Sacred Everyday #6: The Path

DSC_3195Recently I was at one of my favorite places in the Midwest, Fernwood. It’s a gem of a nature park in Niles, Mich., where I grew up. My dad and mom, and my sisters Laura, Mary, Carol, and I all met there for lunch. It happened to be snowing that day, and the setting couldn’t have been more beautiful. The lure of the snow was too powerful, and I dashed DSC_3189outside with my camera to snap a few pictures while we waited for our lunch to arrive.

Somehow the world just seems quieter when insulated by a blanket of snow. The only thing I could hear was the twittering of birds as they flitted from tree to bird feeder to tree again, the cardinals a cheerful, scarlet blur against the snow.

I followDSC_3168ed the path under my feet as it wound through the trees, opening up beautiful vistas around each corner.

I couldn’t help but feel that I was in my own Sacred Everyday living out Psalm 16:11:

“You will show me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures for evermore.”

God painted a masterpiece that afternoon and let me wander through it. And I am thankful.

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Paths by Mary Kane

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to follow twisty, turny paths through the woods. Who knew what great adventure could be just beyond the next turn? The Bible compares our lives to paths. In order to follow Jesus, we must follow the path He made for us two thousand years ago. To do the study “Paths,” please click on the link!

Image: Simon Howden /

Following Jesus by Mary Kane

With a couple of simple words, “Follow Me,” the lives of a few fishermen were changed forever. Jesus still uses these simple words today to call all who are willing to follow Him. To do the study, Following Jesus, just click on the link! 

Photo by Engeni Dinev Sunbeams in the Mouintains