Short & Sweet: Me, Myselfie, and I!
What is wrong with these vacation pictures? I asked myself as I was scrolling through the news feed on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. These vacation pictures don’t seem like vacation pictures. They seem more like … more like selfies.
When I was growing up, we took vacation pictures like every other family—beautiful vistas of Lake Michigan beaches, rolling sand dunes and ancient forests. Sometimes, a few small, barely recognizable people were also captured in the photograph. Lovingly tucked in photo albums, the pictures have faded and yellowed with age and love. Vacation photos were all about where we went, what we did and who we were with. Not anymore.
We live in a selfie world.
Now a days it’s all about how I feel and how I look. Modern vacation pictures are often just another version of a selfie. No longer can we vicariously enjoy the beautiful scenery others capture on their vacations because landscape is just a backdrop for another selfie or a groupie (is this a word?). Whether you vacay in The Alps, Disney, or CoCoa Beach doesn’t matter. The destination is unrecognizable. Imagine the money families could save. Forget the pricey getaway—just take selfies at your local beach or campground. Me, myselfie, and I.
Love your neighbor as yourself-ie.
How does all this selfie-ishness line up with God’s word? It doesn’t. God says the first shall be last. Galatians 5:13 reminds us to “serve one another humbly in love. “Romans 12:1 says, “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice.” Luke 6:38 states, “Give and it will be given to you.” 1 Peter 4:10 offers this selfie-less advice, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
You see it’s not all about selfie, its about serving. Selfie-ness leads to emptiness. It drains, compresses, and stagnates our heart, soul and mind. As we constantly tend to our every want, need and desire, we become so myopic that eventually we only see our selfies and miss the needs of others.
What can we do to combat selfie-ishness?
- Plan Think of a current situation in your life. Purposely plan a way you will be unselfie-ish in this situation and serve others.
- Sacrifice. Today, or whatever day you choose, let everybody else go first, choose the restaurant, set the temperature on the AC, pick the movie, dessert, or activity everything you do. Ouch.
- Deny. Give up a favorite food, drink, activity, or dessert etc. for a specified amount of time. Double ouch.
- Ask. Ask God to change your heart; to give you a heart like His. Ask Him to open the eyes of your heart to your own selfie-ishness and the need of others.
- Hide. Hide God’s word in your heart. Memorize verses such as the ones posted above and pray them into your life.
Leave me a comment and let me know how you do with your resolutions to lose your selfie-ishness. I will be struggling right along with you.
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One thing I want to do is be more aware of what’s going on in my surroundings. Instead of rushing through with my blinders on to keep to my schedule, I want to really see the people and things happening around me so that I am ready for God to use me as He wants to. Help me to see, Lord.
I Would like to think more about others and their needs other than mine. There are many Hungry people in the world and i need to be more appreciative of the fact that i go to a private christian School and i am well fed and safe where i live with warm blankets and food to eat.
Lily, you are right. We have been given so much. What can we do to help those who are less fortunate than we are?