To Do-ers List: Day 1, Love God

To doers

Day 1

To Do-ers List: Love God

“37 Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38

God is a list maker.

He made the greatest list known to mankind: The Ten Commandments. Immediately after giving His people the commandments, God reveals the Greatest Commandment. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and with all your strength. What is the heart of the Greatest Commandment? Love. More important than keeping a list of rules is a heart that beats with love for God. The Greatest Commandment is the key to keeping all the other commandments.

Love God.

How do you act when you are in love with someone? You think of them constantly. You spend every moment possible in their presence. You can’t wait to hear from them. You constantly listen for a text or call. You know their voice anywhere. You find ways to please them. You learn everything you can about your Love.Love God 1

Loving God.

First on our To Do-ers List is love God. How will that look for you? How will you love God at work, at home, while running errands? How will you direct your thoughts God-ward? When will you be in His presence? How will you listen for His voice? What will you do to learn about Him?

Perhaps you feel anxious about today’s To Do-ers List because you know you don’t love God as you should. Talk to Him. Tell Him you are willing to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. He will change your heart. Don’t wait for your feelings. Do the love thing.

For Today:

Spend a few moments in prayer. Ask God to help you love Him with all your heart. He will give you a new heart that beats only for Him. Look for ways to show your love for God in everything you do today.

Use the To-Doers List Study Guide or a journaling app to plan and journal your day.


Below are a few resources to help you spend time with Him.

Don’t forget to leave a comment in the comment section below or leave a comment on our private To Do-ers List Facebook page.

Love God.

Have a blessed day.


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copyright 2015.



Pray Your Way Through 2011

Perhaps one of your New Year’s goals is to pray more. Well, January is a good time to pray and ask God what major issues or topics He wants you to zero in on for the year. Of course, as the year goes along, you’ll find plenty of things, people and situations to pray for. But right now we can all take some time to seek God on what ongoing requests He wants you to focus on for 2011. Mary and I were just talking about this the other day and decided to share our Top 6 Prayer List of what we’re focusing on this year.

Top 6 Prayer List for 2011

1.     Pray that we can love God with all our hearts. (Deuteronomy 6:5)

2.     Pray that we can believe God to do big things in our lives. (Ephesians 3:20,21)

3.     Pray for perseverance. (2 Peter 1:5-7)

4.     Pray for persecuted Christians. (2Thessalonians 3:1-2)

5.     Pray for justice for the oppressed. (Psalm 103:6)

6.     Pray that we would be developing and using our God-given gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

You may be led to similar prayer goals, or God may reveal to you totally different goals. One of the challenges with goals is actually doing them or keeping them. What I decided to do to help keep these fresh before me for the whole year is to write each goal on its own index card and keep it in my prayer card file. I’ll use a larger 4 x 6 size card. (See Ready, Set, Pray if you need suggestions to help you establish a prayer time.) As I go through the year, I’m going to record any specific requests or how I see God working in these areas on the appropriate cards.

Set aside some time tonight or over the weekend to ask God what your prayer priorities should be this year. If you want to share any of your prayer goals for the year, just leave a comment. We’d love to hear them.

Click to listen to the Pray Your Way Through 2011 podcast.

Pray on!