Simply Study: James 2

In the Book of James we learn we are to be quick to listen and slow to speak. We are also encouraged to be doers of the Word not hearers only, deceiving ourselves. What better way to listen to God’s word than through Bible study! In Chapter 2 of the Book of James God shows us that faith alone is not enough for a fruitful Christian life. Even the demons believe, and tremble. We must combine faith with works.

Simply Study Bible studies contain the following pieces:

  • Simply read Repeated readings will help you meditate on truths of God’s word.
  • Simply mark Let loose your creative side as you simply mark the daily scripture reading passage.
  • Simply answer Look back in the scripture to answer questions about the text.
  • Simply reflect Consider what God is speaking to your heart and record your thoughts.
  • Simply act Become a doer of the word as you decide how to apply what you have learned.
  • Simply pray Reflect on your learning and pray how God leads you.

Please view or print the pdf below for the James study today! Better yet, invite a few friends to join you! Start your own Simply Study Bible study in your own home or favorite coffee shop!

Focus deeply.
One book at a time.
One day at a time.
Simply Study.

Leave me a comments below! I’d love to hear about what you have learned while you simply study!

all rights reserves. copyright 2019

Simply Study: Colossians

One book at a time one day at a time!

Are you ready to simply study God’s Word?

Welcome to Simply Study: Colossians! We pray you have been blessed by the time you have simply studied God’s Word!  This week God calls us to use the gifts He has given us to minister to others. As we use our gifts, we help build His kingdom here on earth!

Simply Study daily Bible study contains the following simple pieces:

  • Simply read Repeated readings will help you meditate on truths of God’s word.
  • Simply mark Let loose your creative side as you simply mark the daily scripture reading passage.
  • Simply answer Look back in the scripture to answer questions about the text.
  • Simply reflect Consider what God is speaking to your heart and record your thoughts.
  • Simply act Become a doer of the word as you decide how to apply what you have learned.

Please view or download the pdfs below for the book of Colossians. Better yet, invite a few friends to join you! Start your own Simply Study Bible study in your own home or favorite coffee shop!

Focus deeply.
One book at a time.
One day at a time.
Simply Study.

Leave me a comments below! I’d love to hear about what you have learned while you simply study!

all rights reserves. copyright 2018

Simply Study: James 1

In the book of James we learn we are to be quick to listen and slow to speak. We are also encouraged to be doers of the Word not hearers only, deceiving ourselves. What better way to listen to God’s word than through Bible study!

Simply Study Bible studies contain the following components:

  • Simply read Repeated readings will help you meditate on truths of God’s word.
  • Simply mark Let loose your creative side as you simply mark the daily scripture reading passage.
  • Simply answer Look back in the scripture to answer questions about the text.
  • Simply reflect Consider what God is speaking to your heart and record your thoughts.
  • Simply act Become a doer of the word as you decide how to apply what you have learned.
  • Simply pray Reflect on your learning and pray how God leads you.

Please view or print the pdf below James study today! Better yet, invite a few friends to join you! Start your own Simply Study Bible study in your own home or favorite coffee shop!

Focus deeply.
One book at a time.
One day at a time.
Simply Study.

Leave me a comments below! I’d love to hear about what you have learned while you simply study!

all rights reserves. copyright 2019

Simply Study: Philippians 4

Welcome to Week 4 of Simply Study: Philippians! We pray you will be blessed by the time you have simply study God’s Word! In Philippians, Paul encourages to pray about everything! What are you praying for today?

Continue reading for more information about Simply Study Bible studies!

Simply Study contains the following parts:

  • Simply read Repeated readings will help you meditate on truths of God’s word.
  • Simply mark Let loose your creative side as you simply mark the daily scripture reading passage.
  • Simply answer Look back in the scripture to answer questions about the text.
  • Simply reflect Consider what God is speaking to your heart and record your thoughts.
  • Simply act Become a doer of the word as you decide how to apply what you have learned.
  • Simply pray Reflect on your learning and pray how God leads you.

Please scroll down to access each week’s Bible study. Better yet, invite a few friends to join you! Start your own Simply Study Bible study in your own home or favorite coffee shop!

Focus deeply.
One book at a time.
One day at a time.
Simply Study.

Leave me a comments below! I’d love to hear about what you have learned while you simply study!

all rights reserves. copyright 2019