Short & Sweet: I am by Mary Kane


Nourishment and refreshment for the soul!

And the LORD said to Joshua, “Do not fear them, for I have delivered them into your hand; not a man of them shall stand before you.” Joshua 10:8

Too much of my life has been spent fearing the wrong things. Fear of failure, fear of accidents, fear of change, and fear of sickness and death have all cost me plenty, but nothing has been more costly than the fear of man.

Why do I fear man? I fear because perhaps what others say about me is true.


I am nothing.

         I am wrong.

                         I am weak.

                                   I am useless.

                                               I am dumb.

I am broken.

  I amI amI am

I AM that I AM


In the GREAT I AM …

I am called … I am chosen … I am gifted … beautiful … redeemed … forgiven … talented, restored, adopted, strong, wise, beautiful, useful, effective, influential, free, justified, blameless, pure, sanctified, holy, alive, secure, complete, victorious, and loved. I am because He is.

Fear of man will cause me to miss my calling; to leave unlived the life God has willed for me. The only thing God wants me to fear is Him. He calls me to lay aside all other fear, and live with boldness: standing ground, slaying giants, and tumbling walls.

Because of the Great I AM, I am.

Action Points:

1. Slowly, with emphasis,  read the I am list out loud.

2. Mark in your mind the most important attributes in the I am list and thank God for what He has made you in Christ Jesus.

3. Make your decisions today based on the fear of God, not the fear of man.


Remember who you are in the Great I AM.

Life is sweet,



For more information on overcoming fear, please click on the links below.

Francis Chan: Fear Not


Joyce Meyer: Choose Boldness


Short & Sweet: The Path by Mary Kane


Refreshment and nourishment for the soul!

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21

Today I took a tramp through the woods at an area nature center. As I walked along the wooded paths, I noticed the evidence of new life springing forth to dazzle the senses … trilling birds,  sweet-smelling flowers, prancing deer, velvety mosses, verdant grasses. The warm spring breezes blew away the cobwebs of winter. As I hiked, I thanked God for each blessing; the herd of deer I spooked, the pileated woodpecker hammering on a dead branch, and the Dutchman’s-britches peeping out from under last years leaves.

When I rounded the curve of the Old Field Trail, my eyes met a shocking sight; the scorched lands of the tall-grass prairie. While I gazed on the ugliness of the field, I tried to reconcile the carnage of the seared grasses with the beauty of the woods. I felt the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart to stop and reflect on the object lessoFernwood Prairien before my eyes.

God, I already know sometimes you have to burn off the old to encourage new growth. But God had a new lesson for me. As I scanned the scorched grasses, I suddenly noticed one thing remained–the green path. Formerly hidden by the long dry grasses, the path was now easily seen.

Yes, God does burn off old growth (humdrum habits and unhealthy relationships) so we can continue to mature,  but sometimes He burns these things because they are clouding our vision of His path. With the briars, weeds, and old growth removed, we can clearly see the path God wants us to take.

Action Points:

  1. Are you following God’s path for your life?
  2. Is there anything you need to give up to follow God more closely?
  3. What needs to go so you can clearly see God’s path?


Life is sweet!


Short & Sweet: Use It or Lose It, by Mary Kane


Nourishment and refreshment for the soul.

“Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” James 5:3

On my earring rack hangs one lonely silver hoop earring.  I lost it’s partner three years ago during Christmas play practice. It fell out of my ear, rolled across the floor, and was crushed beyond recognition underneath the size 12 tennis shoe of a 6th grade boy. Since they were sterling silver, I couldn’t bring myself to throw the remaining earring away. I hung the lone hoop back on the rack and forgot about it … until the other day.

I was searching my rack for a fresh pair of spring-like earrings (yes, the snow has finally melted in Michigan), when I spotted a dull black earring, hanging by itself in a dark corner of the rack. What is this? I asked myself as I picked up the dingy earring. As I turned the earring over in my hand, I recognized my long-ago favorite hoop earring, now corroded from neglect and disuse.

All of my other silver earrings gleamed on the rack. What kept them shiny? Not polish, but daily use. Slowly my mind made a connection to a Bible verse from the book of James. If we do not use our gifts and our resources, but let them sit idly on a shelf, they will corrode. They’ll turn black and dingy from disuse, and will eventually disintegrate. Ultimately, no one will benefit from our gifts; they will be a complete loss.

God gives us gifts to bless others, and we reap blessings in return. Let’s dust off our gifts and use them today.

Action Points:

  1. Are your gifts corroded or shiny from daily use?
  2. What do you love to do, and how can you use that gift to serve others?
  3. Find a way  to use your gifts to bless someone today.
  4. Ask God to show you your gifts and how to use them for His kingdom.


Short and Sweet: Green Pastures by Mary Kane


Nourishment and refreshment for the soul.

The LORD is my shepherd:I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Psalm 23:1-3

Because Jesus is our Good Shepherd, will lack for no good thing.

Knowing that God supplies everything we need pertaining to life and righteousness, our souls can find rest.

In order to experience His rest, we must lie down, but not just anywhere. According to our verse, God “makes His sheep lie down in green pastures.” I began to ponder why God made His sheep lie down in green pastures and why sheep find green pastures particularly peaceful. The answer?


The sheep rest peacefully because they are surrounded by their favorite fodder, green grass. The flock did not need to worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow was already provided for … as far as the eye could see.
We are God’s sheep. We also find peace by resting on our green pastures,  the word of God. “For man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” We can rest because our tomorrows are already provided for, and we can partake as often and as long as we like. The more we feast upon God’s word, the more peace we shall have.

