Walk Like an Ephesian, Part 1 by Mary Kane

ID-100184000Often I have heard young people state, “I need to find out who I am.” If you are in Christ Jesus, He saves the time and effort by telling you the truth about who you truly are. To do the study, Ephesians 1: I Am, please click on the link.





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To dig a little deeper in your study, please watch the following video about some of the spiritual blessing we have in Christ:

Take 5! The Weak and Foolish by Mary Kane

Do you think you are unusable because you have been weak or foolish? God says otherwise! To do the Take 5! study The Weak and Foolish, just click on the link!

photo by prozac1 https://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/Coastal_And_Oceans_g117-Stronghold_p11205.html