Short & Sweet: 4 Steps to a More Peaceful Life

Short Bible studies, quick devotions

“Sold to Mrs. Kane for $150 dollars.”

It was Work Day at our school, a tradition in which the seniors raise money for their class trip by auctioning themselves off to the highest bidder. For one day the seniors become workers, at the beckon call of their bosses. In this case, I purchased my own son. For one day, he was mine. No arguing. No haggling. My word was LAW.

He was my captive.

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10: 3-5

The original Greek word used for captive in 2 Corinthians is aichmal?tiz?. It means “to lead away captive, to capture ones mind, to captivate.” To captivate—interesting.

If something is captivating it draws, it attracts, it appears to offer something desirable to the one who is captive-ated. As stated in the definition, it captures the mind. Once the mind is ensnared, the heart and body soon follow. The perfect trap.

Captivity causes great stress.

Especially when a Christian is held captive by sin. I know. I have been there. My heart knew the truth, but I allowed my flesh to rule my soul.

The price of living in rebellion is the absence of peace. Flesh fights the Spirit. Lies clash with Truth. Man contends with God. And the mind is a battle zone. Stress, anxiety and angst set up shop and begin their dirty work. Like a puppet on a string, our thoughts call the shots and we obey.

How can we regain our freedom and peace?

Know the truth—Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. We must bury truth in our heart so we are able to recognize a lie the moment it tries to ensnare us. Once we have the truth in our heart, we use it to tear down the lies of the Enemy. We do this by taking every thought captive to Christ.

How does this process work?

I run every thought that comes into my head through the filter of God’s word by asking one question, “Does this thought comply with the truth of Scripture?” If the answer is no, then I cast it away and replace the lie with truth. I do not allow my mind to be captivated by lies or sinful thoughts. I take every thought captive to the truth of Christ.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can control our thoughts—we choose what we think about. The Spirit enables us to tear down opinions and arguments and replace the lies with truth. We are no longer enslaved by our thoughts. Reduce your stress by thinking right thoughts. Right thoughts lead to right actions. And right actions lead to peace. Peace with God, peace with others, and peace with yourself.

It matters what you hear.
It matters what you watch.
It matters what you read.
It matters what you think.
What you allow in your mind goes heart deep.

Today, seek to tear down the lies and take every thought captive to Christ. Stop entertaining fabrications of the world, the enemy and your mind. Your destiny hangs in the balance. Tear down lies with Truth. Walk with Truth and you will live in peace.

Action Points:

  1. Take a quick inventory of your troublesome thoughts.
  2. Memorize scriptures that deal with your trouble areas (If you often complain, memorize scriptures about thankfulness.)
  3. Replace wrong thoughts. Turn your memorized scriptures into prayers. Example: “Lord, Your word says I should do everything without complaining. Thank you I have a washer to do all this laundry.”
  4. Repeat as often as needed!

Life is sweet! Think truth and live in peace.


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copyright 2016

Short & Sweet: Wait a Minute

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Wait on the LORD; be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!
Psalm 27:14

I must admit it.

I never thought it would happen to me, but it has. I have become one of those impatient people who, in a moment of delay, pulls out her phone to check in, check out or check up on the latest current social media events. Waiting is a lost skill — a discipline of a bygone era. As I recently heard Pete Wilson state in What Keeps You Up At Night, nothing in our society today trains us to wait. Microwaves, instant credit, overnight deliveries, one-click shopping hone our waiting muscles. I need to learn to wait a minute.

I remember the days of lay-away shopping.

My mother would take my sisters and me school clothes shopping in August (back then the first day of school was in September, not early August). We’d pick out a few new outfits and place them on lay away. Then each week my mom would make a payment. Finally in September, after weeks of waiting, we’d bring home our new clothes.

Green stamps and bubble gum wrappers.

S&H Green Stamps premiums, Bazooka Bubble Gum wrapper toys, and cereal proof of purchase box top prizes also required the discipline of waiting. For months we’d gather and save stamps, wrappers and proofs of purchase in order to earn prizes. Most of the fun of earning one of these gizmos was the anticipation of what it would be like when IT finally arrived. Perseverance, delayed gratification, earning something by the sweat of the brow. Lessons well learned.

The benefits of waiting.

The Bible teaches about the benefits of waiting. The verse above lists one benefit — strength. Who doesn’t want or need a stronger heart?

