Walk Like an Ephesian Part 6: The Mystery by Mary Kane

ID-100146886Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, and Miss Marple are some of our most beloved fictional detectives. Everyone enjoys a good mystery! God is also fond of a good mystery! To unlock the mystery of Ephesians chapter 3 , please click on the link:  The Mystery


Image courtesy of stockimages/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Wounded Lives. Healed Hearts. Week 5: Worry or Peace?

Jane and I welcome you to Lesson Five of Wounded Lives. Healed Hearts. We are very excited to join you during this journey into encouragement and healing. Jane and I are praying this week that you will come to Jesus and lay down your burdens. It is His will that we find rest and peace in Him.

Weekly Homework

Each week we will add your assignments to a password-protected post. Look for the password every Tuesday evening in your email. Below you will find homework for each level of study. Feel free to change from Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3  as your schedule allows! Remember, there is no pressure to complete every activity. These are just options for your growth. They can be accessed at any time, even after the study ends.Week 5 Healed jpeg

Level 1, Study: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 5, watch the video posted below: Endless Distractions
  • Complete pages 71-84 in Luke: Discovering Healing in Jesus’ Words to Women.
  • Feel free to do any of the other activities from Levels 2 and 3 as your time allows.

Level 2, Community: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 5, watch the video posted below: Endless Distractions
  • Complete pages 71-84 in Luke: Discovering Healing in Jesus’ Words to Women.
  • Answer the question on the Speak Your Mind comment section at the bottom of this post.
  • Don’t forget to check out our private Facebook page. Leave your comments about this week’s study, post your prayer requests, or share any insights/questions you may have. Only members of our Bible study group will see these posts.
  • Join the Community Call, Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. EST on Talk Shoe (Information on TalkShoe is in your weekly email.)

 Level 3, Opportunity: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 5, watch the video posted below: Endless Distractions
  • Complete pages 71-84 in Luke: Discovering Healing in Jesus’ Words to Women.
  • Answer the question on the Speak Your Mind comment section at the bottom of this post, join the Community Call on Wednesday night on TalkShoe, and listen to the Podcast at the link provided up above.
  • Complete the Digging Deeper questions in the margins of each lesson.
  • Don’t forget to check out our private Facebook page. Leave your comments about this week’s study, post your prayer requests, or share any insights/questions you may have. Only members of our Bible study group will see these posts.
  • Take advantage of the Help for Healing resources by clicking on the links below:

Rest In Peace Bible Study

My Peace I Give You Blog

 Joyce Meyer Moving Beyond Worry

Week Five Video


We pray that God, the author of peace will use this music to help you rest in Him:


Questions of the Week (Please respond in the Speak Your Mind section at the very bottom of this page).

What specific action will you take this week to show that you are resting in Christ concerning a present challenge?


Wounded Lives. Healed Hearts. Week 4: A Beautiful Voice

Header. jpegJane and I welcome you to Lesson Four of Wounded Lives. Healed Hearts. We are very excited to join you during this journey into encouragement  and healing. This week Jane and I pray that you will speak God’s beautiful Word into your life and the lives of those around you.

We are at the halfway point of this study, and just in case you need a bit of encouragement to keep going, we’ve recorded a lighthearted video to spur you on with your study!


Weekly Homework

Each week we will add your assignments to a password-protected post. Look for the password every Tuesday evening in your email. Below you will find homework for each level of study. Feel free to change from Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3  as your schedule allows! Remember, there is no pressure to complete every activity. These are just options for your growth. They can be accessed at any time, even after the study ends.

Level 1, Study: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 4, watch the video posted below: Find Your Voice
  • Complete pages 57-70 in Luke: Discovering Healing in Jesus’ Words to Women.
  • Feel free to do any of the other activities from Levels 2 and 3 as your time allows.

Level 2, Community: Weekly Goals Week 4 Healed jpeg

  • For Week 4, watch the video posted below:: Find Your Voice
  • Complete pages 57-70 in Luke: Discovering Healing in Jesus’ Words to Women.
  • Answer the question on the Speak Your Mind comment section at the bottom of this post.
  • Don’t forget to check out our private Facebook page. Leave your comments about this week’s study, post your prayer requests, or share any insights/questions you may have. Only members of our Bible study group will see these posts.
  • Join the Community Call, Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. EST on Talk Shoe (Information on TalkShoe is in your weekly email.)

 Level 3, Opportunity: Weekly Goals 

  • For Week 4, watch the video posted below: Find Your Voice
  • Complete pages 57-70 in Luke: Discovering Healing in Jesus’ Words to Women.
  • Answer the question on the Speak Your Mind comment section at the bottom of this post, and join the Community Call on Wednesday night on TalkShoe.
  • Complete the Digging Deeper questions in the margins of each lesson.
  • Don’t forget to check out our private Facebook page. Leave your comments about this week’s study, post your prayer requests, or share any insights/questions you may have. Only members of our Bible study group will see these posts.
  • Take advantage of the Help for Healing resources by clicking on the links below:

You Are What You Speak

Speaking the Truth in Love


Week Four Video


For your listening pleasure please listen to Ancient Words by Michael W. Smith:



Questions of the Week (Please respond in the Speak Your Mind section at the very bottom of this page).

In what area of life or significant relationship do you need to speak the truth of God’s Word? How will you accomplish this?

Lent: Repentance and Examen

Test-me-O-Lord-and-tryLent is a time of self-examination and self-denial to prepare for Easter.

