1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 6: The Blessing of Suffering

DOve JPEG 10 edtGod has given us many blessings, the greatest of which is the gift of life.  We can choose to live a life of selfishness and greed, following after our own desires, or we can live a blessings:  grace, joy, peace, love, fruit, ministry, and yes,  suffering.

At first, it may seem as if suffering and blessing have no point of commonality, but as we shall learn, suffering leads to blessing if we will only trust the Lord.  The present hardship you are experiencing can be re-purposed by God into blessing. Blessing from suffering … what kind of God has that kind of power? The Great I AM.  Living blessing of suffering.

Please click on the link below to down load Part 6 of A Life of Faith.

A Life of Faith, Part 6: The Blessing of Suffering

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 4: The Name

Welcome to part 4 of 1 Thessalonians: A Life of Faith. I pray God richly blesses you for your diligence to His Holy Word.

Proverbs 22:1 states,  “A good name is is to be desired more than great wealth.”

A good name is very important. Indeed, parents expend great amounts of time and energy in choosing the perfect name for their progeny.  A poorly chosen name can mean a life of frustration for the the one who bears it. Names serve not only as markers of identity, put they become indicators of character as well. Say the name of a well-loved individual and everyone’s face will light with favor. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true; the mention of a bad name produces discord and murmuring.  There is one Name that stands above every other name. At the sound of  The Name, every knee must bow and tongue that Jesus Christ is Lord!

To continue 1 Thessalonians: A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 4: The Name










Walking with God: A Study on the Book of Ruth, Day Thirteen by Mary Kane

ID-10080988When we decide to walk with God, He commits to walk with us for better or worse for all eternity. As a sign of His commitment,  He gives us a special gift. This gift will enable us to walk with Him in confidence and assurance until the day faith becomes sight. To do day thirteen, please click on the link: Walking with God: Day Thirteen



Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Following Jesus by Mary Kane

With a couple of simple words, “Follow Me,” the lives of a few fishermen were changed forever. Jesus still uses these simple words today to call all who are willing to follow Him. To do the study, Following Jesus, just click on the link! 

Photo by Engeni Dinev Sunbeams in the Mouintains  http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/Landscapes_g114-The_Balkans_p17835.html

Fear!-Take 5! By Mary Kane

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, sound mind and love. Who will you listen to? To download a Take 5! on fear please click on the link!