Christmas To Do-ers List
Day 5: Seek Him
“Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple,
Even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming,”
Says the LORD of hosts. Malachi 3:1
And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple,
Even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming,”
Says the LORD of hosts. Malachi 3:1
O come, O come, Emmanuel.
Come Emmanuel, to our homes, to our workplaces, and to our churches. Come Emmanuel to our prisons, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, slums, street corners, and to our hearts. God promises when we seek Him, He will come.
To seek. In the Ancient Hebrew, baqash, means “to seek, require, desire, exact, request.” Do we seek God in everything we do, every place we go, in every decision we make? Do we require His presence in order to do life or do we trudge along without Him?
Seek Him.
Baqash also means “to search for as by touching.” When do we search by touch? When we can’t see. Tripping through the darkness with hands outstretched to protect ourselves and find our way. Stumbling because we are blinded by the darkness of our own sin and frailty. Grappling in the shadow of our guilt, hands reaching through the blackness until we grasp the One we seek, the One we long for. Jesus. Our Emmanuel.
Seek the face of God.
As traditions states, the Wise Men sought His face, wet with sweat and blood at the manger. We seek His face, wet with sweat and blood at the foot of the cross. So begins our journey with God, a lifetime of searching, seeking and finding as Jesus reveals Himself to those who seek Him.
Seek the face of God this Christmas.
Most significantly, baqash translates “to seek specifically in worship or prayer.” The keys to finding Jesus this Christmas: prayer and worship. In the midst of the merry making, the caroling, the tree and the stockings, remember the reason we’re celebrating: Jesus
Seek His word, His will, His wisdom, His presence, seek Him through prayer and worship.
Seek Him.
Action Points:
- In order to seek Jesus, we must think of places where He may be found. List a few places or activities in which you can meet with Jesus. Pick one to do today.
- Jesus can always be found when we seek Him in His Word. Play the beautiful Christmas music embedded below, get your Bible and read Luke 2. Write down what God speaks to your heart as your seek Him.
- Seek Jesus while enjoying His creation. Unplug. Leave the phone at home and just listen to Him.
How will you seek Jesus today? Please comment below.
Be a doer of the word!
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Instead of “letting Christmas happen” this year, I am trying to be more intentional. I’ve been slowing down a little each day to rest in His presence. The 5-10 minute breaks each day have made a difference. It is in the quietness that I’m able to hear from God and receive healing for my soul and the energy and resources for my next steps. Thank you Jesus.
Love that suggestion, Mary! One of my favorite things to do is to just be quiet before the Lord and listen for His voice or just enjoy his company.
I have been enjoying listening to instrumental Christmas music during my devotion time. The soothing sounds of the music without any singing set a sacred mood for the devotions.
I enjoy “Oh Holy Night” all year long. I am enjoying peace and quiet this morning as I catch up with Only By Prayer. Truly praying to be more aware of God’s message everyday.