A Bundle of Prayer


Prayer is the language of our relationship with God.

God’s word tells us to pray without ceasing, pray about everything, pray continually, pray for everyone, pray in good times, and pray in bad times. We are to offer prayers of thanksgiving and intercession. Our battles will be won or lost because of our prayer life.

Prayer is hard work.

It is the one sure deadly defense against the enemy of our soul. A vital relationship with God is overflowing with prayer, yet so many of us struggle with prayer. I know I do. We all need help and encouragement. In order to help you with your prayer life, we have put together a bundle of resources for you in a new interactive format called Sway. Please take advantage of the many resources embedded within the post. Be on the look out for active links and the stack of cards. Feel free to take your time. Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once. This resource is meant to be used over and over again.

Please comment below on what you learned, and on how you like the Sway format. We look forward to hearing from you!

Cover it all in prayer!


Short & Sweet: We Get Up

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Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, Jehovah will be a light unto me. Micah 7:8

Feels like football weather!

is a common saying where I come from. I am a big football fan. I love everything about football season—from the excitement, the competition, the sweatshirts, the cool fall weather, to the big pot of chili bubbling on the back of the stove. Each Saturday, I celebrate when my favorite team marches onward to victory. I must admit there is a dark side to my celebrating — I rejoice when the rival team from across state loses (and loses big…in the Big House).

Satan does the same thing to us. Like a thug hidden in the shadows, he sets his evil traps and rejoices as we fall; however, his victory is short lived. Because in Christ Jesus, we get up.

Rejoice not my enemy.

In Hebrew rejoice means to leap, to be glad, to celebrate the destruction of another. Destruction—Satan’s calling card. Satan hopes our fall will destroy us, but he has forgotten God made provision for the fall in the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Gethsemane. The Cross of Calvary. We get up.

When I fall.

When I fall. When you fall. God knows we will fall. He has a plan. The word fall means to fall, to fall away, to lie, to throw down. But fall also means …

to fall in the hands of

To fall in the hands of…God. We sin and fall, and He catches us. We fall into the hands of God. Where can we run from his love? If we climb to the heavens, He is there. If we make our bed in Sheol, still He finds us there. Our wandering turns out to be His leading. One more life-changing definition for the word fall; it also means to fall on one’s knees.

Ponder this for a moment.

What do we usually do when we are on our knees?


Let’s put this all together. Satan tempts us. Because of our own desires, we are drawn away and enticed. We sin and we fall. But we fall into the hands of God and we land on our knees. We pray. We confess. We get up.

I once heard a preacher say the definition of success is getting up one more time than you fall. I think God would agree. Getting up is the key.

What knocks you down?

Is it an attitude, a habit, your sin, the sin of others?

  • When you have blown it, AGAIN, by yelling at the kids when they didn’t deserve it—get up.
  • When you overhear a co-worker’s nasty comment concerning your project—get up.
  • When your husband complains about a meal that took hours to prepare—get up.
  • When no one notices your continual sacrifices at home, at work, at school. Your Father sees you—get up.
  • When you’ve given gut-level deep and your efforts fall short—get up.
  • When you’ve promised you wouldn’t curse/drink/smoke/gamble/sleep around ever again; confess. repent, and get up.

Action points:

  1. What do you need to give up so you can get up?
  2. Now that you got up, name something you will do in place of what you gave up.
  3. Pray. Find scriptures that attack your problem and encourage growth. Pray these scriptures into your situation. Meditate on them and repeat them as often as necessary. Remember change takes time.

Life is sweet. Get up!


Short and Sweet: Traveling Light

Short Bible studies, quick devotions

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

“8 He commanded them to take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts …” Mark 6:8

I looked at him; peaceful, confident. We left him at the bus station in South Bend, Indiana. I watched him as he climbed aboard a bus heading west. He was traveling to Yellowstone. Hired by Christian Ministries to the National Parks, our son would be gone for the summer serving the tourists and locals by leading worship and Bible study meetings. He was heading to Yellowstone … with nothing but a backpack and a guitar. Traveling light.


Freedom to serve Christ.

What ties you down?

What keeps you from really serving others and following Christ, from traveling light?  We say it, we sing it, we talk about it, but do we do it? Do we really follow Jesus and serve others? To be honest I am usually very enthusiastic about following Jesus and serving others until it costs me something.

I’ll give as long as I have enough money to eat my organic food.

I’ll sacrifice as long as I can still get my hair done each month.

I’ll serve as long as I have time to get a massage this week.

Money. Pride. Selfishness.

These attitudes tie me down. Hold me Back. Pull me under.

Traveling heavy.

