Empty to Full: 7-Week Guide to Lent

IMG_2368Would you like to approach Easter this year with a heart that is prepared for the Resurrection?

Too often it seems, Lent flies by and before we know it, Holy Week is upon us and we’re rushing to prepare home and heart for Easter. At Only By Prayer, we’re ready to help you more mindfully prepare with our 7-Week Guide, Lent: A Season of Empty to Full and accompanying Facebook page.

Ready to sign up now?


What Is Empty to Full?

Each week  of  Lent we will identify a theme for that week and email you a multi-media bundle of posts, videos, podcasts, illustrations, and Bible studies that you can use to help prepare your heart. We’ll include a simple guide, just in case you want one, but feel free to do them in any order you choose and at your leisure. If the Spirit leads you to slow down and spend the entire week diving deep into one resource, by all means do that. We will also set up a private Facebook page for just this group to share insights, ask questions, and pray for each other. There is no cost. We simply ask that you sign up in the opt-in form below so that we may email you the resources each week.


Weekly  Topics

 We’ve chosen a different spiritual discipline for each week. Here’s the list:
  • Week 1: Simplicity
  • Week 2: Examen
  • Week 3: Prayer
  • Week 4: Fasting
  • Week 5: Study
  • Week 6: Service
  • Week 7: Celebration

Ready to get started? Simply sign up below. Be sure to reply to the email you should immediately receive  (check your spam or trash if you don’t see it within a few minutes) so that you are added to our list. Your first bundle will arrive on Ash Wednesday, February 10, the first day of Lent. Thereafter, you’ll receive a bundle every Monday. We will also add you to our private Empty to Full Facebook page so that you can participate in the forum with us if you would like to. 

We look forward to the next seven weeks! Thank you for journeying with us.

Sign up here:


Christmas To Do-ers List, Day 7: Serve Him

Christmas Correct 3png

Christmas To Do-ers List

Day 7: Serve Him

36 “Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; 37 and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. 38 And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.”

Luke 2:36-38

There are over 120 miracles recorded in the Bible. Memorable deeds, acts of bravery and great faith which are recorded for all eternity in God’s word: Moses parting of the Red Sea,  Peter walking on water, David slaying Goliath. Saints brought down walls, survived fiery furnaces, raised the dead and healed the sick.

There is one woman we must remember,

Anna the prophetess. Remember her miraculous deed for the Lord? I didn’t either at first. What did Anna do?

She fasted and she prayed.

For over eighty years, she lived in the temple and served God.  Eighty years of fasting, praying and serving?  That’s a miracle.

What did Anna pray about?

Serve Jesus this Christmas

I imagine as Anna was constantly in the temple, she saw many people come with their sins and their sacrifices. Perhaps some with tears and anguish mingled on their faces.  It would not be unlikely to assume Anna watched and  prayed for these people as they worshiped.

I also think Anna spent much of her time praying for her nation and for the coming Savior. Because she was constantly in the presence of God, her heart was tender to His sudden appearing with His mother and father, Mary and Joseph.

The heroes of old listed above were blessed because they saw the hand of God in their circumstances. Anna, after a lifetime of service, was blessed to see the face of  God in her Savior Jesus.

Action Points:

  1. Who needs a little help today? Perhaps an elderly neighbor needs help wrapping presents, baking cookies or shoveling snow. Be the hands of Jesus and serve a neighbor.
  2. Who in your family needs a little help today? Does your spouse need help with a chore or their to-do list? Does another family member need encouragement? Be the hands of Jesus and serve your family.
  3. Pray and ask Jesus to show you someone who needs help today. Be looking for opportunities to share the love of Christ. Be the hands of Jesus and serve a stranger.

Please comment on how you plan to serve other today.

Serve others by serving Him. Merry Christmas.


Please enjoy the Christmas music below.

Five Ways to Pray in February


5 Ways to Pray in February2

The shortest month of the year, February is still a busy time. At Only By Prayer, we think this world could use more love and prayers, and this month gives us the perfect excuse to start showing it! Whether you have a sweetheart or not, Valentine’s Day can be a bright spot in the winter and an inspiration for our prayers.  Keep reading for five ways to focus your prayers over the next few weeks.

1. National Shut-In Visitation Day, February 11 — Every community, church, or neighborhood has shut-ins: people who aren’t able to leave their homes due to physical limitations, illness, psychological problems, age, or other issues. Regrettably, I never thought much about this until I experienced it in my own family. My mom has Alzheimer’s and has mobility issues, so during the winter months my parents are quite often housebound. I also have a friend who is ill with a chronic disease, unable to leave her condo on her own. Seeing the world through their eyes makes me realize how difficult it can be to lose the ability to come and go as you please. This month, let’s make the effort to visit someone who is a shut-in. If possible, assist the person with a trip away from her home, even if it’s just to a grocery store or a park. A change of scenery always perks each one of us up, so imagine how much good it will do for someone who hasn’t been out of the house in weeks or months.


  • Focus on the Family Resource
  • God’s Shut-ins, a poem by  Annie Johnson Flint

Verse: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 KJV

Prayer: Lord, we pray for those whose lives have been interrupted by circumstances beyond their control. We ask for their peace and comfort. We pray for healing. We ask that you would restore hope where it has been snuffed out. We pray that shut-ins would not be forgotten and invisible but would continue to live vital, vibrant lives where they can contribute in a way that fuels their passion and honors you. We ask that you would help others to reach out to them, offering friendship and fellowship. Make us sensitive to your Holy Spirit’s leading. In Jesus’ name, amen.

