Not snakes. Not mice. Not bats. Spiders. I am afraid of spiders. They are ugly. They have EIGHT creepy eyes (What has eight eyes?) They are hairy. They pop up when you least expect them and are gone when you return to kill them. Worst of all— they crunch when you hit them. Ugghhh! But […]
Short & Sweet: 5 Ways to Fear God, Not Man
Back to School,Obey the Rules
To Do-ers List Bible Study: Back to School, Obey the Rules Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey — whether slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? Roman 6:16 Slave to Fear […]
Take 5! Fear and Faith
Short & Sweet: I am by Mary Kane
Unlikely Heroes: Gideon
Superman … Batman … Wonder Woman. How would you describe your favorite super hero? Would you choose the words weak, fearful or least? Probably not! Yet these words are used to describe one of the great heroes of the Bible. Gideon is a hero–a very unlikely hero. To do the study Unlikely Heroes: Gideon, please […]