To be painfully honest, the idea of going out to the bush and not being able to do my hair and makeup for for three weeks would be REALLY HARD. But just think, I could leave a whole suitcase behind if I didn’t take my flat iron, curling iron, shampoo, cream rinse, styling lotion, gel, hairspray, mascara, eyebrow pencil, four different face creams, cleanser, toner, etc. The list gets longer and heavier as I get older.

I think I need to lighten up.

Jesus wants to send us out.

Jesus told his disciples they would be traveling light. They could only take one thing. No bags. No organic food. No money. No makeup. Only a staff. Hmm …

My traveling plan: Stuff

God’s traveling plan: Staff

Staff vs. Stuff

Why? So they could focus on the mission. Stuff gets in the way of the mission. The more you own, the more it owns you. More stuff requires more energy. It gets in the way. A staff, on the other hand, is a walking stick which helps travelers hike faster, safer, more efficiently. In the Bible, staffs were used by shepherds and kings. They represent authority and guidance. Sounds like the Bible. Our staff.

Let’s get rid of some stuff (traveling light), pick up our staff (the Bible), and take the Gospel to our world today.

Action Points:

  1. What is weighing you down and getting in the way of sharing God’s message with your world? Is it your appearance? Go without makeup for one day. Is it coffee? Commit to drinking only water today. Is it shopping? Go one day/one week/one month without spending anything except for groceries and bills.
  2. Find a way to reach out to another today and share the truth of the Gospel. Be available. Ask God to show you how to serve another today.
  3. Is there a habit, attitude, activity, or relationship (this is not a ticket to get out of your marriage because you aren’t happy) weighing you down? What step can you take today to begin traveling light?
  4. Pray and ask God to show you what you need to let go so you can begin traveling light.

Please leave me a comment below on how you plan to begin traveling light!

Life is sweet. Travel light!

Try this new Bible study format from Sway! Be sure to toggle to the full screen mode!




P.S. If you’d like to print this out in a convenient form, choose the green Print/PDF icon at the bottom right of the post. It even gives you the option of printing without pictures.

For your listening pleasure: Traveling Light

Short and Sweet: Hope, Wait and Pray

Short Bible studies, quick devotions

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

” … rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer …”

Romans 12:12

I like lists. You may already know that about me. I often start my day with a list of things to accomplish … complete with allotted times. It gives me great satisfaction knowing what to do and when to do it. That’s why I like Bible verses like Romans 12:12. It gives me three things to do, it tells me when to do them AND how to do them.

What to do when you’re hoping – rejoice!

Why can we rejoice in hope? Because we worship the God of Hope – therefore we always have hope. No situation is beyond God’s reach.

Are you sick? He’s the healer. Jehovah Raphe

Are you lost? He’s the God who sees you. El Roi

Are you in need? He’s the God who provides. Jehovah Jireh.

Are you neck deep in sin? He’s the God who washes away sin. Jehovah Tsidkenu.

Biblical hope is different than worldly hope. With worldly hope, you hope something will happen. With biblical hope, you have hope because something will happen. Whatever your need, God sees you and He’s at work. He is your hope. So start rejoicing!

What to do when you’re facing tribulation – be patient!

Since we can rejoice because we always have hope, we can also be patient in tribulation. I usually define the word patient as someone who controls their temper and frustration. In Greek, however, the word patient means to tarry, to wait, to remain behind. To wait for what? For God to act. Instead of trying to work a frustrating painful situation according to your will, wait for God to work it according to His perfect will. Everyone wins.

While we’re hoping and waiting for God to move, He gives us a job …

Continue steadfastly in prayer.

Don’t forget – while you have all this hoping and rejoicing and waiting going on, cover it all continually and steadfastly in prayer.  The KJV of continuing steadfastly in prayer is “continuing instant in prayer.” I love this definition. Every moment is the right moment to continue in prayer.

This instant.

No matter what you are doing.


Action Points

  1. How can you actively rejoice over a current hope you are waiting for?
  2. How can you show God you are waiting for Him to move in a current trial? What can you do to show Him you are waiting for Him and His will? What do you need to stop doing to show Him you are waiting for Him and His will?
  3. Pray! Pray over your hopes, your tribulations, your everything. Pray!

Life is sweet. Hope. Wait. Pray.


all rights reserved

copyright 2015


Short & Sweet: Credit, Please

Short Bible studies, quick devotions

Short and Sweet Nourishment for the Soul

“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 22 This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” 23 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead …”  Romans 4:20-24

Righteousness. I had none.

