Praying for Your Teens Part 1

Mary Kane

Join Mary Kane and Jane VanOsdol as they discuss the popular topic of Praying for Your Teens.

In this two-part podcast, Mary and Jane discuss the issues that affect teens’ lives–and their parents’. They’ll cover the topics of spiritual growth, physical safety, health, relationships, jobs, education and their futures.

The teen years are critical years for kids. Decisions they make now can affect them for better or for worse for years to come. Don’t send your kids out “unprayed”! Learn how to pray for them as you traverse these years with them. Mary and Jane also feature several of their favorite resources that they’ve used through the teen years with their children.

Jane VanOsdol



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In this devotional book, Jane’s daughter, Amber, is a contributing author.

526058: This Is Now: A Girl-to-Girl Devotional for Teens This Is Now: A Girl-to-Girl Devotional for Teens
By Patti M. Hummel

Life-Long Learners

“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”

Life-Long Learners


Jane VanOsdol

We also needed to make sure we had our school supplies, book bags (there weren’t back packs in the 60s and 70s) and lunch boxes ready to go. After accumulating all of these things, I can remember being so excited that I could barely sleep the night before school started. Off I went the next morning, ready to see my friends and crack open my new books.

As we prepare to start the 2009-2010 school year, I think about the excitement with which I approached my learning as a child. I still love to learn new things at this stage of my life. I have taken several online classes and studied subjects on my own. Part of that love of learning extends to the Bible. Even though the Bible was written a long time ago, it is still just as applicable to life today as it was when it was written. Just as 2 + 2 will always =4, so, too, will the words of the Bible always = truth.

As we send our children back to school this year, let’s use this time to also send ourselves back to school and continue our education in God’s Word.

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