Free One-Week Workout!

One-Week HeaderDon’t have time for a nine-week Bible study? Try One-Week Workout!, a one-week daily Bible study designed to challenge you spiritually and physically! Choose your starting day, log on to Only by Prayer , and click on One-Week Workout! Day One post. Do the provided Bible study work and a workout on the post page, or an exercise routine of your own.  Each day for the next six days follow the same procedure. You are on your way to greater physical and spiritual health. Jane and I are praying for you! Let’s go!

We’ve given you this to sample our regular Faith and Fit program, which is a much more robust program filled with faith, fitness, food, and wellness resources and information. Our next version of the full program starts on September 8, 2014. Sign-up to follow soon!

To start the free, one-week study, click on the  Day 1 link below.

One-Week Workout Day 1


One-Week Workout Day 2


One-Week Workout Day 3


One-Week Workout Day 4


One-Week Workout Day 5


One-Week Workout Day 6


One-Week Workout Day 7