If your life lacks peace, and your soul is troubled, come to God and rest in His Word.

Action Points:

  1. Set a consistent time to read God’s word. My favorite time is morning. Get up 15, 20, 0r 30 minutes early and start your morning feeding your soul with God’s Word. You will find healing and restoration for your heart and soul.
  2. Download an audible version of the Bible.  Listen while you are driving, running, or working out at the gym. I listen at night while I’m drifting off to sleep (double peace!).
  3. Set a goal for Scripture memory. Copy meaningful verses on note cards and memorize them while waiting at traffic lights, in checkout lines or while walking.
  4. If you’re a techy, you’ll enjoy  joining an online Scripture memory group such as Siesta Scripture Memory. Click on the link and sign up today!

What Is Faith?

 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1


Perhaps you don’t even realize you’ve given up.

Resignation has replaced the faith in God you once had that your prayers would be answered. Or maybe you have a request that seems so audacious you’ve yet to voice it. It  hovers on the outskirts of your mind while you wonder, Is my God really that big?

For this week of Lent, we are going to focus on faith. The Bible tells us that if we have mustard seed faith, we can move mountains. I’d like to take God at his word by growing my faith in Him: trusting Him with my prayers, both big and small; leaning on Him in difficult times; praising Him when all is well — and when it isn’t.

 What Is Faith?

One way to nurture faith is by simply spending time with Jesus. In the little book The Promise of Answered Prayer, Jim Cymbala says,  “Faith is especially nurtured when we just wait in God’s presence, taking the time to love him and listen for his voice. Strength to keep believing often flows into us as we simply worship the Lord. The promise of scripture becomes wonderfully alive as the Spirit applies them to our hearts.”

This year I’ve focused on waiting quietly with God. Several times a week, I pick up my prayer journal, still my heart, and just sit with God, listening for His voice and journaling what I feel the Holy Spirit witnessing to me. It’s been hard to make myself stay still. A million tasks vie for my attention, but as I sit at Jesus’ feet, He brings scriptures to my mind to read, and people to my heart to pray for, and sin to be confessed. He gives me wisdom for situations I’m facing and peace for my soul and pictures to ponder.

These times of quiet add a richness and depth to my devotion time that was absent before.

Now I find that if I don’t have this one-on-one with Him that I miss it. I long for his presence and that still, small voice whispering to my heart, fanning the sparks of faith into flames. And I’ve learned that faith is not the absence of difficulties, but the presence of Jesus in the midst of difficulties.

This week, let’s remember that faith does not rest on our abilities, but on the ability of the One we believe in, as Psalm 130:5-6 reminds us:

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,

and in his word I put my hope.

My soul waits for the Lord

more than watchmen wait for the morning,

more than watchmen wait for the morning.

What will you put your faith in God for this week?

Pray on!



Fish-and-Loaves Faith

Fish and Loaves Faith

“Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barely loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:8

Read John 6:1-15

Miracle Story

Of all the miracle stories in the Bible, this is one of my favorites–for many reasons. First of all, I love the fact that the lunch of five small barley loaves and two small fish belonged to a child.

Understand, the Bible leaves some of the details of this exchange to our imaginations, so I don’t know that this is exactly how the story unfolded, but I imagine it playing out in the following way:

The Bible tells us that Jesus asks Philip where they should go to buy bread for the five thousand people to eat. Philip replies that eight months of salary wouldn’t be nearly enough to feed the crowd of people.

Here is where things get interesting. I think that perhaps a young boy who is sitting close to where Jesus is teaching hears the conversation between Jesus and his friends and eagerly offers his lunch that his mom packed for him that morning. It would be just like a child not to see the futility of his meager lunch feeding such a crowd, but to instead faithfully hand over his bread and fish to Andrew to give to Jesus. And it would be just the typical adult thing to then bring it to Jesus—with the caveat of “but how far will they go among so many?”

Spark of Faith

Jesus was just waiting for that spark of faith. He takes the lunch, has everyone sit down, gives thanks for the fish and bread, and passes it around–and everyone took as much as they wanted (v. 11). After they had all eaten, Jesus wants nothing wasted, so the disciples gather up 12 baskets of leftovers!

Doesn’t it seem that we could learn a lot about faith from children? In most cases, their minds have not yet been clouded by the harsh realities of life. It’s not hard for them to believe in the improbable, or the impossible.Their eyes can easily see the thin space between the reality of this world and the unseen heavenlies where angels, miracles, and God all live. Jesus took the little boy’s lunch and multiplied it into a buffet for 5000.

That’s the kind of faith that Jesus is watching for, that we need to cultivate. A faith that causes us to unflinchingly step forward and offer up our bread and fish to Jesus to multiply beyond our wildest expectations.

When we feel that nudge of the Spirit to take our offering to God, we need to stamp out the adult voice that rises up with a “But, …” and just give it. Or just do it.

What does this look like in our lives?

  • The nudge to give that $20 to a charity, even though it’s just a drop in the bucket of what’s needed.
  • The nudge to teach a Bible class, even though you’re not a “real” teacher.
  • The nudge to keep praying for your wayward child, even though you haven’t seen any change in three years.
  • The nudge to start a Moms-In-Touch prayer group at your child’s school, even though you’ve never led anything in the past.

A vibrant faith requires that I present to God what I have. Jesus is waiting for people with a fish-and-loaves faith to take Him up on His promises so He can to equip us (2 Timothy 3:17) and set us loose in His kingdom. The results are up to Him.

What do you have to offer Him today? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Fish-and-Loaves Faith is the second post in our  faith series. Please leave a comment below on your thoughts, feelings, or experiences in growing your faith.

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