arrived in the temple to present the baby Jesus, Anna recognized Jesus as the redemption of Jerusalem. She had the privilege of looking upon the Savior and knowing Him.

I can only wonder how many people’s lives Anna touched. How many young mothers and widows might she have encouraged in her lifetime because of her close walk with her God?

During this time of Advent, take some time to reflect on a disappointment or life change you may have suffered. How are you handling this? Are you allowing God to use this in your life, or have you become bitter over it?  Pray and ask Him to open your spiritual eyes, as He did Anna’s and look for ways that God can use this disappointment for good.

Prayer: Dear Lord,

We pray for the spiritual eyes to see how you can use our disappointments, life changes and even tragedies to bring about good. Help us to trust you to bring a blessing out of them, and make us wiling to be used. Amen.

Pray on!

The Blind Shall See!

“Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” And Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: “The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the Gospel preached to them.” Matthew 11:3-5

I used to think that this verse was written only for those who suffered from physical blindness, deafness, sickness or death. But while I was reading afresh this passage of scripture during this Advent season, I realized that this verse applied to me as well. At times my ears have been deaf to the whisper of God’s voice because of the clamor of the world. I also have often failed to see the Presence of God because my eyes were focused on my circumstances. Moreover, due to the weight of my sin that I have labored to carry, I’ve been unable to walk with Jesus. As I considered this verse and how it applied to my life, God brought this prayer to my mind:

Dear Lord,

Please heal my blindness, that I may see You this day and the needs of others.

Please heal my deafness, that I may hear You and the cries of the lost.

Please heal my lameness, that I may walk with You and help my brother to follow you as well.

Dear Lord, please bring new life to the dead areas of my life that they may bring You glory. Amen.

Please take some time to get quiet before the Lord so you’ll be able to hear what He wants to speak into your life today. Also, ask God to open the eyes of your heart so you’ll be able to see His presence in the hardships, blessings, wants and comforts of this day. Finally, walk with Jesus this day by reading and heeding His Word and spending time in prayer. Be blessed!