Reflections #11: Be a Remnant

Thank you for joining us for Reflections, short meditations on scripture intersecting life.

But I will gather together the remnant of my flock from the countries where I have driven them. I will bring them back to their own sheepfold, and they will be fruitful and increase in number. Jeremiah 23:3

Show Notes

Some of you may know that I am on a cross-country journey with my husband. He is riding his bicycle, and I am pulling the travel trailer. One of the things God put in my mind to do on this trip is to pray for our country while I’m driving. So I started Prayer Across America. Check it out if you’d like to join me in praying.

Well, this week I was feeling a bit discouraged (read that as sorry for myself) as if I was the only one praying for our great nation ever. God used a few things to encourage me, including the above verse. Listen in to the podcast to hear the rest of the story. Just click on the arrow below. You can also subscribe on iTunes.

Thanks for listening and …

Pray on!


Here is a link to the Eric Metaxas show episode with Ken Fish.


Reflections #10: Forward Progress

Thank you for joining us for Reflections, short meditations on scripture intersecting life

Jeremiah 7:24 NLT

Are you discouraged with your journey with God? Sometimes we need to step back and look at the big picture rather than just where we are at the moment. Assess your progress over one year, 5 years, 10 years for an accurate picture of your spiritual life.

Join me today in Reflections as we talk about forward progress. You can listen here or subscribe to our podcast on iTunes. Leave your thoughts in the comment section and thanks for listening!


Reflections #9: His Love Trumps Hate Podcast

Thank you for joining us for Reflections, short meditations on scripture intersecting life

1 Corinthians 13

The #LoveTrumpsHate is being bandied around lately. I see it on signs, blog posts, Facebook, and Twitter. But it’s often accompanied by words and actions that aren’s so loving. No matter whom you supported in the election, both sides are slinging nastiness back and forth. Clearly the love is missing from this hashtag.

Why? It’s certainly a good intention.

To find out, let’s look to the Lord, the One who gave us the manual on love, 1 Corinthians 13. Join us for a short discussion on what this kind of love looks like.

Be sure to write down your reflections and keep the conversation going with God throughout the day. May your soul’s meditations be fuel for Spirit-led actions today!

To listen, just click on the triangle below. You can also subscribe to the Only By Prayer podcast on iTunes. You may also want to read Mary’s blog post on His Love Trumps Hate.

Pray on!



Reflections #8: Messy Middles

Thank you for joining us for Reflections, short meditations on scripture intersecting life.

“I have set my face like a stone determined to do His will.” Isaiah 50:7

Show Notes

When I am starting something new,

To listen, simply click on the podcast player below or subscribe to us on iTunes.

May your soul’s meditations be fuel for Spirit-led actions today.


Reflections #5: At His Feet


Thank you for joining us for Reflections, short meditations on scripture intersecting life.

Show Notes

In today’s Reflections we are meditating on Luke 10:38-39:

As Jesus and His disciples were on their way, He came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to Him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said. 

As I read through the Bible, I see that Mary was not the only one who ended up at the Lord’s feet. Many others did too. And it was usually for one of two reasons:

  1. They were desperate for healing.
  2. They has just received their healing from Jesus.

What is it about being at the feet of Jesus that is so powerful? Let’s consider that question today on Reflections.

To listen to this short 5-minute podcast, just click on the arrow below. Or subscribe to us on iTunes. We’d love it if you’d leave us a review too.

Be sure to grab your journal and record your own meditations after listening to and praying through the reflection.

May your soul’s meditation be fuel for Spirit-led actions today!


Reflections #4: Shine Upon You


Thank you for joining us for Reflections, short meditations on scripture intersecting life.

Show Notes

In today’s Reflections we are thinking about Numbers 6:24-26.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

It makes my heart full as I welcome, as I receive this blessing from the Lord. I must never forget that I am a child of His Light. In the Message Bible by Eugene Peterson called Conversations, he says “Since Christ has dawned in our lives, light not darkness, is the fundamental reality by which we live. And the radiance of His face bathes us with the blessings of new and emerging life.”

As Christ-followers, we need to be all about pushing back the darkness that is encroaching on our world, our countries, our states, our cities, our neighborhoods—and our families. Many people live in a spiritual state of darkness.

Join Only By Prayer in this Reflection by clicking the arrow below to see how we can reflect His light. You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes. Please leave us a review on iTunes if you desire.

Pray on!
