1 Thessalonians, Part 18: Time and Seasons

DOve JPEG 10 edtWhat time is it, Honey?

Due to my poor eyesight, I cannot see the digital clock in our bedroom. Every morning, the first thing out of my mouth is an inquiry about the time. Time is very important to me.

Usually, I wake up every morning around 6:30 a.m.  (I am an early riser). After a quick breakfast, I write my schedule for the day.

Bible study 7:30-8:30

Morning walk 8:45-9:45

Housework 10:00-10:05

Write for website 10:05-11:30 …

You get the idea.

Vacation time

This summer, we vacationed in a little cabin in northern Michigan. Much to my chagrin, the cabin did not have a working clock. I was flabbergasted. How would I be able to schedule my vacation without knowing the time?

At first I struggled with the whole time issue; I never realized how often I checked my phone … until it didn’t work. The internet is dicey at best in northern Michigan. But, after a few days, I sank into a delightful rhythm.

Time?? Who needs to know the time? A pox upon all clocks and time pieces, I thought with reckless abandon.  We ate when we were hungry and slept when we were tired. I was no longer ruled by

the tick

and the tock

of an

unrelenting clock.

The tyranny of time.

While Jesus does not want us to be ruled by the tyranny of time, He does want us to have a sense of urgency about the time and the seasons. All time is moving towards an awe inspiring event – the Day of the Lord. What do the times and seasons tell us about this day? How can we prepare for this crucial event? Please click on the link below for more information.

1 Thessalonians, Session 18: Time and Seasons


Short & Sweet: Grow Up

Short Bible studies, quick devotions

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

41 “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Acts 2:41-42
On the wall in one of the bedrooms in  our house, is a series of hash marks. They start at about 3 feet high and continue to about six feet. Each hash mark contains a name and a date. These cryptic marks chronicle the growth of our two sons. The passage of time measured in feet and inches. How proud my sons were to see their growth from year to year. Physical growth is good, healthy, and normal. More important than physical growth, is spiritual growth. How can we grow up spiritually? With a good dose of Acts 2:42.

Spiritual Growth

Acts 2:42 lists four things the early church did to grow up in their faith:

1. continuous study of doctrine
2. fellowship
3. breaking of bread
4. prayers
Let’s take a quick look at each of the four items above.

1. ” … continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine …”

To us, this means Bible study. In order to grow up, we need to continually feed our souls with the truth of God’s Word.
Action Point:
  1. What can you do today to put more of God’s Word in your heart?
  2. Is anything growing in your heart (bitterness, jealousy, sketchy habits) taking up space needed for God’s Word?

2. Fellowship

The Greek word for fellowship means: 1) a gathering of like-minded Christians who encourage and teach each other, and 2) the works (sharing the gospel, helping the needy) of a group of like-minded people.
Action Point:
  1. Which type of fellowship do you need to grow your faith, teaching and encouragement or good works?
  2. Using your answer to point one, what will you do to start growing in fellowship?

3. Breaking of bread (a.k.a. communion)

Communion is a beautiful portrayal of the message of the Gospel; Christ sacrificing His life, giving His body, pouring out His blood, for you and for me.  At the Last Supper, when Jesus implemented communion, Jesus asked His disciples to “Do this in remembrance of Me.” What does Jesus want us to  remember? His sacrifice. True life is not about living for self. It’s about doing the will of God and sacrificing our lives for the sake of others.
Action Point:
  1. What can you sacrifice today to help someone else grow up in Christ … time … Starbucks … a plate of cookies … a personal note of encouragement?
  2. Name a certain area of life or character quality you need to improve. How can you more closely follow God’s will in this area?

4. Pray

The Greek word for prayers is proseuch, which simply means prayer addressed to God, to pray fervently. Blue Letter Bible adds the emphasis is not on the contents of the prayer, but its aim and its end. Don’t worry about impressing God with big intricate words, He knows your heart.
Action Points:
  1. Grow up and take a step of faith: I will lay aside my will and ask God to work His will concerning _____________________________.
  1. Thank God for how He will work His will for point 1..


Life is sweet! Grow up!


