When the Spirit Prays by Mary Kane

Do you have a prayer partner? It’s great to have someone with whom to share your concerns and prayer requests! Did you know that the Holy Spirit intercedes for you as well? To do the study  “When the Spirit Prays” just click on the link!

Praying for Your College Kids and Young Adults with Pastor David Bell

Jane VanOsdol

Jane VanOsdol

Join Jane and Pastor David Bell as they discuss how to pray for the college kids and young adults in your life. David is the associate pastor of young adults at Grace Community Church in Noblesville, Indiana. You’ll find much helpful information here on the joys and challenges that this stage of life brings for both the young adults and their parents. David encourages parents and offers advice on helping your children move into this more independent phase of life.


Praying for Our Enemies Part 2 by Mary Kane

God calls us to love and bless those who curse and hate us. How is this possible? With God all things are possible! To do part two of Praying for Our Enemies, please click on the link!

Praying for Our Enemies: Part 1 by Mary Kane

As Christians, God calls us to love our enemies. Can we do this in our own power? No! But God is willing to give us all we need to love our enemies.

Suffering, Singing and Praying by Mary Kane

Have you ever had a long season of suffering? What should we do during these hard times? God’s Word has the answer! Click on the link to do the study, “Suffering, Singing and Praying“!

Because You Prayed Part 2 by Mary Kane

Have you ever wondered if your prayers really matter? God’s Word says yes! To do the study, “Because You Prayed Part 2,” please click on the link!