i pray: cultural war of words


i pray

short podcasts to bring the sacred into your everyday

Do you only have a few minutes for prayer today? You’re in the right place! Try one of our new i pray podcasts. A few minutes is all you need to pray God’s word into any situation by interceding for friends, family, and yourself. 

Show Notes

I don’t think social media has improved our manners any. Our virtual, semi-anonymous world seems to bring out the worst in people, enabling them to say whatever nasty thing pops into their head. I’ve been horrified at comments from all sides. With controversial topics hogging the headlines and dominating social media, it feels that no matter what we say, we’re about to step on a landmine.

As I’ve prayed about how to handle this, this verse from Matthew 10:16 seems especially appropriate:

I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Therefore be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves.

To pray with Only By Prayer through this topic, just click on the arrow below.You can also subscribe in iTunes. Feel free to add any helpful suggestions in the comment section too!


Pray on!

i hear: stand firm

Do you only have a few minutes for Bible Study today?

Or do you have a few extra minutes and want to feed your soul? Try one of our new i hear podcasts. Three minutes is all you need to receive  a little encouragement and refreshment from God’s word!

“Times are changing,” as the saying goes, but God does not change.

He is eternal and timeless. When the culture seems to shift like sand underneath our feet, God calls us to hold our ground. Commit today to stand on firm upon the Rock and affect the culture for Christ.

It’s time to stand firm.

Please leave a comment below on your experience.

Have a blessed day!


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copyright 2016

Short & Sweet: Prayer Giver

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;” 1 Timothy 2:1

Nora is my text friend.

You probably have a text friend. Text friends (a.k.a. virtual friends) are people with whom we share our lives, but due to conditions and circumstances we rarely see. When Nora and I lived in the same city, we were facefriends. Heart to heart friends. Lunches, Bible studies, prayers, conferences, family dinners, heartaches, victories—we shared a lot of life. Eventually, God called Nora and her family to Florida, Indiana and finally Texas. Thank goodness for technology!

I was catching up with Nora the other day. My dear friend asked about my family so I filled her in on the latest with my twenty-something sons and the status of my mother.

“My mom is quite ill,” I texted “Now, I have the privilege of being one of her primary prayer givers.”

Primary prayer giver.

I meant to text primary caregiver, but out came primary prayergiver.

God had my attention.

My mind began processing this new phrase I had inadvertently coined, primary prayergiver, and I drew meaning from original phrase. What do primary caregivers do? According to Wikipedia, “A primary caregiver is the person who takes primary responsibility for someone who cannot care fully for themselves. It may be a family member, a trained professional or another individual.”

What do primary prayergivers do?

A primary prayergiver is a person who stands in the gap and takes primary responsibility to pray for someone who cannot fully pray for themselves. Primary prayergivers don’t pray exclusively for the sick and elderly. They pray for anyone who cannot pray for themselves such as:

  • the lost
  • the unborn
  • little ones
  • those who have fallen away

Who is a primary prayergiver?

If you pray and you are a true Christ-follower, you are a primary prayergiver in at least three different spheres of influence:

  1. Your family: the people who live under your roof
  2. Your work/ministry: the people you serve and work with each day
  3. Your world: the people you meet and see each day, people you pass on the street, people in your town, state and nation and elected officials

Prayer deeply affects the daily lives, health and destiny of individual people, families and nations. If we don’t pray for our families, our coworkers our nation, our world, who will? Prayer can be the difference between success and failure, strength and weakness, victory and defeat, and life and death. God has given us the responsibility, privilege and blessing of being primary prayergivers. We must pray continuously for those under our care.

Action Points:

  1. Get a time: Consistent prayer usually won’t happen unless we plan for it. I like to pray while I’m driving and in the evening for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Get a list: I used to keep prayer requests on little pieces of paper, which scattered across my vanity confetti! STRESS. Then I discovered Prayer Notebook, an inexpensive prayer app, which changed my life. You’ll love it too! You can download it at the link below.
  3. Get praying: When someone has hurt you, be a prayergiver. When someone is hurting, be a prayer giver. When it seems there is no hope, and everything is lost, be a prayergiver. When someone is sick, lost their job or lost their child, be a prayergiver.


