Welcome to podcast #2 in our Walking In Truth series on the book of Colossians. Today Mary and I discuss Colossians 1:9-12. We’ll discover that God wants us to increase our relationship with Him, and that far from being alone, God is very present with us in all our circumstances of life. We can count on Him to give us the grace and strength we need for each situation we are in and for every work He gives us to do.
Just click on the above arrow to listen. We’ve also included a listener guide for you to fill in as you listen to the podcast to help you glean the most information as possible from this teaching.
We pray you are blessed by this series. Feel free to leave your comments and questions below.
Here is the link to the page for the entire series. I will be updating the page with new recordings over the next few weeks. Walking In Truth
Image courtesy of Panpote / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
We will be adding more of the recordings to this page over the next few weeks, so be sure to check back. So far, we have 14 recordings in this series, which we originally recorded on TalkShoe.