2. Valentine’s Day, February 14 — This day has its roots in both Christian and Roman culture. History notes a Roman priest by the name of Valentine who was martyred for marrying young couples, going against an edict of Emperor Claudius. Claudius thought young men would make better soldiers for his military if they were single. Legend also says this  day is tied to a Roman fertility festival called Lupercalia. Wherever the truth lies, today we celebrate this holiday by showing love to our sweethearts and other family and friends. With evil being so visible in our world right now, let’s focus on being loving to those in our lives, and most importantly, being an example of the selfless love Jesus demonstrated for each one of us.


Verse: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 NIV

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your great love for us that is an example of how we are to love each other. Help us to shower that love on those around us. May we see our families and friends with a fresh set of eyes, not taking them for granted, but celebrating their lives. Help us to overcome any reticence, enabling us to show and tell them of our love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

3. Ash Wednesday, February 18 — According to Dennis Bratcher in “A Service of Worship,” an adaptation from The Book of Common Prayer, “The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, self-examination, and penitence for all Christians as we prepare to celebrate Easter. Through this forty-day journey, we are reminded that we are totally unworthy before God, that we have nothing with which we can obtain salvation, and that our best efforts at being righteous fall far short. This season reminds us how much we need grace in our lives in order to live a transformed life that reflects God’s love. We are called to renew our commitments and our faith as we continually acknowledge our need of God’s transforming presence with us.”

Friends, let us pray for ourselves and each other as we prepare for the celebration of Easter Sunday during this time of Lent. Over the next six weeks, try at least one of the spiritual disciplines mentioned in the above list. Take the time to do a spiritual evaluation. Confess what needs to be confessed; release what needs to go; welcome what needs to be received; pray what needs to be birthed. And wait for God to work.


 Verse: “For dust you are and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19b NIV

Prayer: Lord, tune our hearts to your Spirit. May we unclog our airwaves of earthly noise and distractions so that we can receive what you have for us.  Make us alert to what you want us to learn, confess, and live. Give us humble, contrite spirits. Amen.

4. President’s Day, February 16 — President’s Day was originally set aside to recognize our first president, George Washington, but is designated to honor all presidents. No matter whether you agree with President Obama’s policies or not, I think we can all agree on how important it is for us to pray for him. He is facing many challenging situations in our own country and abroad that would benefit from concentrated prayer.


Verse:First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV

Prayer:  Lord, we pray for President Obama. We pray that he will humble himself before you and seek your wisdom as he leads our country. May he unite Congress and our country; may he be wise in his dealings with foreign nations; establish his priorities. We ask a hedge of protection around him, first lady Michelle, and his daughters Malia and Sasha. Amen.

 5. Hostages — Unfortunately, too many times over the last few months the headlines have been filled with stories of hostages who have been murdered by extremists. Let’s fervently pray for those who have been kidnapped  by extremists around the world and lift up the families of those hostages who have already been murdered. We can also pray for Christians in foreign countries who are also being tortured and murdered for their beliefs.


Verse: “Rescue me, O Lord, from evil men; protect me from men of violence, who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up war every day.” Psalm 140:1-2 NIV

Thank you for joining Only By Prayer in praying this month. Please add any prayers or comments below.

Jane VanOsdol

Pray Specifically: The Fast He Has Chosen by Mary Kane

Flower potMany Christian people are fearful of fasting. I used to be too. I was afraid that I would do something wrong and offend God. I also thought that fasting would make me weak. In contrast, fasting actually strengthens and reinforces the faith of believers, putting them on the fast track to spiritual growth.

There is one type of fast that God favors above all others. You may be surprised to learn that with God it’s not about the food but the heart. To Pray Specifically about fasting please click on the link below:


The Fast He Has Chosen


Image courtesy of feelart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Holy Week Devotions

ID-100141439As we head into Holy Week, I’d like to share an poem/excerpt that gives us much to focus our hearts and minds on as we walk through the sorrow and joy of this week. Being that this version of the poem True Lenten Discipline has seven suggestions, it works out perfectly to look at one each day during Holy Week. On Monday we’ll begin with a brief devotion to encourage us and start a discussion on the first topic in the excerpt–judging. We’d love to have your participation–a conversation is always better with more two or more people! If you’d like, please add your comments each day at the end of the devotion.

Feel free to adapt this to your life. Perhaps you want to spend a meal or a day in fasting. Maybe you want to take an afternoon and set aside some time for prayer to prepare your heart for Easter. Whatever you decide, I pray this blesses you.

(I received this poem in an email from my friend a few days ago, and the author was credited as “Anonymous.” I Googled the title  and several versions popped up, some much longer, but I wasn’t able to ascertain the true author. If anyone knows, please let me know.)

Here’s the version we’ll use this week:


FAST from judging others;  FEAST on Christ dwelling in you.

FAST from bitterness;  FEAST on forgiveness.

FAST from apparent darkness;  FEAST on the reality of God’s light.

FAST from thoughts of illness;  FEAST on the healing power of God.

FAST from words that pollute;  FEAST on phrases that purify.

FAST from discontent;  FEAST on gratitude.

FAST from anger;  FEAST on patience.

Author Unknown

You may also be interested in a podcast Mary and I will be recording tomorrow evening on this topic. I’ll insert a link to it as soon as it is up. We’ll see you tomorrow!

Pray on!

Image courtesy of lamnee / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lent Day 17, Yom Kippur Fast

Welcome to Day 17 of our Lenten devotional! The time is already flying by. I trust these devotionals have been encouraging you in your preparation for Easter. We’re nearing the end of our week’s study on fasting, and today we take a look at the Yom Kippur fast. Join us by clicking on the link below.

Lent Day 17, Yom Kippur Fast