Other benefits of waiting

  1. It strengthens our faith. John 11:15
  2. It helps us gain courage. Psalm 27:14
  3. It brings blessings. Isaiah 30:18
  4. It helps us receive direction and guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6

I also believe waiting helps to establish an attitude of thankfulness and humility in our heart. It helps us to live in the moment instead of wishing our lives away. To live simple. To rejoice when we have. To rejoice when we have not. Learning to wait a minute.

Action Points:

  1. What are you trying to push through that you need to wait on God for?
  2. Are you a habitual rusher? Do your kids constantly ask are we in a hurry again? When was the last time you actually savored something? …a kiss … a piece of chocolate … a good movie … a cozy time with a toddler and a book?
  3. Take a half hour and linger with God in silence today. You won’t believe how He will refresh your soul and strengthen your heart.

Life is sweet when you wait a minute.


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copyright 2015

Short & Sweet: Feast or Famine?

2fbad png“1 “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters: and you who have no money,
Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
2 “Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy?”
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance.”
Isaiah 55:1-2

Feast or Famine?

Bread and water are the basic elements of sustaining human life. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 805 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, suffered from chronic undernourishment in 2012-2014 ( Less known is the fact that 1.1 billion people lack basic access to safe water (
There is another famine in our land more critical than the lack of bread and water. The book of Amos calls it a famine of the Word of God. Spiritual malnourishment is rampant in our land. God asks everyone who is thirsty or hungry to come and eat and drink — for free. Without money, without price. Feast or famine.


Read Isaiah 55:1-2 again.

What food challenge did God’s people face? It wasn’t lack of money, but poor choice. They were deceived. God’s people spent their money on something that was not bread, therefore it did not satisfy. They fed their souls with provisions that left them hungry, undernourished and poor. Famine.

God offers an alternative, manna from heaven.

Bread, water, wine and milk to nourish the soul and satisfy the heart. It costs nothing to partake because Jesus paid plenty to provide. What is this manna from heaven God calls us to feast upon? Read the second sentence of verse two carefully, “Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good . . . ”

His Word.

He invites us to feast abundantly upon His word—”all you can eat.”  So many of us settle for tidbits, junk food and meal replacements. Why? Why do so many Christians bypass the feast while our emaciated souls cry out for nutrient-dense nourishment of the word? We get by on a verse here, a word there, from a devotional vending machine while God has prepared a banquet for us.

I had a similar experience recently.

A few friends came to spend the weekend. When meal time arrived, we presented the menu and asked our guests to make themselves at home. With a smile I said, “We have a wide variety of organic fruits, vegetables, and salads.”

Tension. Fear. Suspicion.

Silence reigned in the kitchen. Faces froze and smiles faded. Everyone quickly begged-off dining with us and said they would eat later. And they did—at a local fast food restaurant. I was baffled. Our guests had a choice:
  1. Free nutritious organic food fresh from the garden, or
  2. Expensive fake processed food straight from the factory.

And they chose Door Number 2. Quick. Convenient. Familiar. I wonder how often God feels the same way, baffled by our choice to bypass the feast for the snack.

It’s time to put an end to drive-thru Christianity. Let’s carve some time out of our busy schedules and join God in the feast He has prepared for us. Spending time with God isn’t always quick, convenient or  familiar, but it will satisfy and nourish your mind body and spirit. Are you hungry? It’s time to feast.


Action Points:

  1. Identify the junk food in your life: sketchy TV shows, controversial music, dicey movies, etc. What needs to go to make room for a good helping of God’s Word?
  2. Examine your calendar. What can you cut to make time for God’s Word? If nothing can go, you’re probably too busy. Or maybe you honestly have your schedule pared down to absolute necessities. Ask God to multiply your time, walk by faith and spend time with God anyway. He will bless you for your sacrifice.
  3. Find ways to put more of God’s Word into your day. Listen to His word on your iPod. Download an audio version of the Bible to your Kindle and listen while you do chores or fall to sleep at night.

Life is sweet. Come to the feast.


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Short & Sweet: The Other Cheek by Mary Kane

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and Refreshment for your soul.

29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.” Luke 6:29

I admit, I have struggled with this verse; it goes against what comes natural to my flesh.  If someone insults me, I want to insult in return … an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. When I was growing up, I quickly learned what happened to people who did not “defend themselves”; they were beaten, battered, and bullied.

