Pray Without Ceasing Part Two by Mary Kane

Do you want to walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, increasing in the knowledge of God? Please click on the link to do the study “Pray Without Ceasing Part 2.”

I Wish I May by Mary Kane




“I am a praying woman. I wish I could say that I’ve always been that way. I wish I could say that I’ve spent hours in prayer everyday.” To do the Bible study “I Wish I May” please click on the link!




Jane VanOsdol

Jane VanOsdol

I struggled with discouragement because of being sick, but God had something in mind with all that time I spent resting. At that time He was also putting in my heart a desire to start a blog about prayer. So for that year, I spent a lot of time reading and studying about blogging and podcasting and researching what resources I would need to do all this. It was a tough year, but God was busy laying the groundwork for future plans.

The BIble verse that became my theme for that year was the following:

Now, I was impatient and just wanted to feel better and get on with things, but I had to learn to WAIT. I had no choice.

try journaling your prayers

try journaling your prayers

Over the years, I have learned more of what it means to wait on the Lord when I sense He is calling me to make changes. Mostly I have learned this from my own painful blunders of charging ahead and then having to undo my mistakes because I acted too soon or took on too much and made a mess of things.

An Hour of Prayer by Mary Kane

What is the longest amount of time that you’ve spent in prayer? Amazing things can happen when God’s people pray! Click on the link to find out how God will use your prayers!

All Through the Night

myself and pray.” To download a Bible study concerning praying through big decisions , please click on the link!

Winds of Change

Jane VanOsdolWhere I live in the Midwest, March is a time of change. The days are often filled with gusty winds ushering in the latest warm front or cold front. I’m never quite sure what the weather will bring from one day to the next. One day I may be outside luxuriating in a sunny, beautiful 65 degree-day, but 24 hours later I may be  scuttling back inside with snow flurries dusting my hair.

Changeable March weather

Changeable March weather

March scene

Maybe you’re at a time in your life right now that is matching the March weather. Perhaps you feel like you’re being buffeted about by opposing forces that you can not control. Whether it’s your job, your health or a relationship that’s causing the upheaval, it’s an unsettling, even scary feeling. Well, fortunately, God does not leave us alone to weather these changes. He has given us a comforter who is, interestingly enough, compared to the wind. Acts 2 introduces the Holy Spirit in this way:  “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting” (v. 2).

The Holy Spirit filled each believer and changed his or her life completely. It was through the Spirit’s power and guidance that the disciples were able to preach and heal and minister to others. And it is through the Spirit’s power that God also wants each one of us to live out our lives as well. If we let God’s Spirit guide us through the “winds of change” seasons in our lives, we can be assured that God will bring us through and grow us through every situation in our lives.

What’s God changing in your life right now? Let’s commit to praying about these changes and seeing how God wants to use them to change us. We’ll talk about this some more in the next post. Until then, pray on!