Christmas To Do-ers List
Day 3: Watch for Him
“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.” Luke 2:8
Day in. Day out.
Looking. Watching. Waiting. Shepherds in the fields faithfully caring for their sheep. Diligence is their watchword. Always searching for the finest pasture, the best shelter, and the freshest water. Looking, watching, and waiting, day in and day out. Night after night. Until one night. O Holy Night!
“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”
Faithfulness in their daily work allowed the shepherds to see Jesus. Had they not been diligent in their mundane tasks, they would have missed the angel’s message, and they would have missed Jesus. Shepherds watching for the Good Shepherd.
Look. Watch. Wait.
The same thing we do for Jesus.
Look for Jesus this Christmas season. Watch for glimpses of Him as you go through your ordinary days. Wait for Him to act. Chores, tasks, errands, and suddenly He’s there—teaching, comforting, directing, healing, and loving.
Watch for Him in your everyday chores and holiday tasks.The same thing Jesus does for us.
Jesus constantly looks out for our best interests and watches over our every concern. He waits to draw us into closer relationship, greater trust, and deeper faith. Stolen moments in the crush of the day. Precious minutes at His feet in the rush of the season. Day after day, silent night after silent night.
He looks, watches, and waits for you.
Action Points:
- Look for Jesus today. Notice the blessings He sends your way and then look for ways to be a blessing to others.
- Watch for Jesus today. What is He trying to say to you? What is He telling you? What does He want you to do differently this Christmas season?
- Wait for Him. Jesus is calling you to rest in heavenly peace with Him. Tarry with Him for a few moments. Get your Bible, turn to Luke 2 and listen to the beautiful music below. Wait for Him to restore your soul.
How will you watch for Jesus today? How will you make time to wait for Him? Please leave a comment in the Comment section below on how you plan to watch for Jesus, or how you saw Him today.
Did you miss a day? Don’t fret, just click on a link below.
Day 1: Believe Him
Day 2: Make Room
Watch for Him.
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Copy right 2015.
After spending last Christmas mostly home bound from chemotherapy, I’m out and about this year really trying to go out and witness for Christ and all He has done for me. I’m trying to lift others when I can and help those in need when possible. I’m so grateful to be alive and I never want to take a minute for granted! Thank you for your posts, I love them!
You are such a great witness for our God and Savior. You are the most encouraging person I know. Your kind words help me do what I do! God loves you and so do I!
In Christ,
I am always blessed by this arrangement of Stille Nacht,
I believe God is showing me that It takes time to watch for Jesus. His message to me today is to slow down and take the time I need to be in His presence, so I can continue to hear His calling on my life.
My heart is full. Marry Christmas.
On Monday I was able to go to an Advent retreat at Sustainable Faith Indy in Indianapolis. It was an incredible time of watching for and seeing Jesus. In our messed-up world, we need to always have our eyes open, watching for Him and being His light.