Short & Sweet: Re-purposed

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Re-purpose.
Cleaning out the house.
When my beloved grandparents passed away, we cleaned out their basement and root cellar (Google it). We found barrels full of twist-ties, pencil stubs, steel wool, marbles, tools, nuts, bolts, books of matches, half-used notebooks and rags. My grandparents reused and recycled everything. Nothing went to waste. If it couldn’t be re-used, it could be re-purposed.
Re-purpose: to change (something) so that it can be used for a different purpose
The story of my life written by God.
My purpose before B.C. (Christ Christ) was to please myself. This resulted in sin, sorrow and brokenness. Then He called into my darkness and showed me how to use my gifts and skills for their real purpose—His glory. God re-purposed my life, He changed something (me) so it could be used for a different purpose.
He re-purposes for His purpose.
God can re-purpose anything and anybody at anytime. That’s how strong He is. He promises to use everything for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Good, bad, ugly, beautiful, hurtful and sinful things. All things. Don’t ask me how, but I know He does. We turn and trust. We follow and obey. And He recycles, reuses, re-purposes everything for our good and His glory.
Adult bookstore to Christian bookstore,
Crack house to coffee house,
Tavern to church.
Beauty for ashes.
Grace for guilt.
Righteousness for wickedness.
All things are re-purposed for good.
Action Steps:
- Give it to Him. Are you holding something back from God, some trash from the past? Open your hand and give it to him.
- Ask Him to re-purpose it. Ask God to use that thing, no matter how terrible, for good. Quit letting Satan have a foothold in your life. Make his defeat complete. Ask Jesus to re-purpose your past mistakes for future good.
- Give Him thanks. Thank God for how He will use that issue for your good and His glory. You can tell the Enemy all about it too.
Life is sweet. Re-purpose.
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