Five Ways to Pray in March

5 Ways to Pray in March

The winds of change often blow through March. One day it’s sunny and 55 degrees, and the next day we’re running for cover from an onslaught of rain or snow. And it’s not just the weather that’s fickle either. I find myself dragging through gloomy days feeling unmotivated, dreary, and dreaming of summertime fun. So, let’s dig in and persevere, knowing that better days are ahead. Here are a few ways to focus your prayers during the next few weeks with Only By Prayer.

1. Visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, March 3 — Much contention surrounds the visit of Netanyahu. House Speaker John Boehner invited him to address Congress without the sanction of the White House. President Obama has said that he will not meet with the prime minister while he is here, which will further strain the relationship between longtime allies Israel and the United States. The whole issue has become a hot button, further ignited by John Kerry’s working to strike a nuclear deal with Iran, a true enemy of Israel. Much prayer is needed for the whole situation.


 Fox News


“I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV


Lord, we ask that the truth of this situation will be made plain. We pray for the relationship between Israel and America that we will continue to support each other. We pray for healing between our leaders. We pray for your intervention in world affairs. Guide and direct us so that we are effectively and fervently praying for our world and its leaders. Amen.

2. National Day of Unplugging, March 6 Whether or not we like to admit it, technology has radically changed the way we live life. Computers, tablets, and smart phones give us instant access to information, news, and people. If we don’t quickly respond to the latest text or Tweet, people easily become upset with us.

Constantly “being on” takes a toll, as we feel we must respond Pavlov-like to every ring, buzz, or ding. This 24-hour period of unplugging challenges us to set aside our electronics for the day, or however long is possible, to explore reading, drawing, meditating, family, and other creative activities.


National Day of Unplugging


“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 37-39 NIV


 Lord, we ask that you will help us to reconnect with ourselves, our families and friends, and you on this day. May we realize that loving you is our greatest commandment. Help us to focus on your priorities in our lives and to reestablish a discipline of peace and quiet in our days. Amen.

3. St. Patrick’s Day, March 17Today St. Patrick’s Day is famous for celebrating the Irish culture. Shamrocks are seemingly on every corner, and if you forget to wear green, look out for a sharp pinch. The holiday actually began in the 300s when Patrick, a British teen of a well-to-do Roman family, was kidnapped by Druids and taken to Ireland as a servant to tend sheep. During those difficult years, he turned to God and started praying throughout his days and nights, developing a close relationship with God. Be sure to take a minute to read the rest of his inspiring story in the link from the resources. From Patrick we can learn the importance of praying, depending upon God, and witnessing.


 St. Patrick


“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV


Lord, we pray for the heart that Patrick had to seek you despite his dire circumstances. May we develop a heart of prayer and the habit of depending upon you and not ourselves. Give us the thirst to witness to others that Patrick had. He changed the heart of a country because he was so obedient to you. Help us to practice that same obedience and shine our light for you wherever we find ourselves. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Palm Sunday, March 29 — Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and celebrates the time that Jesus triumphantly rode into Jerusalem to shouts of acclaim from the people. This euphoric day is the start of Holy Week, a roller coaster of events and emotions during the last week of Jesus’ life. As the worshipers did on Palm Sunday, let’s focus on spending time praising God today. Verbal praise can help us defeat the enemy’s work in our lives and lift our spirits. It also puts Jesus in His proper place and us in ours.


Praise the Lord!


“Hosanna to the Son of David!” Matthew 21:9b NIV


 Jesus, we praise you and sing hosanna because you are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We know that nothing is too hard for you. We praise you that you make all things work together for our good. We thank you that in you all things consist. We praise you for your peace that passes all understanding and guards our hearts and minds in Chirst Jesus. All praise to you, Heavenly Father! Amen.

 5. Revisiting New Year ResolutionsAt some point during this month, why not revisit any resolutions you made in January? How are you doing with implementing these changes in your life? By now, the novelty has definitely worn off, but the importance of each resolution should be reevaluated. Perhaps one or two deserve your serious focus. Sift and pray through the resolutions and decide how to move forward.


Five Critical Steps to Lasting Change by Dr. James McDonald


 “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”                           2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV


 Lord, we ask that you fill us with your Holy Spirit and give us the bold determination to make the changes that need to be made in our lives. This is rarely an easy thing. Help us to do the work that it takes to change an attitude, break a bad habit, find a new job, start an endeavor, finish our studies, have a quiet time, or whatever it is that needs to be done. May this be the year that we accomplish what we set out to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thanks for praying with us this month. What are some other ways you are interceding in March? Please share your ideas in the comment section below.

Pray on!

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 12: Stand Firm by Mary Kane

DOve JPEG 10 edt“Maybe I should … maybe I shouldn’t. I think I will, but then again, maybe I won’t. Nope. Yep. Final decision. I most definitely probably won’t.”

Have you ever had a conversation like the above with a friend, co-worker, family member …  yourself? Have you ever had trouble making a firm decision; swinging back and forth from choice “A” to choice “B” like the pendulum of a clock? Tick-tock, tick-tock, yes-no, maybe so.