Through the years, I have heard many different people speak and preach on this verse, but I think most missed the point. Luke 6:29 is not about defending or not defending oneself, it’s about deferring to a higher calling. It’s turning the cheek for the sake of the Gospel.

Over the weekend, I watched a great movie, “42.” (Yes, the movie contains strong language. Don’t judge me.) The story line revolves around a man who is asked to give up his right to retaliate; his right to justly defend himself against grave injustice … against cruel and ugly treatment … against racism and hatred. He is asked by his boss to “turn the other cheek.” Why? Because of a greater cause. Something bigger than personal dignity and respect, the destiny of all mankind.

As believers, Jesus asks us to do the same thing; turn the other cheek for the sake of mankind. Turning the other cheek does not mean living a life in the shadows, afraid of our own shadow. (Clearly there is a time to fight.) We are to live in the light, to live courageously, despite the opposition and to maybe even take a few beatings for the sake of the cross. What is more important, vindicating ourselves, or the cause of the Christ? Can we allow someone to take advantage of us and offer forgiveness for the sake of the Gospel?

What takes more effort, to let your temper flare or to rein it in for a greater cause? Turning the other cheek does not indicate weakness. It requires great strength and self control. There are two kinds of people – those who choose to fight, and those who choose the greater fight: the fight for the Gospel.

Turn the other cheek.

Action Points:

  1. When are you tempted not to turn the other cheek?
  2. When should you stand and fight?
  3. In your present challenge, is God calling you to stand or to turn the other cheek?

Life is sweet.




Short & Sweet: Cross Out by Mary Kane

Nourishment and refreshment for your soul.

Nourishment and refreshment for your soul.

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved [Jesus].” Acts 4:12

We all remember taking tests in school. Fill in the dot, multiple choice (otherwise known as multiple guess), true and false, short answer, and the dreaded essay question.

If I had prepared for THE TEST, I actually liked working through the process of multiple choice questions using the “Cross Out Strategy.”

The Cross Out Strategy:

  1. Know the truth.
  2. Examine all the questions and search for truth.
  3. Cross out the obvious wrong answers.
  4. Analyze remaining answers.
  5. Cross out answers that contain a bit of truth.
  6. Circle remaining answer.

The key to the Cross Out Strategy is knowing the truth. Without having access to the true answers, the Cross Out Strategy is futile.

The same strategy works when looking for the answer to life’s biggest question: How may we be saved?

  1. Know the truth.
  2. Search for the truth.
  3. Cross out wrong answers that contain a bit of truth.
  4. Accept the correct answer.

The answer to our biggest question is contained in our verse above: There is no other name by which we must be saved. Jesus. It is only by accepting His sacrificial death on the cross that we are saved.

It all comes down to the cross: cross out all other answers.

Action Points:

  1. Is Jesus your Savior? Have you crossed out all other options?
  2. Do you depend only on Him for salvation, restoration and forgiveness?
  3. Do you allow others to rest only on Jesus, or do you require others to continually pay for their sins?
  4. Are you hanging on to something Jesus has already nailed to the cross?

Life is sweet.



Short and Sweet: Nothing but the Truth, by Mary Kane


Nourishment and refreshment for your soul.

 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.  And where I go you know, and the way you know.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:1-6

There comes a point in our life when we must make a decision about what we believe about God, heaven, life, and death. Who’s truth will we believe: the world’s, our own, or God’s.
Living by my own truth was a disastrous plan. The world of science did not have a remedy for my massive sin problem (Darwin could not cover my guilt and shame). Then I met Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. His truth became my truth. His way became my way. His life became my life.
Let’s dig a little deeper into our verse.
Way: In Greek hodos, which means properly, a traveled road, a journey, a course of conduct, thinking and living.
Truth: In Greek aletheia, which means “what is true in any matter under consideration, in reality, fact.
Life: in Greek zoe, which translates “life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God, blessed …” to be fresh, strong, and efficient. Life only found in Christ, to live as we were created to be.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Action Points:
  1. Where do you want to end up?
  2. Is the way you are walking going to get you there?
  3. What is truth? Does truth depend on people or circumstances? What does truth depend on?
  4. Did any of the above definitions impact your heart?

Jesus is the way the truth, and the life. If you know you do not have truth, please click on one of the links below.

Life is sweet.
