Bible Journal-Graphics: i pray by Mary Kane

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake, I pray to God my soul to take. *
i pray jpegWhen I was a little girl, I remember watching Little House on the Prairie. Laura Ingalls was my favorite character and she said her prayers each night before she went to bed, in her loft, with her sister Mary. Back in those days, I didn’t know very much about
Many years later, at the age of nineteen, I became a Christian and my prayer is not about repeating time worn phrases, but speaking my thoughts to God and speaking His Word and will into my prayers.
If, like me, you need a little help with your i pray.

i pray jpeg    Journal-graphic: i pray





Bible Journal-Graphics:What’s the Big Idea? by Mary Kane

Sometimes we all need a a little help organizing our thoughts …  especially when we are doing Bible study. Writing our thoughts on paper helps us to process them; it’s the difference from “in one ear and out the other” or planting  Bible truths  deep in our heart.

Try our latest Bible Study Journal-graphics page, What’s the Big Idea? Use this graphic organizer to analyze the text, identify the main idea of a passage of Scripture, and draw out meaningful details from specific verses. You will love the  insights you’ll discover as you dig into God’s Word!

Bible Study Journal-graphics make a great companion to any Bible study series. You can also use them to record God’s messages to you as you study straight from the Bible. Your small group, discipleship training class or prayer conference will also benefit from this unique study tool.

Download  Bible Study Journal-graphics by clicking on the link  below. Be sure to make  fresh copies for each day of the week.  Please  share this graphic organizer with your church family, small group or youth group. You can also share them at your next Bible study meeting or Sunday school class. Enjoy!

What’s the Big Idea?

Let us know how you like using Bible Study Journal-graphics in the Speak Your Mind section below.

Bible Study Journal-Graphics by Mary Kane

Do you need a little help organizing your thoughts while you are doing Bible study? Has your Quiet Time become a little predictable?

Try our new Bible Study Journal-graphics page. Jot down your thoughts, record important concepts, and organize scriptural truths no matter what Bible study book you are using.  Do you like to study straight from the pages of scripture?

Bible Study Journal-graphics will add a fresh approach to your study time.

Download your copy of My Bible Study Journal-graphics page from the link below. Print a fresh copy each day for your Quiet Time.  Please feel free to share this graphic organizer with your friends and family. Print several pages and share them at your next Bible study meeting or Sunday school class. Enjoy!


My Bible Study Journal



Let us know how you like using Bible Study Journal-graphics. Please comment in the  Speak Your Mind section below. We look forward to your feedback!

The 12 Days of Thanks Giving: Day 12

Pump OBP Header 12Day 12:The Presence

“And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”  Exodus 33:14



Presence  [prezuh ns] noun

1. the state or fact of being present, as with others or in a place.
2. attendance or company
3. immediate vicinity; proximity
4. a divine or supernatural spirit felt to be present :
In the Garden of Eden man walked in the very Presence tabernacle-ing within man. The Hebrew word for presence is paniym, which means face, surface, presence. I have been very familiar with this Hebrew word for many years and smugly thought I knew all about it … until I researched it for this study. I stopped in wonder when I discovered paniym also means, “before and behind, toward, in front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before, to the front of …” Amazing.
Why can we be at rest? Why can we be at peace? Because He is with us, guiding us, protecting us, leading us, holding us in the palm of his hands.  God’s presence is all over us and all in us. His Presence brings us rest. This holiday season, when we are feeling rushed and stressed, we don’t need to seek peace; we need to seek Presence.
 More Presence
Morning Prayer a beautiful article by Jane VanOsdol
Bring Me Back an insightful poem by Logan Black
 Thank you for joining us during this season of Thanks Giving. May your day be blessed!


Please leave a comment below in the Speak Your Mind section on what God teaches you today about Presence.



presence. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. (accessed: November 15, 2014).

“Exodus 33 (New King James Version).” Blue Letter Bible. Sowing Circle. Web. 22 Nov, 2014. <>.

