We are so glad you are back for Week 6, Lesson 1 of Faith & Fit, Make 3 Meals! Let us encourage you to persevere. Keep studying, and moving. You are laying up treasure in heaven where neither moth or rust can destroy. You are establishing healthy habits. Don’t give up! Jesus is walking with you every step of the way. Listed below is your Faith & Fit work for today. Please click on the links or the play buttons to access each resource. Remember to leave a comment about your experience at the Speak Your Mind section at the bottom of the page. In Christ, we can grow stronger. Let’s do it!
Everyday Faith Teaching Video:
Everyday Faith Bible Study:
Please click on the link below to access Everyday Faith Bible study!
Everyday Fit Physical Challenge:
Beginner Level: Today make it your goal to walk for 45 minutes or two miles. Walk at a pace that you are comfortable with and that you are still able to carry on a conversation. How are you feeling on your walks? As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge! For those of you who are interested in burning more belly fat while you’re walking, here’s an interesting plan from Prevention Magazine that you can download if you’d like to.
Experienced Level: Today make it your goal to jog or ride your bike for 45 minutes. Jog or ride at a pace you are comfortable with and that your are able to carry on a conversation. By the end of your walk/ride you should be sweaty and tired but not exhausted. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any physical workout to be sure you are up for the challenge!
Are you ready for push-ups with Coach Dan? Try these once a day.
Rainy day? No worries! Please click on the link below for a challenging indoor workout with Leslie Sansone!
4 Fast Miles!
Everyday Fit Food Challenge:
Make Three Meals
Today for Make Three Meals, we’d like you to take the time to eat three healthy meals, and it’s even better if you can sit down with your family for those meals, like we talked about in Week 4. Whether we’re busy with work or home duties, too many Americans tend to skip meals and eat haphazardly. When I was in Europe many years ago, meal time was a thing to be celebrated and enjoyed with family and friends. If you enjoy cooking and want to take some time to prepare the meal, that’s wonderful. If you need help locating fast, healthy meals, just click on the link. Feel free to share what any of your meals looked like today.
Extra Faith:
Need a little extra spiritual challenge added to your day? Take advantage of the following resources!
There’s much to mull over in this article Jesus’ Rhythm of Life. It explores the secret of Jesus’ ministry and how he practiced spiritual disciplines while He was on earth.
Extra Fit
Need an extra challenge? Get your abs in shape with Team Beachbody Coach and Founder of Team Let’s Go Fitness at Dan Vukmirovich. Dan’s videos are short, effective and productive! Try Dan’s videos once a day. Let’s go!
Please be blessed by Day Six of Dan’s Body Mind Spirit series. Again, you can do these once a day.
Let us know how you’re doing today. Share in the post below or on our Faith & Fit Facebook page.