Welcome back to week 3! In case you’re wondering what this is all about, check out my initial post for information. I’d love to have you join us in praying for America.
This week finds us in Alabama. As I was driving to Wind Creek State Park in Alexander City, Alabama, yesterday, I was singing the words to the song: “It’s burning in my soul,” and “Lord, let Your fire fall down!” I found myself praying for revival and for God’s word to penetrate our souls.
I was encouraged because I kept seeing scripture references on the country roads. Yes! God’s word is alive and active.
Add your Prayers
This week feel free to add whatever prayers God is directing you to pray for Alabama and the U.S. in general to the comments below.

Drive-through prayer line
I’ll leave you with this picture that Mark took of a drive-through prayer spot he found at someone’s house while biking past last week. He stopped and prayed on his bike.
Pray on!
This scripture is in my heart this week as I am praying:
But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord
or speak in His name,
His word burns in my heart like a fire.
It’s like a fire in my bones!
I am worn out trying to hold it in!
I can’t do it!
Jeremiah 20:9 NLT