Prayer Notebook

Life is sweet. Be a prayergiver!


All rights reserved

Copyright 2016



National Day of Prayer 2016

I know that many of you spend time praying for America throughout the year. But on the first Thursday of every May we are privileged to have a specific day set aside to pray for our country called the National Day of Prayer.

With primaries going on and our presidential election coming up this November, I can’t think of a better time to pray for our country than during this contentious time. Looking for a local event to participate in? Click on the link in the previous sentence to see what is happening around you. If you’d like to follow the activities in Washington as they are broadcast live from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m ET on Thursday, May 5,  you belong right here.

Post Your Prayer

And at Only By Prayer, we’d love to have you join us in prayer as well. Please feel free to pray with us by posting your prayer below in the comments. Post as many prayers as you wish.

May God bless America!

Pray on!

Short & Sweet: 4 Ways to Stand Firm

Stand firm

I love to wake up early in the morning to enjoy the quiet peacefulness of a new day with my Father. After breakfast, I slip on my shoes, grab my Bible verses and take a prayer walk.

One morning the sky was filled with dark heavy clouds.

I glanced at the sky and decided to take a chance. While I was saying my verses, I kept a watchful eye on the sky. About half way through the rain began to fall. A few yards ahead, I saw a dry spot in the road; the overhanging trees offered a little protection from the rain. I hurried to the dry spot and waited. As the rain poured down I thanked God for keeping me dry in my sheltered spot.

I was tempted, as the rain became particularly heavy, to leave my dry haven and dash for home. After weighing my choices—dashing or waiting—I decided to wait. After all, I was barely even wet despite the downpour. While I was passing the time, I could sense God had a lesson for me.

“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.”

Proverbs 10:25

As of late, my life has been a little turbulent and unpredictable. Usually my first reaction to trouble has been to run from it as quickly as possible.

I’ve spent my life running.

From conflict. From fear. From change. From criticism. I’ve been a runner.

But God wants me to stand firm, to quit running and trust He will work all things for my good. Instead of running from the storms of life, He wants me to stand firm in the shelter of His presence. When I am under His cover the only things that can come to me are things He allows. In His presence I am in the storm but protected from the storm.

As the rain poured down and I stood firm,

I heard my Father whisper in my soul,

“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” Proverbs 10:25

In the storms of life, God deals with the wicked and takes care of the righteous. Forever.

4 Ways to Stand Firm

  1. Change your self-talk. Instead of rehearsing over and over how you will fail, fall or disappoint God, talk about how He is helping, strengthening, and leading you.
  2. Memorize scripture. Memorizing scripture will subdue your enemies, your fears and will help you with your self-talk. Speak scripture into your circumstances. Replace the lies of your own self-talk or lies of the enemy with scripture.
  3. Replace worry with prayer. Ask others to join you in prayer. Fill your prayers with God’s Word.
  4. Go forward. Walk by faith. Make no decision based on fear. Think of a person whose faith you greatly admire. Ask yourself What would so-and-so do? and do it. God did not bring this challenge to you so you would fail. And if you do falter, get up and try again.

Life is sweet. Stand Firm.


All rights reserved.

Copyright 2016.


i pray: second chances


i pray

short podcasts to bring the sacred into your everyday

Do you only have a few minutes for prayer today? You’re in the right place! Try one of our new i pray podcasts. A few minutes is all you need to pray God’s word into any situation by interceding for friends, family, and yourself. 

Show Notes

Do you ever feel that you’ve messed up too much for God to forgive you? 

That is a lie. When we confess our sins and accept that Jesus died on the cross and took the penalty for our sins on Himself, we have the assurance that we are forgiven.

Once we have established our relationship with Christ, when the Holy Spirit convicts us of any new sins we’ve committed we simply confess them and let the Spirit work in our lives to heal us of what needs healing. God is our God of second chances.

Let’s pray today using 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Thank you for praying with us at OnlyByPrayer.com today!