The 12 Days of Thanks Giving: Day 10

Pump OBP Header 12Day 10:The Gospel

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me
to preach the gospel to the poor: He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year  of the LORD.”
Gospel [gos-puh l] noun
1. the teachings of Jesus and the apostles; the Christian revelation.
2. the story of Christ’s life and teachings, especially as contained in the first four books of the New Testament, namely Matthew,
     Mark, Luke, and John.
3. (usually initial capital letter) any of these four books.
4. something regarded as true and implicitly believed:
5. a doctrine regarded as of prime importance:
6. glad tidings, especially concerning salvation and the kingdom of God as announced to the world by Christ.
Many people believe the truth of the Gospel into our everyday trials and tribulations and our greatest challenges and hardships. Let the truth of the Gospel transform your life from day one until Jesus calls you home.
Give Thanks for the Gospel
 I am so thankful that the Gospel transform your daily life? Perhaps we can try one of the following suggestions this week.
  1. To offer tangible help to the brokenhearted. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus by taking a meal to a grief-stricken person, offering time to listen, sending a card, or calling.
  2. Pray for those caught in sin or addictions. While we cannot force people to give up drugs or alcohol, we can fervently pray that they will be convicted of their sin and see their need to be set free.
  3. Volunteer our time. Many churches and ministries need help with their programs. Consider serving in a food pantry, volunteering at a pro-life clinic, teaching a Sunday school class, or working at a homeless shelter.

More Gospel

 1 Thessalonians A Life of Faith, Part 3: The Gospel a Bible study by Mary Kane

Knowing Who I am in Christ an article by Joyce Meyer



Please leave a comment below in the Speak Your Mind section on what God teaches you today about gospel.


gospel. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: November 24, 2014).

The 12 Days of Thanks Giving: Day 7

Pump OBP Header 12 Day 7:Redemption

He has sent redemption to His people: He has commanded His covenant forever:” Psalm 111:9


redemption [ri-demp-shuh n] noun

  1. an act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed.
  2. deliverance; rescue.
  3. atonement for guilt.
  4. repurchase, as of something sold.
  5. recovery by payment, as of something pledged

Redemption is one of the most beautiful words in the whole of human language. The fact that One would atone for  the sin of another is inhuman … in fact, it’s divine. In Hebrew the word redemption transliterates as peduwth, which means, “a division or distinction; from the primary sense of cutting.” Cutting. The cutting of the whip in the flesh of Jesus … the cutting away of the bonds of sin from our hands and feet. The cutting away of old habits, attitudes and mindsets of the old life. The cutting away of sin and shame by the cutting of Jesus. Redemption enables us to live as God created us to be, righteous and free.

This Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks  to God for His gift of redemption.

Redemption of Purpose: Father, Your Word says we are Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Thank You that You created us on purpose, for purpose. We confess we have used our gifts and talents for our own purposes. Please redeem every sinful act. We ask You to recommission our lives  for Your purpose. Thank You for calling us to live effective, significant, purposeful lives for You.


Redemption of our Mind: We thank You, Father, that You have given us a sound mind.  Your word says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. May we use our mind as tools to pursue You rather than instruments of sin. Please redeem every sinful habitual thought pattern  by the truth of your Word. Thank you that You train our mind to think Your thoughts, that we might not sin against You.


Redemption of our Past: Dearest Father, we thank You that in Christ Jesus we have been completely redeemed. You have bought us back from the  bondage of the Enemy with the precious blood of Christ. We are now free to live as slaves of righteousness. Where we have squandered our talents and treasures on sin and pleasure, Your Word promises to restore the years “the locusts have eaten.” We give thanks that You give beauty for ashes. Every act and deed of our past has been redeemed for our good and Your glory. We truly thank you.

 More Redemption

Redeeming the Time a blog post by Jane VanOsdol

Walking with God a Bible study by Mary Kane



Please leave a comment below in the Speak Your Mind section on what God teaches you today about redemption.


redemption. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. (accessed: November 15, 2014).

“Psalms 111 (New King James Version).” Blue Letter Bible. Sowing Circle. Web. 22 Nov, 2014. <>.