Christmas and Advent Roundup

Christmas, one of the most meaningful times of the year, is only a few weeks away. I’m scurrying around trying to get the house ready for one of my favorite seasons. It’s always a good reminder to me that as I bask in the twinkling lights, glistening tree, and stockings hung by the fireplace and smell the fresh fragrant pine and freshly baked goodies of Christmas to remember my spiritual preparation as well.

I’ve looked back over Christmases past and rounded up several Only By Prayer Christmas resources that will help you prepare for Christmas during this season of Advent.

God With Us—This is one of Mary Kane’s free Bible studies that will help you put your focus on our Savior this Christmas.

Something to Celebrate—This is a blog post I, Jane, wrote about adjusting my vision and focus at Christmas.

Advent 2011 Podcast—Mary and I recorded this podcast and filled it with suggestions on how to make Advent a special time in your life and in the life of your family.

Christmas Story: God Uses Every Day People Podcast. In this podcast, Mary and I discuss many of the people in the Christmas story and look at how God uses everyday people (like you and me!) to bring about His plans and purposes in the world.

You may also want to check out my More Than a Baby: An Advent Devotional. I wrote this e-book a few years ago, so the dates won’t line up exactly, but I’ve packed this devotional with scripture, photos/artwork, music, a daily focus, and prayer.

Mary and I hope these resources bless you as you prepare for Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

How to Live in Christmas Present

Christmas present

As I try to live in Christmas present, memories of Christmases past shimmer in my mind. 

  • My sisters and I sneaking out of bed and tiptoeing down creaky stairs, anxious for our first glimpse of the Christmas tree.
  • Baking and frosting Christmas cookies.
  • Waiting my turn to open the next door on the Avent calendar.
  • The scent of incense wafting in the air at Christmas Eve mass.
  • Visiting Grandma and Grandpa and Uncles Dave and Bill on Christmas afternoon.
  • Holiday singalongs with my huge extended family. Laughter and love float around the room, like angels’ wings.
  • Grandma and Grandpa Herrmann singing Silent Night in German.
  • The Hallelujah chorus ringing through the auditorium and echoing in my heart.
  • My husband noisily putting together a bunk bed on Christmas Eve.
  • My own little children excitedly bounding up the stairs on Christmas morning, a bundle of laughter and energy.

The older I get, the more I reflect on those times, those people who are no longer with us, or, like my children, who have grown up to establish their own families and traditions. Intertwined in the memories is a sadness for what has changed. 

I Miss …

I miss my mom, my aunts and uncles, my grandparents who are no longer with us. I miss those shared celebrations of laughter and love. I miss my children as little ones, carefully holding our candles together in the Christmas Eve service. I miss seeing them race up the stairs on Christmas morning. 

These are precious memories, part of the fabric of who I am. 

Yet, It’s Time To Move On

But I realize God doesn’t intend for me to dwell in my Christmases past (or my life past) because if I do that, I will miss my Christmas present, the present life that is waiting to be discovered and lived now — and shared with the next generation. 

This quote by Joyce Meyer puts it in perspective for me:

We often spend our mental time in the past or in the future, instead of living in the moment we have now. When we don’t truly give ourselves to what we are doing at the moment, we become prone to anxiety. If we live in the now, we will find the Lord there with us.

Joyce Meyer Battlefield of the Mind Bible, p. 814

If I’m honest, I was spending too much time wishing that this Christmas present, this season of life looked more like some past ones. But that cannot be. It should not be. God has given us this Christmas present, this life present and has promised us His presence now. After all, He is called the Great I AM. Not the great I was.

We are to rejoice in Him for who He is, for the amazing gift of heaven intersecting earth through Jesus’ miraculous birth — to be celebrated in our current season of life.  If we just let Him, He will make every season of our lives purposeful and filled with His presence. It is the miracle of Emmanuel, God With Us.

How Can You Focus on Christmas Present?

