Short & Sweet: The Word

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Thy word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.

Psalm 119:11

Oh, no. NO! Rats.

My iPod lost power and shut down. I was sitting amid a crowd of about 3000 women at the Revive ’15 conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, listening to Dr. Eric Mason bring home his message about our purpose in Christ. He was pounding out his message on the podium as God was pounding it out on my heart.

I was tracking with him.

I was on it.

I was deep in the Scriptures when – my device went blank.

Dead. Dark.

My connection to the Word of God shut down. It was a sick desperate feeling. I felt as blank as my screen. I clenched my device and shook it in hopes of stirring up a few life-giving sparks of energy. I frantically eyed the screen again. Still blank. Bereft. Hopeless. Unconnected.

I was as powerless and empty as my iPod.

Unplugged. From my e-version Bible, yes, but not from the Word of God. My heart was still plugged in. For years and years I have been making regular deposits of God’s Word.  Verses, passages, and chapters of Scripture secreted away in the depths of my heart for an emergency, for such a time as this.

A hunger for the Word.

As I clutched my dead device in my hand, I thought of my brothers and sisters of every tribe and tongue, in towns and villages across the continents who have no iPods. Living without the Word of God at their fingertips is a daily experience. They would give their lives for a page or a scrap of Scripture. I was distraught after being deprived of my Bible for one minute. Imagine going months or years without a verse of the living Word.

What if all the Bible you had tomorrow is all the Bible you have today?

In other words, what if the only Scripture available to you is the Word you have hidden in your heart? Would it be enough to sustain you for days, weeks, and months? Would you be able to nourish your family and share with strangers?

The Ten Commandments have been removed from public forums, and fights over the Pledge of Allegiance ring throughout our land.  We may face the day when the Word of God is outlawed. Are you ready?

To hide, hid, hidden.

The Hebrew word for hid is tsaphan, which means “to hide, to treasure, to store up.” When we hide something, we are protecting it from harm, from theft. When I treasure something, I like to look at it, and think about it. My treasure gives me pleasure even when I can’t see it or touch it. Just knowing God’s Word is there brings joy.  When I store something, I’m making provision for a future need. I may not have a need right now for verses on healing, but I may need them next week, next month or next year. While our Bibles may be taken from our hands, the Word of God can never be taken from our hearts.

Action Points:

  1. Post scripture around your house. Keep Bible verses by your bathroom mirror or by the kitchen sink. Run through your verses when you’re doing chores or getting ready for the day.
  2. Think of a problem you are currently facing. Find some verses that deal with your issue. Write your verses on note cards and carry them with you where ever you go. Say your verses when you have a chance (stoplights, lines at the grocery stores, waiting for appointments, etc.).

Resources: Scripture memory apps and websites

  1. Memverse: a Bible memory website
  2. Remember Me: a Bible memory app
  3. 10 Tips for Memorizing Scripture: Bible memory tips website

Life is sweet! Put the Word in your heart.


All rights reserved.

Copyright 2015

The 12 Days of Easter, Day 7: Word of Life

Easter 6

Day 7: Word of Life

“Holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.” Philippians 2:16

May the book of your life be written in His words. May His words be your words.

word [wurd]


1. news; tidings; information

2. an authoritative utterance, or command

3. Also called the Word, the Word of God.

  1. the Scriptures; the Bible.
  2. the Logos.
  3. the message of the gospel of Christ

The word of life is the key to living a life of purpose and fulfillment. What will bring great joy to your life this Easter season? Holding fast the word of life. There is no everlasting joy apart from God and His holy word.

In the original Greek, holding fast means the following: to have, to apply, to stop, to present. Let’s apply each of these definitions of holding fast to our spiritual life.

To have: One definition of to have is to hold in the hand, as in the sense of wearing. How can you wear the word of life? By putting on the armor of God; the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation etc. Don’t forget your robe of righteousness. To have also refers to possession of the mind. We will experience great joy as we use God’s word of life to control our thoughts, and fight our battles against sin, Satan, and our own flesh.

To apply: God’s word is an authoritative utterance that I must apply to my life. Just as it is not enough to simply believe in God (even the demons do, and tremble), it is not enough to simply read the word of life —  I must obey and apply it to my life, and heart. I do this through prayer, meditation, and memorization. Like ointment to a wound, I must liberally slather the word of life on the broken places of my soul. May His word become my words.

To stop: The word of life enables me to stop … stop whining, stop sinning, stop worrying, stop complaining. By speaking the word of life, I can stop speaking death into my relationships, dreams, goals and challenges. In Deuteronomy Gods presents His people with a choice. “I lay before you this day … blessing or curses, life or death. Choose life that you may live.” It sounds so simple. Must God have to persuade us to choose life? Yet how often do I catch myself speaking words of death instead of words of life? During Easter, the season of life, let’s purposefully choose to stop speaking death and instead speak the word of life so we may rejoice in God’s goodness.

 To present: Holding fast the word of life does not mean we keep it to ourselves. As Christians we have been entrusted with the word of life, the gospel. We hold tightly to the word of life  in one hand as we present it with the other to the lost of the world. What better time to present the word of life then during the Easter season.

point to ponder

Into what area of your life does God want you to speak the word of life?


Dear Father,

Please help me to commit myself to wearing your Word. Each morning before I dress my physical body, may I remember to dress my spirit by studying your Word. I dress myself in your Word for a reason — so I may apply it. Applying your word to my life, relationships, and problems ensures they will work for my good and Your glory. Help me choose to speak life into my life. Words of death are for Good Friday, not Easter Sunday. As I speak the word of life into my cares and concerns, may I also speak it to others who are in great need of salvation.

In Jesus Holy Name,


Your Words, Your Life by Joyce Meyer

previous posts

Day 1 : Breath of Life

Day 2: The Life

Day 3. Eternal Life

Day 4. The Life Which I Now Live

Day 5. All the Days of Your Life

Day 6: The Book of Life

word. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: February 24, 2015).

His Word by Mary Kane

Have you ever wondered why you sould devote yourself to the study of God’s Holy Word? God promises that the study of His Word will bring many blessings to your life! To learn what some of these blessings are please click on the link! His Word.