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Copyright  2015

The Sock

I held the tiny little ivory sock in my hand and wondered. Warm from the dryer. One sock. A sock so small that it fit in the palm of my hand. Tiny blue stripes. Small and perfectly made, like the little one soon to arrive. Waiting. Wondering. Hoping. I didn’t know a sock so small would be so big for the little miracle headed our way. Our precious one arrived and brought all the joy promised by God.

A wonder. A masterpiece fresh from heaven.

More socks.

Little socks were followed by baby shoes and bobby socks, tennis shoes and crew socks, soccer cleats and soccer socks, hockey skates and hockey socks, hiking boots and wool socks. Socks so big I wondered and marveled. How did he grow so big, so strong, so soon?

A rush and whirlwind of ball games,

school projects, all-night video games (fifteen hungry teenage boys crammed in our house). Pizza and pancakes. Finally, The Day arrived. Dropping our son off at college. God held me together. I kept a smile on my face, joining him in his joy and excitement, hiding my pain. Proud, torn, excited, anxious, we left him at his dorm. Out of my hands … into God’s hands. I was fine until I arrived home.

And saw a sock. Just one sock.

Forgotten on the floor of our family room. One sock. I picked up the sock and held it in my hand. He just wore this sock. (How many times had I told him to quit leaving his socks around the house?)

Years mingling with tears.


Tears of a job done right. Joy. Hugs. Sacrifice.

Family. Hurt. Struggle.


Kindergarten to college.

No longer just my son, but now my friend.


All rights reserved

Copyright 2015

Short & Sweet: The Stone

Short Bible studies, quick devotions

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

6 “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,” Ephesians 2:6

“So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord–who is the Spirit–makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”2 2 Corinthians 3:18

“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

I sat with my back propped against my husband’s legs. My sweatshirt felt good against my skin as the northern summer breezes flowed landward off Lake Michigan. The tall sea-green beach grasses wafted gently in the water. The sunset promised to be a keeper. My heart felt as content as the unusually peaceful waters of the Great Lake.

My eyes scanned the horizon like a seasoned sailor, counting the moments until the great event — the setting of the sun. We Michiganders take our sunsets seriously. Tourists and natives alike dotted the dunes along the shore. Watching. Waiting.

Rock Sparkle pngAs the sun slipped lower in the sky, something caught my attention along the shore; a quiet radiance amid thousands of dark cool stones at the waters edge; one stone made brilliant by the setting of the sun. Loathe to disturb my comfort, I turned my head for a better view of the shining pebble.

Why a stone?

It stood like a lighthouse among its dull counterparts, beaming and casting its light. I marveled that such a small object could make so great an impact. A rock. Plain. Small. Unremarkable. Why a stone? Why not a diamond? Or a ruby? Just one small, plain stone.

Why one stone?

Thousands of millions of stones line the beaches of the northern Great Lakes … tossed and tumbled … worn smooth by relentless waves of time. But, only one glimmered in the sunset. Why? Three reasons: Position. Reflection. Water. The small rock, washed with water, was in the right position to reflect the light of the sun.

“And you are living stones …

… that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.”

We are His stones. Small. Plain. Unremarkable. Made of clay. But, as living stones we can have great influence for three reasons: Position. Reflection. Water. Position in Christ. Reflection of His glory. Living Water. God has placed us on beaches of this earth, among the thousands of millions of people tossed and tumbled by the relentless waves of deception, to reflect His glory and truth in the darkness. Soaked by Living Water, we shine and reflect His light, enabling others to find their way to the Father.

Let your light shine before men.

Action Points:

  1. How can you let your light shine?
  2. Name something specific you can do today to shine God’s light to those around you.
  3. Do you tend to shut down your light around certain people? Why?

Life is sweet.


all rights reserved.

Copyright 2015.





5 Ways to Pray in August

5 Ways Aug. 2For many, the start of school heralds the end of summer, perhaps not on the calendar, but at home as parents, children, and teachers prepare themselves for the start of the school year. Hot weather still abounds, however, and state fairs are the activity of choice this month. As you enjoy the warm days of August, here’s a few ways to pray with Only By Prayer.

