Ok, so where’s this verse been all of my young life?
In my 40 plus years of Bible reading, I’ve NEVER read this Scripture before. I am just saying. Is God just funny like that, or have I been blind all these years (ever seeing, but never perceiving)?
12 For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12
Guilty as charged for longer than I care to admit. I have wasted time, talent, brain cells, resources and decades of my life comparing and measuring myself to others and ALWAYS coming up short. Coveting their talents, gifts, clothes, businesses. For crying out loud, even jealously envying the ministries of other brothers and sisters in Christ. Never smart enough, talented enough, wise enough, quick enough, fun enough, popular enough,
just never enough
Blessed is she who believes what God has said is true.
What has He said to us? Read these next words slowly—Out Loud:
I am called, I am chosen, I am gifted, I am forgiven, (oh, say that one again) I AM FORGIVEN! I am loved, I am redeemed, I am restored, I am anointed, I am adopted, I am released, I am protected, I am equipped, I am powerful in Christ, I am a warrior, and my enemies will be defeated before me. I am His beloved child.
That’s who you are. That’s who I am. God says it in His Word, so it’s the truth. Let’s stop listening to the lies of the enemy and trying to measure up against the world.
Nothing but the truth.
, and ONLY THEN will we become all we were created to be.Knowing God’s truth is the key that opens the door to abundant life.
We must keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.
But measuring ourselves against Jesus… isn’t that a tall order? Yes, and it reminds me of my sons. When they were young they constantly measured themselves against the grownups of our family. Charting their progress at each family event by measuring themselves. The first benchmark was my itty-bitty five-foot-nothing mother. The kids were thrilled when they passed-up Grandma, but they weren’t willing to stop there. They locked eyes on their 6’2′ grandpa. He was a worthy measure! Same thing with Jesus. Why stop short by comparing ourselves to our friends, our fav sports persona or rock star? Let’s aim higher and lock eyes on the Most High.
We compare ourselves to Him, and take hope in the fact that if we are in His word and His word is in us, we are being transformed into the image of Christ. Day by day, piece by piece, chunk by chunk, blow by blow, from glory to glory until we look like, talk like, sound like, act like, love like, live like Jesus. Amen.
That’s how we measure up. By the Book.
all rights reserved. copyright 2017.
Good morning, Mary. What inspirational words! As I have grown older, and had so many unexpected life experiences, this lovely lesson has me reflecting on many years of comparison. Working for the past 32 years in the housing industry, I have seen “”comparison”. Clients with the biggest homes, the giant diamonds, etc. I always wanted to strive for their lifestyles! Over the years, through many ups and downs, I have discovered that I truly love people, and my gift of gab” is a blessing. I have learned to be happy and appreciative for all that I have, and I have gained so much compassion for others. Sometimes people just need a hug a reassurance. People are people, no matter what they have or don’t have. I also enjoy just little pleasures of giving, without anyone knowing , for some of my struggling ingle mom friends. I hope I am making Jesus happy. It makes me happy.
Thank you for your response! It is so easy to become dissatisfied when we look at what others have instead of what we have been blessed with. How wonderful that you are using your gifts to bless others! (Even the gift of gab!)