Christmas To Do-ers List
Day 1: Believe Him
“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45
Blessed is she who believes.
It was an ordinary day for Mary, one like any other. Chores to accomplish, tasks to finish, water to fetch, meals to cook and a wedding to plan. But, God interrupted the ordinary and asked Mary to do something extraordinary … believe Him. We might scoff and think how hard is that? Anyone can believe God.
But do we?
Do we believe God for anything beyond salvation?
Believe Him.
When Mary chose to believe God, it changed everything, her past, her present and certainly her future. Mary’s choice to believe God was a true test of faith. In order to accept God’s plan for her life, Mary needed two miracles. One miracle to start a life (she knew not a man), and another miracle to save a life — hers. Despite the seemingly impossible circumstances, Mary believed Him.
To believe or not to believe.
God, in His infinite wisdom, does not force us to act. The choice is ours—we can believe or not. But for some reason, God will not implement certain actions unless we choose to believe Him.
Believe like Mary.
Live Mary, believing God changes everything about our past, present and future. What do you need to believe God for today? Your marriage … your health … a job … a child … forgiveness? Because of the cradle and the cross, you can believe.
What if you live today as is if you believe what God says? What if you live today as one truly forgiven? What if you dare to live as a person who is called by God? What would it look like to believe Him today? What actions would you take? What words would you say? What decisions would you make?
Action Points:
- What has God said that you need to believe? Choose something from the list below.
- You are beautiful.
- You are chosen.
- You are gifted.
- You are loved.
- You are forgiven.
- You have purpose.
- ____________ (other).
Today, choose to believe God over the wisdom of the world, the advice of friends, the counsel of your own heart and the lies of the enemy.
What are you believing God for today? Please record your goal in the Comment section below.
Believe Him.
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