The truth about true love

I have always thought of love as a beautiful, lovely, emotional experience that begins in the heart and ends with I do. And I love that part of love, bouquets of roses, sweets for the sweet, perfume, a lovely dress, a midnight supper, and whispered words. The greatest expression of love however looks quite different.

True truth about love

It starts with the heart and ends with a cross. Blood, agony, nails. Not roses but thorns. Not midnight supper, but last supper. Instead of a lovely dress, garments stripped and gambled. Whispered words become cries of pain. Why have you forsaken me? And God shows us what true love is. A decision of the mind and pours out through the heart. Raw and bare for the world to see,

because God so loved the world.

The truth about true love is there is no love without pain, sacrifice, or loss. But in the sacrifice we are blessed, in the loss we receive and in the pain we are healed.

Help me Lord Jesus to so love my husband, to so love my children, and to so love my world, my teachers, my students, and my school families. Help me to so love beyond the beautiful into the depths of true love. Amen.

 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8:

Thank you, Holy Father. Amen.

By Mary Kay Kane

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