It’s natural to want to minimize these difficult days leading up to Resurrection Sunday, but then we would miss the whole purpose of Lent. We need to pause and sit with all the things that happened during Jesus’ last 40 days on earth. And we need to pause and sit with ourselves too. We need to see what should be adopted, eradicated, improved upon, and otherwise changed to make us ready for Easter.

Prayer of Examen

For the remainder of this week of Lent, we will focus on repentance and an ancient practice introduced by St. Ignatius called Examen. Examen is exactly what it sounds like. It is an in-depth prayer that helps us to examine ourselves. In the process we may be able to better discern God’s will, find God in all things, and enhance our understanding of God’s creation. This discipline should be done at the end of the day so that you can analyze how your day went. Don’t let the words discipline and analyze scare you. The process can be completed in as little as 10 minutes if you don’t have much time. Try to do it at least two evenings this week, more often if you are able.

Here is a link that will take you to the short Prayer of Examen tutorial. It’s a simple, yet effective process. If you want to, you can journal your answers to the questions, or you can complete them without pen and paper. Feel free to share any of your thoughts in the comment section below.

Pray on!


Syncing My Soul


“Prayer is the constant calibration of the soul.”

                                 Bob Sorge in Secrets of the Secret Place

So much about prayer is shrouded in mystery. While God makes it clear that prayer is a backbone of the Christian life,  how He uses our prayers remains a mystery to us. And perhaps He wants it that way. After all, the idea is to pray and let the Holy Spirit worry about the results.

But as soon as I read the above quote, I couldn’t get it out of my head and heart. I had to come back to it and reread it Callibration screen shotseveral times, letting it sink in. What was God trying to tell me?

The word calibration intrigued me. I have a vague sense of the meaning, but I looked it up to clarify. Wikipedia shares this definition of calibration:

  •          Calibration is a comparison between measurements — one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device. The device with the known or assigned correctness is called the standard. The second device is the unit under test, test instrument, or any of several other names for the device being calibrated.

Wow! When I look at this definition through a spiritual lens as an analogy to prayer, the implications are eye-opening.

  1. God is our first “measurement” of correctness, the standard, and people are the second measurement, made in as similar a way as possible to Him. Indeed, Genesis 5:1 tells us that “when God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.”
  2. We also see that people are “the unit under test.” Isn’t that interesting? Deuteronomy 8:2 and several other places in the Bible tell us that God does test us: “Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.”

God tests us to see if we are on the same page as He is, willing to obey Him. Because of sin, we know that often times our rebellious hearts are “doin’ their own thing.” I know that too many times I have made my own plans, and I don’t really want to know if God likes them — or not.

Here is where the calibration part becomes life-changing:

When I take the time each day to come before God and pray, He is able to calibrate my heart so that I start to align my plans with His. Through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, He is able to bring me, the unit under test, up to His standard. How amazing is that?

That’s one reason why prayer is so important to a Christ-follower. If we don’t daily sync our souls with Jesus, we run an increasing risk of getting off track and running out of power. We need that daily calibration to protect us.

How about you? Have you ever felt God calibrate your soul to His in an obvious way? I’d love to hear your story. Just share it below in the comment section.

Pray on!

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calibration




Wounded Lives. Healed Hearts. Enrollment Page

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Imagine doing your Bible study with your small group without ever having to leave the comfort of  your home, dorm room — or back deck (if you live in a warm clime!). If this sounds like your kind of study, we would love for you to join our eight-week online Bible study, Wounded Lives. Healed Hearts  by Sue Edwards, which begins February 19th.

This Bible study will:

  • help you realize your incredible value and worth in Christ;
  • challenge you to seek and receive the healing Jesus longs to give you for your wounded life and injured heart;
  • empower you to spend face-to-face time with Jesus;
  • inspire you to do the work  that God wants to accomplish through everyday people like you and me.

Order Your Materials and Register

In order to participate in the study you must 1) order the book at CBD or Amazon, or purchase it at the Grace Church counter at Mary’s church and 2) sign up through the registration link below (registration is only $5).

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email link to confirm your registration. You must click on the link to be enrolled in the Bible study. Each week, for the duration of the study,  you will receive an email that contains the weekly Bible study page password and Community Call information. Look for your email every Tuesday night.

Thanks so much for your participation. Feel free to invite your friends! Please click on the link below to register and pay. You will be given the option to pay either with Pay Pal or with your credit card. If you don’t have a PayPal account, simply click the option that says “Check Out.” Clicking on that will then open another screen and one of your options will say: “Don’t have a PayPal account?” Click on this option, which will bring up a screen that will let you either pay with a regular credit card or open a PayPal account.Questions or problems with registration? Click on this contact button to email Jane. God bless you and thank you!

Register for the Bible Study on this Buy Now link:

We’ve included a link below to the CBD online bookstore if your prefer to purchase your materials this way.

44310X: Luke: Discover Together Bible Study Luke: Discover Together Bible Study By Sue Edwards / Kregel PublicationsHave you ever felt undervalued, unappreciated, or just “little”? We all have. The Gospel of Luke was written especially for us to show that God does his great work through people like us. Join Sue Edwards on this inductive study of Luke. As she focuses on particular encounters Jesus had with first-century women, you will have your own encounter with Jesus and learn how truly valuable you are to him. The video lessons are on YouTube and can be accessed through the website www.discovertogetherseries.com or by using the QR codes found in the study guide. Free leader’s guide also available on website, www.discovertogetherseries.com.