Not one leaf, not even a filthy rag of righteousness. My sin was ever before me. Where does a woman like me go to get righteousness … ?
To Calvary.
To the Cross.
To the feet of Jesus.
The cross of Christ, flowing with the blood of Christ. One drop is all it took. One drop of His precious righteous blood and my filthy rags were washed as white as snow. Credit, please.

It was credited to him as righteousness.

In the Greek, the word credited is rich with meaning. (Ask God to prepare your heart to receive the meaning behind this Greek word). Logozimai means to account to impute, when a thing is reckoned as or to be something, availing as equivalent to something, to pass to one’s account.”
In layman’s terms, God makes a huge deposit of His righteousness into our empty account. It’s like getting an inheritance check in the mail. Not because we earned it, but because it’s credited to us. Free righteousness. No strings attached. Good credit, bad credit, no credit at all.

Words of righteousness.

Logozimai descends from the Greek word logos, which means words uttered by a living voice, (by a Living God), “the sayings of God.” Logos descends from the root word lego, which means to say, to speak, to call by name. Reread the definitions and let them fall on you for a minute.
On my knees. Tears flowing because of the righteousness flowing from the Word of God. The Word. Jesus is the Word. I see it. I put the pieces together. Righteousness flowing from the Word of God.
Righteousness by words.
Righteousness by the Word.
Righteousness by The Word of Life.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Like links in a chain, we are anchored to God by the righteousness that comes through The Word … Jesus. Righteousness credited to our name because of His name.
Credit, please.

Action Points

  1. Receive God’s gift of righteousness.
  2. How should a righteous person live, act and walk?
  3. Now that you no longer have to strive for righteousness, what can you do instead?
  4. What can you do differently now that you know you are accepted and redeemed by God?
  5. Pray for God to help you realize the depths of your righteousness because of Christ.

Life is sweet.


all rights reserved

copyright 2015

Back to School: Test

To Do-ers List: Back to School, Test

“Please get out two sharpened number two pencils and a piece of scratch paper. Do not open your test booklet until I tell you to do so. Please look at Sample A. Please read Sample A to yourself as I read it aloud…”

Tests! Life seems to be full of tests – math tests, English tests, spelling tests and history tests. Don’t forget about the never-ending-fill-in-the-dot tests. As Christians we also undergo tests. Spiritual tests. Character tests. Circumstances and events that try our souls. Unlike school teachers, God doesn’t test us to learn what we know. He tests us so WE can learn what we know. Once we learn the truth about the contents of our hearts, we are able to seek God’s healing and restoration.

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3:10

Test Me in this.

There is an occasion in the Bible, however, when God asks us to test Him. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty …”

The Teacher takes the test.

In fact, the Master Teacher longs for us to test Him. Why? So He can bless. The Hebrew word used for test in this verse is bachan, which means “to try, to prove, to lookout for, to watch.”

What kind of test are we to give God?

The giving test.


Giving deep.

Giving till it hurts.

Out on a limb kind of giving where only God can pull it off. We give and what does God do?

God pours out.

” Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it…”

Funny. I have always approached this verse in a very self-centered manner. Prior to writing this study, I believed the verse read something like, “Give your tithe and I will pour out My blessing upon YOU.” I give my little sacrifice and God pours down blessings on little ol’ me. The one receiving my “sacrifice” benefits a little, while God pours His blessing down on me …

The verse doesn’t say that. It says, give your tithe, and

A continuous flow in the direction it was given–like the boy with the five loaves and two fish. He gave Jesus his boy-sized snack and ended up with lunch for 5000 … alfresco … plus doggie bags. Amazing. The blessing wasn’t just for the boy. Jesus poured forth blessing in the direction it was given, to feed the crowd. What would the boy have done with food for 5000? It would have spoiled. Hmm …

… I wonder what happens when we try to hoard our gifts?

For today: take the test.

God asks us to test Him by giving. Start by praying. Ask God to show you opportunities to give today. What shall we give? Our money? Yes, but not only  our money, but

  • our time,
  • our talents,
  • our gifts,
  • 0ur possessions and
  • any other thing we can think of.


To help you organize your daily study and record your experiences, please download and print the following PDF, or download the journal app to your favorite Apple device.

Other Resources:

Joyce Meyer: The Going Through Test

Chuck Swindoll: The Ultimate Faith Test

Don’t forget to comment on your experience in the comment section below! Choose your test for today and  be a Doer of the Word. School is in session. Test!

We can’t wait to hear how your day went! Remember, God is waiting for His test.

Let’s do it!

if you need to catch up, click on the links below!

Day 1: New Clothes

Day 2: The Book

Day 3: Pack a Lunch

Day 4: Listen to The Teacher

Day 5: Study!

Day 6: Obey the Rules


All rights reserved.

Copyright 2015