Watch, Read, Hear, Study: 2

watchListenReadStudyWe need God and we need His word.

If we want to impact our world for Christ and take His to the lost of the world, we must fill our hearts and mind with God’s truths and precepts. Sometimes we need to mix it up a bit. Something new can breath new life into our relationship with God.

In order to help you to continue to seek God, we have provided a few resources for you—something to watch, something to read, something to listen to and something to study. Get a drink, your Bible and a journal then choose one, two or three resources and dig in!

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Something to watch:

All of us are longing for something. All of your longings are fulfilled and found in God. Be His hands, His feet, His light. Click on the play button below to watch the video, Go to the Limits of Your Longing.


Something to read:

God has given us gifts and talents to use for others. Our gifts are meant to be given, not hoarded or buried underground. Live each day to the fullest. Spend yourself.

Heart worklogoSpend Yourself

Something to Hear:

Good news from the Olympics: The faith of our athletes is strong. Listen to Eric Metaxas from Break Point.

metaxasFaith at the Olympics





Something to Study:

It is back to school time and times of testing are looming on the horizon for everyone. Learn ho to keep from getting schooled.

The Test!-1

This is a Test

Prayer in the Garden by Mary Kane

We all need alot of prayer! God calls us to pray for others but He also calls us to pray for ourselves! To do the study,  “Prayer in the Garden,” please click on the link!