  • Change your mindset. Make a list of everything you are thankful for right now. Even in the midst of a pandemic, we all have things to celebrate.
  • Help someone else. Look around. Can you bake a treat for someone struggling? Send a surprise gift in the mail? Share a blessing of money?
  • Make a few of your Christmas presents this year. Here are a few ideas in this Natural Christmas post.
  • Do a Christmas devotional. We have one going on right now if you’d like to join us
  • Even if you can’t get together with all your family as usual, make a plan for what you can do.
  • Zoom call or FaceTime those you can’t be present with.

With a little time and intention, this year can be the best yet. What do you think? How can you live in Christmas present? Please share any ideas you have in the comments. You can also contact us. Merry Christmas!

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Christmas Essential Oil Blend

Lovely miniature nativity made from tree bark and beeswax

Simply thinking of the nativity scene puts me in a Christmas mood.

I love the story of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem for the census and the arrival of baby Jesus, born in a stable.

As I think about Christmases past and present, my mind wanders to the people, music, baking, lights, and aromas that I have come to associate with Christmas.We all have our own bank of memories that we draw upon, and I especially love the wonderful smells that mean Christmas to me. Smells like pine trees, and cinnamon sticks. Sweet oranges covered in spicy cloves and gingerbread molasses cookies baking in the oven.

The real thing is always the best, but holiday essential oil blends can make our homes smell good any time we want—we don’t have to be baking or have a Christmas tree in the family room to enjoy our favorite aromas.

DIY Aromatherapy Recipe

So when you’d like a little help in making your home ready for the holidays, here’s a Christmas essential oil DIY recipe I developed that captures the scent of the holidays.

Scent of Christmas

Christmas Scents Essential Oils

  • 5 drops Sweet Orange
  • 3 drops Laurel, Bay
  • 2 drops Cinnamon
  • 2 drops Cloves

Mix all the essential oils together in a small glass bottle and adjust it to your preference. I like to use this synergy in my aromatherapy diffuser. Since it’s only 12 drops, I add it all to my diffuser and turn it on. Run it for about 20 minutes and then turn it off for about  90 minutes. You can cycle it on and off like this.

If you’d like to make more of the recipe for future use, just triple it or quadruple it until you have the amount you’d like, store it in a glass vial, and then add about 10 to 12 drops to your diffuser.

Health Information and a Caution

Not only does this smell good, but laurel is an essential oil that is historically known to be (broad spectrum) antibacterial, antiviral, and an expectorant. So diffusing it is an excellent way to use it, especially during the winter cold and flu season. NOTE: Pregnant women should not use this recipe. Use with caution on children under age 5. Laurel is strong, so refer to an aromatherapy dilution chart for the correct rate for your child’s age.  (Follow the link and scroll down until you see the chart under the tab that says Children). Babies under 4 months of age should generally not use aromatherapy unless under the care of a doctor or clinical aromatherapist.

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Let me know if you have a favorite Christmas recipe.

Merry Christmas!









Christmas To-Doers List 2017: Watch, Part 2

Christmas Bible study, Advent Bible study

Watch for Him

To help you continue to watch for Jesus this Christmas season, please read the Scriptures below. Consider how Zachhaeus watched for Jesus. What can you learn from Zacchaeus? How can you watch for Jesus today? Please comment on what you learned in the Comment section below. Remember,  be a doer of His Word this Christmas season!

Jesus Comes to Zacchaeus’ House

Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho.
Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich.
And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature.
So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him,  and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.”Watch Day 3jpg
So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully.
But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.”
Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.”
And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

How can you watch for Jesus today?

Be a doer of His Word!

Merry Christmas


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Copyright 2017

“Blue Letter Bible – Luk 19: Gospel of Luke 19 (Blue Letter Bible: NKJV – New King James Version).” Blue Letter Bible. Web. 6 Dec, 2015. <http://www.blueletterbible.org>.


Christmas To-doers List 2017, Day 3: Watch

Christmas Correct 3png

Christmas To Do-ers List

Day 3: Watch for Him

“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.” Luke 2:8

Day in. Day out.

Looking. Watching. Waiting. Shepherds in the fields faithfully caring for their sheep. Diligence is their watchword.  Always searching for the finest pasture, the best shelter, and the freshest water.  Looking, watching, and waiting, day in and day out. Night after night. Until one night. O Holy Night!