1. National Senior Citizen’s Day, August 21

As you can imagine, this day was set up to honor and support senior citizens and the contributions they have made to our society and our lives. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation making this an official holiday. It’s important to give our senior citizens an honored place in our lives, but I am afraid the opposite is often actually true. We should make an effort to hear the stories and glean wisdom from those who have walked the path of life longer than we have. Not just today, but often let’s seek out the elderly. Enjoy the company of grandparents and perhaps visit a nursing home. Ask about their lives and be prepared to listen, because we all enjoy sharing our stories. Post on social media using #SeniorCitizensDay.


National Senior Citizen’s Day

Verse: They [The righteous] will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.” Psalm 92:14 NIV

Prayer: Lord, this verse has always given me hope. Thank you that you still use us in our old age. We pray for our elderly. We ask that they will live close to you and that you will use them in a powerful way. We pray they will walk wisely and share the wisdom they have accumulated over the years with the younger generations. Give them a purpose, peace, and joy as they transition to their later years. Help the youth to treat them with respect. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

2. Planned Parenthood Harvesting and Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies

I can’t believe we have come to the place in the United States where this practice is going on, but it is and we have. When this news came out through undercover videos taken by the Center for Medical Progress, I didn’t want to believe it, but unfortunately, the proof is in the videos. Let’s join in praying that this horrific illegal practice be stopped.


Vote on Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

Senate Phone numbers

Center for Medical Progress

Verse: Did not he who make me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers? Job 31:15 NIV

Prayer: Lord, we are sickened by the harvesting and sale of these body parts from aborted babies. We confess this terrible sin and ask for your forgiveness. We ask that those involved would be convicted of their sin and confess it. We pray this practice — and that of abortion — would stop. May we be a nation that values the life of an unborn child and does everything possible to protect our children. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

3. Teachers Preparing for Back to School

I know it’s only the beginning of August, but in my state, several school districts are on a year-round schedule and started back to school the last week of July! Two of my sisters are school teachers and they are both already working on getting ready for the school year and setting up their rooms. Let’s support our teachers through prayer at the start of this new school year. Remember, teachers are now held accountable for things that often times they have no control over.


Free! Prayer Chart for Schools

A Prayer for Teachers

Verse: It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13 NIV

Prayer: Lord, we thank you for our teachers. They are on the front lines of our next generation serving and performing in an often thankless job. We pray for wisdom and strength. We pray for a strong moral character built on the foundation of God. We ask for the support and the resources they need. May their students listen to and respect them. May they teach in such a way that their students can grasp the facts and learn their lessons. Please protect them, we pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Nigerian Troops rescue 178 people from Boko Haram Camp

At the end of July, Nigerian forces rescued 101 children, 67 women, and 10 men, all of whom had been kidnapped over the last year by this terrorist group. None of the 219 Chibok school girls were among those rescued. This is a cause for praise and prayer; praise for those rescued and prayer because many, including those 219 school girls, are still missing.


Nigerian Troops rescue 178 people from Boko Haram Camp

Verse: The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God.” Exodus 2:23 NIV

Prayer: Lord, we praise and thank you for the rescue of these 178 people from the clutches of the Boko Haram terrorist group. We pray for physical, mental, and spiritual healing of the former captives. We pray for them to be reunited with families and friends. We ask for them to be able to be relocated to a safe area. We pray for the rescue of those still being held captive by terrorists. We pray for their safety and their release/escape from their captors. Give them courage and hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

5. Drought in California

For over 10 years, California and other western states have been contending with a drought. Half of the state is categorized as being in an “exceptional drought.” The drought is a springboard for other problems, like wild fires and farming difficulties. Governor Jerry Brown has called for 25 percent reductions in water usage by towns and cities. Let’s pray that God will send rain so that California can refill its reservoirs and have an adequate supply to support its citizens and industry. Let’s also not miss the chance to pray for droughts of other types in peoples lives, particularly that of God’s word and his presence.


How Bad Is the Drought in California?

Verse: Then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil. Deuteronomy 11:14 NIV

Prayer: Dear Jesus, in the Bible times, you would send a drought upon Israel as a sign that they needed to turn from their sin back to you. Lord, we pray that this drought would also remind us to seek you to fulfill our spiritual thirst. We pray that we will turn from the sin of ignoring you and get our lives back on track by serving you. We pray also for periodic, steady rains to fall upon California and the others states experiencing drought. Amen.

