Take 5! Words of Life by Mary Kane

scrabbleWords are everywhere … happy words … angry words … loving words … hurtful words. Billboards, walls, books, newspapers, magazines, even our hearts are full of words. The words we store in our hearts affect our attitude, our character, and our destiny. Let’s fill our hearts with words of life. To learn more about how words of life affect our lives, please click on the link.

Take 5! Words of Life

Image courtesy of “Scrabble English Alphabet” by Keerati at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Scripturegraphic Humble: Who’s the Boss?

Scripturegraphic 1 peter5 jpegSometimes it can be hard to tell who’s supposed to be the boss. God’s Word tells us to humble ourselves one to another. Being humble is very difficult, but God will bless us when we submit to His perfect plan. To learn how to humble yourself before the Lord, please click on the link below.

Scripturegraphics: Who’s the Boss?

Scripturegraphic Bible Study, James: Part 1, Trials to Joy

James 1 Scripturegraph correct jpegTrials, hardships, challenges are a part of everyday life. Usually we are glad if we just survive them. The Bible, however, takes a different view concerning trials … we are to count them as joy. How is this possible? What good could possibly result from a trial? Study the Scripturegraph (a biblical infographic) to discover why we can count every trial as joy.

Scripturegraph: Trials to Joy

Pray Specifically: The Fast He Has Chosen by Mary Kane

Flower potMany Christian people are fearful of fasting. I used to be too. I was afraid that I would do something wrong and offend God. I also thought that fasting would make me weak. In contrast, fasting actually strengthens and reinforces the faith of believers, putting them on the fast track to spiritual growth.

There is one type of fast that God favors above all others. You may be surprised to learn that with God it’s not about the food but the heart. To Pray Specifically about fasting please click on the link below:


The Fast He Has Chosen


Image courtesy of feelart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Scripturegraphics: Colossians by Mary Kane

People have different learning styles; some learn by hearing, some learn by doing, and others learn by seeing. Scripturegraphics Bible Studies help you to see on paper what you are learning from your Bible, enabling you to take the information from the eye, to the brain, to the heart. Study the Scripturegraphic, read the text, and do the study questions. We hope you benefit from this new Bible study format.

To do Scripturegraphics: Colossians, please click on the link below.



Scripturegraphics: Colossians

Scripturegraphics: James by Mary Kane

James graphicPeople have different learning styles; some learn by hearing, some learn by doing, and others learn by seeing. Scripturegraphics help you to see on paper what you are learning from Scripture, enabling you to take the information from the eye, to the brain, to the heart. Jane and I hope you benefit from this new Bible study format and love it as much as we do! To do the Scripturegraphic study please click on the link :

Scripturegraphics: James