Welcome to Day Two of One-Week Workout! Yesterday forty people visited One-Week Workout! Day One! Please pray for each other as we study together. If you’d like to interact on our private Faith & Fit Facebook page please leave you name in the Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of this page.
Gather your Bible, pen, and notebook. Remember, each day do the provided Bible study work and a workout on the post page, or an exercise routine of your own. As always please check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Jane and I are praying for you to grow stronger spiritually and physically. Let’s get going!
Bible Study:
To do Day Two Bible study, just click on the link!
One-Week Workout! Bible Study: Day Two
Workout Options:
Easy 2 Mile Walking Workout
Intermediate 3 Mile Walking Workout
Advanced 4 Mile Walking Workout
Extra Challenge with Coach Dan!
Do you want a little extra challenge? Join Coach Dan of Let’s Go Fitness for a quick workout!
“No matter how hard or painful the challenge God promises to ultimately use them for our good. This does
not mean that what we are going through is good, but it will be used for our good. Remember, joy is not
based on circumstances, but on God.”
This really spoke to my heart today. I shared it with my husband, who feels responsible somehow for our financial situation since he is the head of the household.
I went to our pool and did exercises in the water, which is the best for me. Thanks again and God bless!
Thanks for sharing that, Candy. It sounds like this word was perfect timing for your family! Pool exercising is one of the best types of exercising that you can do. Easy on the joints, but a great workout.
Several things spoke to me today. I like the be a doer of the word part. Our salvation does not rest on that, but it seems James is saying that if we are truly following Christ, then we will want to be involved in His kingdom work. I am also considering doing a special type of fast (not a food fast), but another type. Today I wasn’t able to exercise due to an illness (or maybe I just overdid it yesterday!), but should be able to get back at it tomorrow.
Thank you very much for your comment, Candy. I am so glad that your husband is benefiting from Bible study too! Good job on your swimming exercise!
Today I rode my bike and went canoeing with my husband! Keep going everybody!