Thank you for praying with Only By Prayer through the month of August. Feel free to add other requests in the comment section below.

Pray on!

To Do-ers List: Without Complaining

To doers

Bonus Day

To Do-ers List: Without Complaining

14 “Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. 16 Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.”

Philippians 2:14-16

24 “The people refused to enter the pleasant land,
for they wouldn’t believe his promise to care for them.
25 Instead, they grumbled in their tents, and refused to obey the LORD.”
Psalm 106: 24-25

It has taken me a while to figure out complaining is not a spiritual gift.

In Christian circles complaining is an acceptable sin. It is not as messy as other more shocking sins. Why is it so acceptable? Because everyone does it.  Not everyone has a debt problem. Not everyone has an issue with addictive behaviors. Most of us don’t have an armed robbery conviction (all of which are forgiven and covered by Jesus), but EVERYONE complains.

On a daily basis.

Well, hourly.

Ok, it’s a way of life.

We rationalize: Complaining isn’t really that bad. Everyone does it. Millions of people can’t be wrong.  Note: Complaining is not without consequence. It will produce a harvest, not of nutritious fruit, but of weeds and tares. Complaining is sin because it casts doubt on the goodness, wisdom, and sovereignty of God. We complain because in our pride we think we know more than God.

Complaining needs an audience.

The Greek word for complaining is goggysmos.


The word just looks like trouble, doesn’t it? I can imagine the following conversation:

How is your husband today?

Oh, he’s been very goggymos, I had to get out of the house!

Goggysmos means, murmuring, muttering, a secret debate, of the cooing of doves, of those who confer secretly together, of those who discontentedly complain. Study the definitions of goggysmos. Do you notice anything interesting? Complaining is a team sport.

One little complaint  has the potential to loose an avalanche of grievances. To be completely honest … I must confess … sometimes I enjoy complaining. I like having a good grumbly story to tell my friends and then wallowing in the sympathy that is sure to follow.

Complaining affects our destiny.

Read Psalm 106 again. What did the Israelites do instead of entering the land God prepared for them? They complained.

They missed the Promised Land.Bonus daypng

Instead of living the abundant life in God’s presence, they had to wander the desert. (Our God inhabits praise, not complaints Psalm 22:3). Complaining will keep us out of our Promised Land and hinder our walk with God. We will wander through life and miss God. We can believe or complain, but we can’t do both.

Once we decide to quit complaining and trust God, what do we do instead?

Praise Him for how He is going to work your tough situation for His will. Thank Him for how He is using this present pain and suffering to shape you into the image of Christ. Pray for Him to change to the one thing you can control in this trial, your attitude. God’s Word says to give thanks in everything, not because everything is good, but because God will use everything for good.

Hard things.

Ugly things.

Hideous things.

God will give beauty for ashes.

You may have reason to complain, but you do not have the right.

For Today:

Ok. This one is going to be hard. We can do this. No complaints. Not one. No bad words about anything or anybody-including ourselves! We have a choice: We can speak words of life or words of death into our situations. What will we choose? Thank God out loud for what He will do and how He is using annoying things to shape our character, thus our destiny. Remember, the book of James states our words act like the rudder on a ship, steering us to good lands or stormy seas.

Study Guides:

To help you organize your daily study and record your experiences, please download and print the following PDF, or download the journal app to your favorite Apple device. I’ve added a new graphic organizer today, Journal 101 (This one is my favorite. I use it often for Bible study and I LOVE it.)


Don’t forget to comment on your experience in the comment section below!

**If you are starting late, please access the first seven days of the study on the links below!**

To Do-ers List Day 1: Love God

To Do-ers List, Day 2: Love Others

To Do-ers List, Day 3: Pray ’bout Everything

To Do-ers List, Day 4: Walk by Faith

To Do-ers List, Day 5: Word in Me

To Do-ers List: Day 6: Always Do Good

To Do-ers List: Day 7: Trust God

Be a doer of the word.


Copyright 2015

All rights reserved