“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

Faithfulness in their daily work allowed the shepherds to see Jesus. Had they not been diligent in their mundane tasks, they would have missed the angel’s message,  and they would have missed Jesus. Shepherds watching for the Good Shepherd.

Look. Watch. Wait.

The same thing we do for Jesus.

Look for Jesus this Christmas season. Watch for glimpses of Him as you go through  your ordinary days. Wait for Him to act. Chores, tasks, errands, and suddenly He’s there—teaching, comforting, directing, healing, and loving.

  Watch for Him in your everyday chores and holiday tasks.

Look. Watch. Wait.Watch Day 3jpg

The same thing Jesus does for us.

Jesus constantly looks out for our best interests and watches over our every concern. He waits to draw us into closer relationship, greater trust, and deeper faith. Stolen moments in the crush of the day. Precious minutes at His feet in the rush of the season. Day after day, silent night after silent night.

He looks, watches, and waits for you.

Action Points:

  1. Look for Jesus today. Notice the blessings He sends your way and then look for ways to be a blessing to others.
  2. Watch for Jesus today. What is He trying to say to you? What is He telling you? What does He want you to do differently this Christmas season?
  3. Wait for Him. Jesus is calling you to rest in heavenly peace with Him. Tarry with Him for a few moments. Get your Bible, turn to Luke 2 and listen to the beautiful music below. Wait for Him to restore your soul.

How will you watch for Jesus today? How will you make time to wait for Him? Please leave a comment in the Comment section below on how you plan to watch for Jesus, or how you saw Him today.

Did you miss a day? Don’t fret, just click on a link below.

Day 1: Believe Him

Day 2: Make Room

Watch for Him.



Christmas To Do-ers List, 2017: Day 2, Make Room for Him

Christmas To Do-ers List

Day 2: Make Room for Him

She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

No Room

Can you imagine being Mary perched on a donkey, already in the pangs of labor, as they entered the city of Bethlehem? I am sure she was hoping for a quiet place, a haven to give birth to her son. But that’s not what greeted her. A city teeming with people and noise, with nary a haven in sight.

Or perhaps you identify more with Joseph, with the full responsibility of Mary and the imminent birth on his shoulders. Every inn was packed; every door he desperately knocked on slammed in his face. No room.

Make RoomMake Room Day 2 jpeg

As we consider Mary and Joseph’s plight that night, one of the most important lessons we can take from this story is to make room for the Savior in our lives.  In the whole city, one innkeeper took pity on their plight and offered what he had for their use.

What about us? Do we make room for the Word Made Flesh in our lives? John 8:37 tells the sad story of those who have no room for the word. But when we make room for Jesus, when we give Him what we have, He changes everything. The more room we give Him in our lives, the more changes He makes. And the more He uses what we give Him.

While it’s a good start, Jesus is asking for more than just Sunday morning. We need to make room in our schedules, in our homes, in our leisure time, in our work, in our hearts.  

Rather than being a once-a-week commitment, Jesus wants to be our everyday priority.

When we pray about our schedules, Jesus can multiply our time, help us to make the right connections and opportunities. When we invite Him into our families, He can soften and quicken the hearts of ourselves and our loved ones to bring about necessary change. When we pray about our leisure time activities and hobbies, He can spark creativity and opportunities we may not  have had otherwise. When we give Him our work, He can help us weather difficulties and inspire us with new ideas. When we step out in ministry, he can bless our five loaves and two fish into much more than we imagine. Making room for Him is the key to change in our own lives.

Action Points:

Determine how you will make room for Jesus this Advent.

  1. What does your devotion time look like? Are you meeting with Jesus in the morning or evening? If not, when can you make time for Him?
  2. Is there an area of your life that you have put up the “no vacancy” sign at, that you haven’t yet yielded control of to Jesus?
  3. Can you make room for an extended time of prayer once during Advent? Perhaps as a mini-retreat in your own home or somewhere else?
  4. Is there a step of ministry God is asking you to take for Him?

Please share any ideas of how you will make room for Jesus this season in the comment section below and enjoy the music selection for today: Do You Have Room?, by Shawna Edwards.

Let’s be To Do-ers of His word this Christmas season by making room!

Previous Posts:

Day 1: Believe Him