I must admit I have had trouble trying to stand firm concerning decisions. Most of my wobbliness could be traced back to one deadly sin: people pleasing. In the not so distant past, my “stand firm” decisions were quickly toppled by one opinion contrary to my own. I was as firm as Jello at a July picnic.

My lack of ability to stand firm has cost me plenty (stress, wasted time, consequences, REGRET). After much prayer, soul searching and the storing-up of God’s Word in my heart, I am learning to stand firm, but not on my own two feet. I now stand firm upon the Rock.

To learn what it means to stand firm, and continue our study in 1 Thessalonians, A Life of Faith, please  click on the link below.


1 Thessalonians Part 12: Stand Firm

Bible Journal-Graphics: Read, Read by Mary Kane

Read read jpgAs a teacher, I know the value of repeated readings. Repeated readings help my students retain facts and increase comprehension of the text. Not only school-age children benefit from repeated readings; adults do as well. When I run into a heady portion of scripture, I read through once, go back, slow down and read again. If I still have trouble comprehending what God is saying to me, I will carefully read the text out loud.

Repeated readings are similar to slow-motion replays in sporting events. When the referees are not sure what happened, they go back, slow down the film, and watch the play-action again. The replay allows the field judges to focus on facts and details until finally the truth is revealed. The same is true of God’s word. One reading will never be enough. Repeated readings will reveal facts, and details missed the first time through.

God has been teaching me to linger over His Holy Word; to Read, Read and settle-in at the feet of Jesus.

To download your copy of Read, Read, please click on the link below.

Read read jpg

Bible Journal-Graphic:Read, Read

New Year 2015 Make It Count! Podcast Part 1

Before you jump headlong into the New Year, it’s always prudent to take an honest look at the past year. What did you do right over the last 365 days? What changes do you need to make? With some soul searching and prayer, God will give you a plan for what lies ahead. Take a few hours or, if you can spare the time, a mini-retreat to shore up your soul and plan and prepare for the next 12 months.

JaneandMaryJoin Mary Kane and me (Jane VanOsdol) of Only By Prayer as we share some suggested areas of focus for this next year. Our topics touch on spiritual, physical, and personal goals.

Looking forward to the New Year with you!

Click the sideways triangle directly below to listen to the podcast:

Resources from the Podcast

  1. OnlyByPrayer Facebook page
  2. Private prayer request page. Contact us and let us know if you’d like to join this page.
  3. Erin Leigh’s 31 Days of Scripture Art Journaling
  4. How To Pray blog post
  5. How To Pray: Praying God’s Word podcast
  6. I Pray Journal-graphics
  7. One Word podcast
  8. One Word website
  9. Free Faith & Fit Workout
  10. Sit and Be Fit
  11. T-Tapp More Workout (includes a chair workout)
  12. Update: Since this podcast was recorded, Jane has become a certified aromatherapist. You can find her website at and can order essential oils from her as well.
  13. Shannon Buck’s Organic Olive Oil Hand Salve

Bible Journal-Graphics: Journal 101 by Mary Kane

Journal 101

By nature, I am an early riser. I love to get up early in the still of the morning, partake of a leisurely breakfast, and relish thUpdate 2e peace and quiet of a house still asleep. The best part of my morning is my Quiet Time.  In my cozy nook, I nestle down with my Bible, a Bible study book and my Bible Journal.


Journaling is something new for me. In the past I have resisted journaling because I didn’t want to focus on how I felt about God’s Word, but on the truth of God’s Word.

Thus the birth of Bible Journal-Graphics. By combining what I know about reading comprehension, the usefulness of graphic organizers, and learning styles, God has led me to develop Bible Journal-Graphics have caused me to slow down, focus, and listen intently to what God communicates to my heart through His Word. I have discovered meaningful treasures and blessings by using this method of Bible study.

Journal 101 is my mainstay; I use it several days a week to dig in deep to a portion of Scripture.  God is always faithful, and His Word never returns to Him void.  It is my prayer you too will be blessed by Journal 101.

To access Bible Journal-Graphic, Journal 101, please click on the link below.

 Update 2 Bible Journal-Graphic: Journal 101

1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 9: Walk Worthy

“… as you know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children,  that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. “

1 Thessalonians 1:11-12   

DOve JPEG 10 edtWalking is the oldest mode of transportation known to mankind. Before the wheel, the horse and buggy, and the car, mankind walked. There is something very satisfying, and very thought provoking about walking. Walking provides time to meditate, reflect and pray about problems, challenges and plans.

Walk is the term God uses to describe our relationship with Him …  a walk with us every step of our journey.

As a runner, I know it is important not just to run a race, but to run well. The same applies to ourwalk worthy of the Lord? Does the phrase walk worthy refer to training, style, techniques and form or is it really a matter of the heart?

To continue your study in 1 Thessalonians, A Life of Faith, please click on the link below.

A Life of Faith, Part 9: Walk Worthy